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Publicações por Hugo Pereira Pacheco


Towards a framework for multidirectional model transformations

Macedo, N; Cunha, A; Pacheco, H;

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

The Query/View/Transformation Relations (QVT-R) standard for bidirectional model transformation is notorious for its underspecified semantics. When restricted to transformations between pairs of models, most of the ambiguities and omissions have been addressed in recent work. Nevertheless, the application of the QVT-R language is not restricted to that scenario, and similar issues remain unexplored for the multidirectional case (maintaining consistency between more than two models), that has been overlooked so far. In this paper we first discuss ambiguities and omissions in the QVT-R standard concerning the mutidirectional transformation scenario, and then propose a simple extension and formalization of the checking and enforcement semantics that clarifies some of them. We also discuss how such proposal could be implemented in our Echo bidirectional model transformation tool. Ours is just a small step towards making QVT-R a viable language for bidirectional transformation in realistic applications, and a considerable amount of basic research is still needed to fully accomplish that goal.


Writing bidirectional model transformations as intentional updates

Zan, T; Pacheco, H; Hu, Z;

36th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE '14, Companion Proceedings, Hyderabad, India, May 31 - June 07, 2014

Model synchronization plays an important role in modeldriven software development. Bidirectional model transformation approaches provide techniques for developers to specify the bidirectional relationship between source and target models, while keeping related models synchronized for free. Since models of interest are usually not in a one-to-one correspondence, this synchronization process is inherently ambiguous. Nevertheless, existing bidirectional model transformation tools focus mainly on enforcing consistency and provide developers only limited control over how models are synchronized, solving the latent ambiguity via default strategies whose behavior is unclear to developers. In this paper, we propose a novel approach in which developers write update programs that succinctly describe how a target model can be used to update a source model, such that the bidirectional behavior is fully determined. The new approach mitigates the unpredictability of existing solutions, by enabling a finer and more transparent control of what a bidirectional transformation does, and suggests a research direction for building more robust bidirectional model transformation tools. Copyright © 2014 ACM.


Validity Checking of Putback Transformations in Bidirectional Programming

Hu, Z; Pacheco, H; Fischer, S;

FM 2014: Formal Methods - 19th International Symposium, Singapore, May 12-16, 2014. Proceedings



Monadic combinators for "Putback" style bidirectional programming

Pacheco, H; Hu, Z; Fischer, S;

Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation, PEPM 2014, January 20-21, 2014, San Diego, California, USA

Bidirectional transformations, in particular lenses, are programs with a forward get transformation and a backward putback transformation that keep source and view data types synchronized. Several bidirectional programming languages exist to aid programmers in writing a (sort of) forward transformation, and deriving a backward transformation for free. However, the maintainability offered by such languages comes at the cost of expressiveness and (more importantly) predictability because the ambiguity of synchronization -handled by the putback transformation- is solved by default strategies over which programmers have little control. In this paper, we argue that controlling such ambiguity is essential for bidirectional transformations and propose a novel language in which programmers write a (sort of) putback transformation, and get the unique get transformation for free. Like traditional bidirectional languages, our put-oriented language allows reasoning about the correctness of defined transformations from the properties of their building blocks. But it allows programmers to describe the behavior of a bidirectional transformation much more precisely, while retaining the maintainability of writing a single program. We demonstrate the practical power of the new approach through a series of examples, ranging from simple ones that illustrate traditional lenses to complex ones for which our putback-based approach is central to specifying nontrivial update strategies. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.1 [Programming Techniques]: Applicative (Functional) Programming; D.3.1 [Programming Languages]: Formal Definitions and Theory; F.3.2 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Semantics of Programming Languages-Algebraic approaches to semantics.


The essence of bidirectional programming

Fischer, S; Hu, Z; Pacheco, H;

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences



BiFluX: A Bidirectional Functional Update Language for XML

Pacheco, H; Zan, T; Hu, Z;

Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom, September 8-10, 2014

Different XML formats are widely used for data exchange and processing, being often necessary to mutually convert between them. Standard XML transformation languages, like XSLT or XQuery, are unsatisfactory for this purpose since they require writing a separate transformation for each direction. Existing bidirectional transformation languages mean to cover this gap, by allowing programmers to write a single program that denotes both transformations. However, they often 1) induce a more cumbersome programming style than their traditionally unidirectional relatives, to establish the link between source and target formats, and 2) offer limited configurability, by making implicit assumptions about how modifications to both formats should be translated that may not be easy to predict. This paper proposes a bidirectional XML update language called BIFLUX (BIdirectional FunctionaL Updates for XML), inspired by the FLUX XML update language. Our language adopts a novel bidirectional programming by update paradigm, where a program succinctly and precisely describes how to update a source document with a target document, in an intuitive way, such that there is a unique "inverse" source query for each update program. BIFLUX extends FLUX with bidirectional actions that describe the connection between source and target formats. We introduce a core BIFLUX language, with a clear and well-behaved bidirectional semantics and a decidable static type system based on regular expression types.

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