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Publicações por António Lucas Soares


From project's information management to project-based organizational learning: The role of knowledge sharing

Vaz Almeida, M; Soares, AL;

Handbook of Research on Effective Project Management through the Integration of Knowledge and Innovation

Project-based organizations have characteristics that raise additional barriers to information management, knowledge sharing, and to organizational learning. The main causes of this are inadequate information architectures and governance, poor collaborative culture, and lack of organization-wide information management strategies. This chapter presents a comprehensive basis to understand the information and knowledge-sharing practices in PBO, as well as the methods and tools that information professionals and project managers should have in mind when performing their tasks. For that, literatures are reviewed focusing on the explanation of the processes of knowledge creation and sharing leading to organizational learning. The main conclusion is that a knowledge-sharing strategy in a PBO should include a set of mechanisms that address a customized mix of the codification and personalization dimensions and that strategies for collaborative information management should be used as enablers for embedding knowledge sharing within the organizational practices and culture.


Risk and visibility in supply chains: An information management perspective

Messina, D; Soares, AL; Santos, C; Barros, AC;

Handbook of Research on Information Management for Effective Logistics and Supply Chains

The emergence of complex supply chains is one of the most important consequences of globalization. The management of these supply chains requires increased efforts by organizations that, on one hand, are increasingly pressured by customers in terms of service levels, on the other hand, must manage their suppliers from various locations and with different local requirements. In this context, an appropriate management of information flows is needed to create the adequate visibility level for managing supply chain risk. This chapter presents an overview on the concepts of risk management, visibility and information management in supply chains. This study proposes a conceptual framework for the selection of risk mitigation strategies in the supply chain and characterizes the external and internal information flows decision makers need to implement two categories of risk mitigation strategies: redundancy and flexibility. © 2017, IGI Global.


Collaborative Networks as Ways to Improve Cross-sector Collaboration in Social Innovation: An Exploratory Study

Borges, MA; Soares, AL; Dandolini, GA;


Social innovation is presented as a viable alternative to incite systemic changes related to sustainability in its three dimensions (social, environmental and economic), to involve the government, companies and, above all, civil society. In order to understand the development of social innovation in Brazil and Portugal, and to promote cross-sector collaboration, we have conducted several case studies involving centers for social innovation in both countries. The data analysis demonstrates that collaboration between sectors and the construction of collaborative networks is as a key element in the development and sustainability of social innovation. In spite of this, in practice the construction of these networks is not trivial, there is the need to manage these networks innovatively. The literature review points out the key enablers for cross-sector collaboration in the context of social innovation, the alignment of values and goals, mutual trust, commitment and bridge leadership.


On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Workshops

Meersman, R; Panetto, H; Mishra, A; Valencia-García, R; Soares, AL; Ciuciu, I; Ferri, F; Weichhart, G; Moser, T; Bezzi, M; Chan, H;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science



Handbook of research on information management for effective logistics and supply chains

Jamil, GL; Soares, AL; Pessoa, CRM;

Handbook of Research on Information Management for Effective Logistics and Supply Chains

Evaluating the role of logistics and supply chain management skills or applications is necessary for the success of any organization or business. As market competition becomes more aggressive, it is crucial to evaluate ways in which a business can maintain a strategic edge over competitors. The Handbook of Research on Information Management for Effective Logistics and Supply Chains highlights strategies, tools, and skills necessary for supply management within organizations and companies. Featuring best practices and empirical research within the field, this handbook is a critical reference source for scholars, practitioners, researchers, information systems and telecommunication specialists, and managers.


Knowledge sharing in project-based organizations: Overcoming the informational limbo

Almeida, MV; Soares, AL;


Project-based organizations (PBO) are nowadays widespread in almost all the activity sectors. This type of organizations poses complex problems for information and knowledge management due to the fragmentation and lack of uniformity of organizational structures, processes, practices, and technologies. The ineffectiveness of knowledge sharing over time, between project teams, is perhaps the most prominent issue that PBO must deal with. This strongly affects organizational learning, which seems to under-deliver value to PBO. Therefore, relevant knowledge is trapped in an "informational limbo" out of reach, not being capitalized for the organization. This is particularly true in research and development (R&D) institutions, where knowledge sharing can be hindered by conceptual misunderstandings resulting from different disciplines, cultures and ways of working of project participants. This paper addresses such issues by analyzing, in a comprehensive way, how information and knowledge management can better suit project team's needs and at the same time improve organizational learning. An ethnographic study, based on immersed participant observation, is performed at a Portuguese R&D Institute, in order to understand the link between the way information is managed in a project and how people interact and learn by sharing knowledge between projects. Results provide a set of enterprise information management (EIM) recommendations. Findings also suggest that a PBO-wide EIM strategy, balancing knowledge codification and personalization mechanisms, is a feasible solution to overcome the problems of knowledge sharing in PBO. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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