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Publicações por Nuno Dias


The SAIL dataset of marine atmospheric electric field observations over the Atlantic Ocean

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Amaral, G; Ferreira, A; Camilo, A; Silva, E;


Abstract. A unique dataset of marine atmospheric electric field observations over the Atlantic Ocean is described. The data are relevant not only for atmospheric electricity studies, but more generally for studies of the Earth's atmosphere and climate variability, as well as space-earth interactions studies. In addition to the atmospheric electric field data, the dataset includes simultaneous measurements of other atmospheric  variables, including gamma radiation, visibility, and solar radiation. These ancillary observations not only support interpretation and understanding of the atmospheric electric field data, but are also of interest in themselves. The entire framework from data collection to final derived datasets has been duly documented to ensure traceability and reproducibility of the whole data curation chain. All the data, from raw measurements to final datasets, are preserved in data repositories with a corresponding assigned DOI. Final datasets are available from the Figshare repository ( and computational notebooks containing the code used at every step of the data curation chain are available from the Zenodo repository (

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