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Publicações por Miguel Gonçalves Areias


Message from the General Chairs: SBAC-PAD 2020

Areias, M; Barbosa, J; Dutra, I;

Proceedings - Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing




Rocha, R; Formisano, A; Liu, YA; Areias, M; Angelopoulos, N; Bogaerts, B; Dodaro, C; Alviano, M; Brik, A; Vennekens, J; Pozzato, GL; Zhou, NF; Dahl, V; Fodor, P;

Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS



Towards an elastic lock-free hash trie design

Areias, M; Rocha, R;

Proceedings - 2021 20th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISPDC 2021

A key aspect of any hash map design is the problem of dynamically resizing it in order to deal with hash collisions. In this context, elasticity refers to the ability to automatically resize the internal data structures that support the hash map operations in order to meet varying workloads, thus optimizing the overall memory consumption of the hash map. This work extends a previous lock-free hash trie design to support elastic hashing, i.e., expand saturated hash levels and compress unused hash levels, such that, at each point in time, the number of levels in a path matches the current demand as closely as possible. Experimental results show that elasticity effectively improves the search operation and, in doing so, our design becomes very competitive when compared to other state-of-the-art designs implemented in Java. © 2021 IEEE.


On the correctness of a lock-free compression-based elastic mechanism for a hash trie design

Areias, M; Rocha, R;


A key aspect of any hash map design is the problem of dynamically resizing it in order to deal with hash collisions. Compression in tree-based hash maps is the ability of reducing the depth of the internal hash levels that support the hash map. In this context, elasticity refers to the ability of automatically resizing the internal data structures that support the hash map operations in order to meet varying workloads, thus optimizing the overall memory consumption of the hash map. This work extends a previous lock-free hash trie map design to support elastic hashing, i.e., expand saturated hash levels and compress unused hash levels, such that, at each point in time, the number of levels in a path is adjusted, as closely as possible, to the set of keys that is stored in the data structure. To materialize our design, we introduce a new compress operation for hash levels, which requires redesigning the existing search, insert, remove and expand operations in order to maintain the lock-freedom property of the data structure. Experimental results show that elasticity effectively improves the search operation and, in doing so, our design becomes very competitive when compared to other state-of-the-art designs implemented in Java.


On Extending a Linear Tabling Framework to Support Batched Scheduling

Areias, M; Rocha, R;

1st Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2012, Braga, Portugal, June 21-22, 2012

Tabled evaluation is a recognized and powerful technique that overcomes some limitations of traditional Prolog systems in dealing with recursion and redundant sub-computations. During tabled execution, several decisions have to be made. These are determined by the scheduling strategy. Whereas a strategy can achieve very good performance for certain applications, for others it might add overheads and even lead to unacceptable inefficiency. The two most successful tabling scheduling strategies are local scheduling and batched scheduling. In previous work, we have developed a framework, on top of the Yap system, that supports the combination of different linear tabling strategies for local scheduling. In this work, we propose the extension of our framework, to support batched scheduling. In particular, we are interested in the two most successful linear tabling strategies, the DRA and DRE strategies. To the best of our knowledge, no single tabling Prolog system supports both strategies simultaneously for batched scheduling.


Towards multi-threaded local tabling using a common table space

Areias, M; Rocha, R;


Multi-threading is currently supported by several well-known Prolog systems providing a highly portable solution for applications that can benefit from concurrency. When multi-threading is combined with tabling, we can exploit the power of higher procedural control and declarative semantics. However, despite the availability of both threads and tabling in some Prolog systems, the implementation of these two features implies complex ties to each other and to the underlying engine. Until now, XSB was the only Prolog system combining multi-threading with tabling. In XSB, tables may be either private or shared between threads. While thread-private tables are easier to implement, shared tables have all the associated issues of locking, synchronization and potential deadlocks. In this paper, we propose an alternative view to XSB's approach. In our proposal, each thread views its tables as private but, at the engine level, we use a common table space where tables are shared among all threads. We present three designs for our common table space approach: No-Sharing (NS) (similar to XSB's private tables), Subgoal-Sharing (SS) and Full-Sharing (FS). The primary goal of this work was to reduce the memory usage for the table space but, our experimental results, using the YapTab tabling system with a local evaluation strategy, show that we can also achieve significant reductions on running time.

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