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Publicações por Luís Soares Barbosa


Exploiting the FLOSS paradigm in collaborative e-learning-application to e-Government

Fernandes, S; Cerone, A; Barbosa, LS;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Modern societies face high demands for skilled professionals, able to successfully design, deploy and utilize complex Information Technology (IT) -enabled socio-technical systems at ever-increasing levels of reliability and security. Contrary to traditional education practices, the high-level training required to fulfill this demand should rely on the principle that the learners are themselves responsible for their learning process, that they have control over this process, and that the process aims at developing cross-disciplinary and problem-driven competences, not only at acquiring content knowledge. However, such training requires the presence of a highly interactive, problem-oriented environment for technology-supported learning (or e-learning). This poster presents a doctoral research project, which aims at designing, validating and monitoring a collaborative e-learning environment based on the principles of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). In order to validate its outcomes, the project will rely on two real-life professional training programs: in Software Engineering for software managers and in e-Government for public managers. The poster presents the objectives, research methodology and expected results from this project. Copyright 2012 ACM.


On refinement of generic state-based software components

Meng, S; Barbosa, LS;


This paper characterizes refinement of state-based software components modelled as pointed coalgebras for some Set endofunctors. The proposed characterization is parametric on a specification of the underlying behaviour model introduced as a strong monad. This provides a basis to reason about (and transform) state-based software designs.


A language for behavioural modelling of architectural patterns

Sanchez, A; Barbosa, LS; Riesco, D;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

The complexity of interactions governing the coordination of loosely-coupled services, which forms the core of current software, brought behavioural issues up to the front of architectural concerns. This paper takes such a challenge seriously by lifting typical behaviour modelling techniques to the specification of both types and instances of architectural patterns in which the later ones are connected by ports that behave according to a water flow metaphor. A specific language is introduced for this purpose as well as a translator to mCRL2 so that the simulation and analysis techniques available in the corresponding toolset can be used to reason about (the behavioural layer of) software architectures. The approach is illustrated in a few examples. Copyright 2011 ACM.


Towards the introduction of QoS information in a component model

Meng, S; Barbosa, LS;

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

Assuring Quality of Service (QoS) properties is critical in the development of component-based distributed systems. This paper presents an approach to introduce QoS constraints into a coalgebraic model of software components. Such constraints are formally captured through the concept of a Q-algebra which, in its turn, can be smoothly integrated in the definition of component combinators. © 2010 ACM.


A type-level approach to component prototyping

Barbosa, L; Cunha, J; Visser, J;

SYANCO'07: International Workshop on Synthesis and Analysis of Component Connectors - In conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE Joint Meeting

Algebraic theories for modeling components and their interactions offer abstraction over the specifics of component states and interfaces. For example, such theories deal with forms of sequential composition of two components in a manner independent of the type of data stored in the states of the components, and independent of the number and types of methods offered by the interfaces of the combinators. General purpose programming languages do not offer this level of abstraction, which implies that a gap must be bridged when turning component models into implementations. In this paper, we present an approach to prototyping of component-based systems that employs so-called type-level programming (or compile-time computation) to bridge the gap between abstract component models and their type-safe implementation in a functional programming language. We demonstrate our approach using Barbosa's model of components as generalized Mealy machines. For this model, we develop a combinator library in Haskell, which uses type-level programming with two effects. Firstly, wiring between components is computed during compilation. Secondly, the well-formedness of the component compositions is guarded by Haskell's strong type system. Copyright 2007 ACM.


UML Model Refactoring as Refinement: A Coalgebraic Perspective

Barbosa, LS; Meng, S;


Although increasingly popular, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) still lacks suitable formal foundations on top of which rigorous methodologies for the description, analysis and transformation of models could be built. This paper aims to contribute in this direction: building on previous work by the authors on coalgebraic refinement for software components and architectures, it discusses refactoring of models within a coalgebraic semantic framework. Architectures are defined through aggregation based on a coalgebraic semantics for (subsets of) UML. On the other hand, such aggregations, no matter how large and complex they are, can always be dealt with as coalgebras themselves. This paves the way to a discipline of models, transformations which, being invariant under either behavioural equivalence or refinement, are able to formally capture a large number of refactoring patterns. The main ideas underlying this research are presented through a detailed example in the context of refactoring of UML class diagrams.

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