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Publicações por João Alexandre Saraiva


Zipping Strategies and Attribute Grammars

Macedo, JN; Viera, M; Saraiva, J;

Functional and Logic Programming - 16th International Symposium, FLOPS 2022, Kyoto, Japan, May 10-12, 2022, Proceedings

Strategic term rewriting and attribute grammars are two powerful programming techniques widely used in language engineering. The former relies on strategies (recursion schemes) to apply term rewrite rules in defining transformations, while the latter is suitable for expressing context-dependent language processing algorithms. Each of these techniques, however, is usually implemented by its own powerful and large processor system. As a result, it makes such systems harder to extend and to combine. We present the embedding of both strategic tree rewriting and attribute grammars in a zipper-based, purely functional setting. The embedding of the two techniques in the same setting has several advantages: First, we easily combine/zip attribute grammars and strategies, thus providing language engineers the best of the two worlds. Second, the combined embedding is easier to maintain and extend since it is written in a concise and uniform setting. We show the expressive power of our library in optimizing Haskell let expressions, expressing several Haskell refactorings and solving several language processing tasks for an Oberon-0 compiler. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Framing Program Repair as Code Completion

Ribeiro, F; Abreu, R; Saraiva, J;


Many techniques have contributed to the advancement of automated program repair, such as: generate and validate approaches, constraint-based solvers and even neural machine translation. Simultaneously, artificial intelligence has allowed the creation of general-purpose pre-trained models that support several downstream tasks. In this paper, we describe a technique that takes advantage of a generative model - CodeGPT - to automatically repair buggy programs by making use of its code completion capabilities. We also elaborate on where to perform code completion in a buggy line and how we circumvent the open-ended nature of code generation to appropriately fit the new code in the original program. Furthermore, we validate our approach on the ManySStuBs4j dataset containing real-world open-source projects and show that our tool is able to fix 1739 programs out of 6415 - a 27% repair rate. The repaired programs range from single-line changes to multiple line modifications. In fact, our technique is able to fix programs which were missing relatively complex expressions prior to being analyzed. In the end, we present case studies that showcase different scenarios our technique was able to handle.


Patterns and Energy Consumption: Design, Implementation, Studies, and Stories

Feitosa, D; Cruz, L; Abreu, R; Fernandes, JP; Couto, M; Saraiva, J;

Software Sustainability

Software patterns are well known to both researchers and practitioners. They emerge from the need to tackle problems that become ever more common in development activities. Thus, it is not surprising that patterns have also been explored as a means to address issues related to energy consumption. In this chapter, we discuss patterns at code and design level and address energy efficiency not only as the main concern of patterns but also as a side effect of patterns that were not originally intended to deal with this problem. We first elaborate on state-of-the-art energy-oriented and general-purpose patterns. Next, we present cases of how patterns appear naturally as part of decisions made in industrial projects. By looking at the two levels of abstraction, we identify recurrent issues and solutions. In addition, we illustrate how patterns take part in a network of interconnected components and address energetic concerns. The reporting and cases discussed in this chapter emphasize the importance of being aware of energy-efficient strategies to make informed decisions, especially when developing sustainable software systems.


WebAssembly versus JavaScript: Energy and Runtime Performance

De Macedo, J; Abreu, R; Pereira, R; Saraiva, J;


The worldwide Web has dramatically evolved in recent years. Web pages are dynamic, expressed by programs written in common programming languages given rise to sophisticated Web applications. Thus, Web browsers are almost operating systems, having to interpret/compile such programs and execute them. Although JavaScript is widely used to express dynamic Web pages, it has several shortcomings and performance inefficiencies. To overcome such limitations, major IT powerhouses are developing a new portable and size/load efficient language: WebAssembly. In this paper, we conduct the first systematic study on the energy and run-time performance of WebAssembly and JavaScript on the Web. We used micro-benchmarks and also real applications in order to have more realistic results. Preliminary results show that WebAssembly, while still in its infancy, is starting to already outperform JavaScript, with much more room to grow. A statistical analysis indicates that WebAssembly produces significant performance differences compared to JavaScript. However, these differences differ between micro-benchmarks and real-world benchmarks. Our results also show that WebAssembly improved energy efficiency by 30%, on average, and showed how different WebAssembly behaviour is among three popular Web Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Our findings indicate that WebAssembly is faster than JavaScript and even more energy-efficient. Additionally, our benchmarking framework is also available to allow further research and replication.


Efficient Embedding of Strategic Attribute Grammars via Memoization

Macedo, JN; Rodrigues, E; Viera, M; Saraiva, J;

Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, PEPM 2023, Boston, MA, USA, January 16-17, 2023

Strategic term re-writing and attribute grammars are two powerful programming techniques widely used in language engineering. The former relies on strategies to apply term re-write rules in defining large-scale language transformations, while the latter is suitable to express context-dependent language processing algorithms. These two techniques can be expressed and combined via a powerful navigation abstraction: generic zippers. This results in a concise zipper-based embedding offering the expressiveness of both techniques. Such elegant embedding has a severe limitation since it recomputes attribute values. This paper presents a proper and efficient embedding of both techniques. First, attribute values are memoized in the zipper data structure, thus avoiding their re-computation. Moreover, strategic zipper based functions are adapted to access such memoized values. We have implemented our memoized embedding as the Ztrategic library and we benchmarked it against the state-of-the-art Strafunski and Kiama libraries. Our first results show that we are competitive against those two well established libraries. © 2023 ACM.


Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA@ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, April 12-13, 2003

Bryant, BR; Saraiva, J;



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