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Publicações por LIAAD


The Competition on Automatic Classification of Literary Epochs

Rabaev, I; Litvak, M; Younkin, V; Campos, R; Jorge, AM; Jatowt, A;

Proceedings of the IACT - The 1st International Workshop on Implicit Author Characterization from Texts for Search and Retrieval held in conjunction with the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, July 27, 2023.

This paper describes the shared task on Automatic Classification of Literary Epochs (CoLiE) held as a part of the 1st International Workshop on Implicit Author Characterization from Texts for Search and Retrieval (IACT’23) held at SIGIR 2023. The competition aimed to enhance the capabilities of large-scale analysis and cross-comparative studies of literary texts by automating their classification into the respective epochs. We believe that the competition contributed to the field of information retrieval by exposing the first large benchmark dataset and the first study’s results with various methods applied to this dataset. This paper presents the details of the contest, the dataset used, the evaluation procedure, and an overview of participating methods. © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.


TEI2GO: A Multilingual Approach for Fast Temporal Expression Identification

Sousa, H; Campos, R; Jorge, A;


Temporal expression identification is crucial for understanding texts written in natural language. Although highly effective systems such as HeidelTime exist, their limited runtime performance hampers adoption in large-scale applications and production environments. In this paper, we introduce the TEI2GO models, matching HeidelTime's effectiveness but with significantly improved runtime, supporting six languages, and achieving state-of-the-art results in four of them. To train the TEI2GO models, we used a combination of manually annotated reference corpus and developed Professor HeidelTime, a comprehensive weakly labeled corpus of news texts annotated with HeidelTime. This corpus comprises a total of 138, 069 documents (over six languages) with 1, 050, 921 temporal expressions, the largest open-source annotated dataset for temporal expression identification to date. By describing how the models were produced, we aim to encourage the research community to further explore, refine, and extend the set of models to additional languages and domains. Code, annotations, and models are openly available for community exploration and use. The models are conveniently on HuggingFace for seamless integration and application.


Proceedings of the IACT - The 1st International Workshop on Implicit Author Characterization from Texts for Search and Retrieval held in conjunction with the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, July 27, 2023

Litvak, M; Rabaev, I; Campos, R; Jorge, AM; Jatowt, A;




ORSUM 2023 - 6th Workshop on Online Recommender Systems and User Modeling

Vinagre, J; Ghossein, MA; Peska, L; Jorge, AM; Bifet, A;

Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2023, Singapore, Singapore, September 18-22, 2023

Modern online platforms for user modeling and recommendation require complex data infrastructures to collect and process data. Some of this data has to be kept to later be used in batches to train personalization models. However, since user activity data can be generated at very fast rates it is also useful to have algorithms able to process data streams online, in real time. Given the continuous and potentially fast change of content, context and user preferences or intents, stream-based models, and their synchronization with batch models can be extremely challenging. Therefore, it is important to investigate methods able to transparently and continuously adapt to the inherent dynamics of user interactions, preferably over long periods of time. Models able to continuously learn from such flows of data are gaining attention in the recommender systems community, and are being increasingly deployed in online platforms. However, many challenges associated with learning from streams need further investigation. The objective of this workshop is to foster contributions and bring together a growing community of researchers and practitioners interested in online, adaptive approaches to user modeling, recommendation and personalization, and their implications regarding multiple dimensions, such as reproducibility, privacy, fairness, diversity, transparency, auditability, and compliance with recently adopted or upcoming legal frameworks worldwide. © 2023 Owner/Author.


Tweet2Story: Extracting Narratives from Twitter

Campos, V; Campos, R; Jorge, A;


Topics discussed on social media platforms contain a disparate amount of information written in colloquial language, making it difficult to understand the narrative of the topic. In this paper, we take a step forward, towards the resolution of this problem by proposing a framework that performs the automatic extraction of narratives from a document, such as tweet posts. To this regard, we propose a methodology that extracts information from the texts through a pipeline of tasks, such as co-reference resolution and the extraction of entity relations. The result of this process is embedded into an annotation file to be used by subsequent operations, such as visualization schemas. We named this framework Tweet2Story and measured its effectiveness under an evaluation schema that involved three different aspects: (i) as an Open Information extraction (OpenIE) task, (ii) by comparing the narratives of manually annotated news articles linked to tweets about the same topic and (iii) by comparing their knowledge graphs, produced by the narratives, in a qualitative way. The results obtained show a high precision and a moderate recall, on par with other OpenIE state-of-the-art frameworks and confirm that the narratives can be extracted from small texts. Furthermore, we show that the narrative can be visualized in an easily understandable way.


Event Extraction for Portuguese: A QA-Driven Approach Using ACE-2005

Cunha, LF; Campos, R; Jorge, A;


Event extraction is an Information Retrieval task that commonly consists of identifying the central word for the event (trigger) and the event's arguments. This task has been extensively studied for English but lags behind for Portuguese, partly due to the lack of task-specific annotated corpora. This paper proposes a framework in which two separated BERT-based models were fine-tuned to identify and classify events in Portuguese documents. We decompose this task into two sub-tasks. Firstly, we use a token classification model to detect event triggers. To extract event arguments, we train a Question Answering model that queries the triggers about their corresponding event argument roles. Given the lack of event annotated corpora in Portuguese, we translated the original version of the ACE-2005 dataset (a reference in the field) into Portuguese, producing a new corpus for Portuguese event extraction. To accomplish this, we developed an automatic translation pipeline. Our framework obtains F1 marks of 64.4 for trigger classification and 46.7 for argument classification setting, thus a new state of the art reference for these tasks in Portuguese.

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