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Publicações por Hugo Pereira Pacheco


Multifocal: A Strategic Bidirectional Transformation Language for XML Schemas

Pacheco, H; Cunha, A;

Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 5th International Conference, ICMT 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, May 28-29, 2012. Proceedings

Lenses are one of the most popular approaches to define bidirectional transformations between data models. However, writing a lens transformation typically implies describing the concrete steps that convert values in a source schema to values in a target schema. In contrast, many XML-based languages allow writing structure-shy programs that manipulate only specific parts of XML documents without having to specify the behavior for the remaining structure. In this paper, we propose a structure-shy bidirectional two-level transformation language for XML Schemas, that describes generic type-level transformations over schema representations coupled with value-level bidirectional lenses for document migration. When applying these two-level programs to particular schemas, we employ an existing algebraic rewrite system to optimize the automatically-generated lens transformations, and compile them into Haskell bidirectional executables. We discuss particular examples involving the generic evolution of recursive XML Schemas, and compare their performance gains over non-optimized definitions. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


Algebraic Specialization of Generic Functions for Recursive Types

Cunha, A; Pacheco, H;

Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.

Defining functions over large, possibly recursive, data structures usually involves a lot of boilerplate. This code simply traverses non-interesting parts of the data, and rapidly becomes a maintainability problem. Many generic programming libraries have been proposed to address this issue. Most of them allow the user to specify the behavior just for the interesting bits of the structure, and provide traversal combinators to "scrap the boilerplate". The expressive power of these libraries usually comes at the cost of efficiency, since runtime checks are used to detect where to apply the type-specific behavior. In previous work we have developed an effective rewrite system for specialization and optimization of generic programs. In this paper we extend it to also cover recursive data types. The key idea is to specialize traversal combinators using well-known recursion patterns, such as folds or paramorphisms. These are ruled by a rich set of algebraic laws that enable aggressive optimizations. We present a type-safe encoding of this rewrite system in Haskell, based on recent language extensions such as type-indexed type families.


Calculating with lenses: optimising bidirectional transformations

Pacheco, H; Cunha, A;

Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, PEPM 2011, Austin, TX, USA, January 24-25, 2011

This paper presents an equational calculus to reason about bidirectional transformations specified in the point-free style. In particular, it focuses on the so-called lenses as a bidirectional idiom, and shows that many standard laws characterising point-free combinators and recursion patterns are also valid in that setting. A key result is that uniqueness also holds for bidirectional folds and unfolds, thus unleashing the power of fusion as a program optimisation technique. A rewriting system for automatic lens optimisation is also presented, to prove the usefulness of the proposed calculus. © 2011 ACM.


Coupled schema transformation and data conversion for XML and SQL

Berdaguer, P; Cunha, A; Pacheco, H; Visser, J;

Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages

A two-level data transformation consists of a type-level transformation of a data format coupled with value level transformations of data instances corresponding to that format. We have implemented a system for performing two-level transformations on XML schemas and their corresponding documents, and on SQL schemas and the databases that they describe. The core of the system consists of a combinator library for composing type-changing rewrite rules that preserve structural information and referential constraints. We discuss the implementation of the system's core library, and of its SQL and XML front-ends in the functional language Haskell. We show how the system can be used to tackle various two-level transformation scenarios, such as XML schema evolution coupled with document migration, and hierarchical-relational data mappings that convert between XML documents and SQL databases.


Mapping between Alloy specifications and database implementations

Cunha, A; Pacheco, H;


The emergence of lightweight formal methods tools such as Alloy improves the software design process, by encouraging developers to model and verify their systems before engaging in hideous implementation details. However, an abstract Alloy specification is far from an actual implementation, and manually refining the former into the latter is unfortunately a non-trivial task. This paper identifies a subset of the Alloy language that is equivalent to a relational database schema with the most conventional integrity constraints, namely functional and inclusion dependencies. This semantic correspondence enables both the automatic translation of Alloy specifications into relational database schemas and the reengineering of legacy databases into Alloy. The paper also discusses how to derive an object-oriented application layer to serve as interface to the underlying database.


Generic Point-free Lenses

Pacheco, H; Cunha, A;


Lenses are one the most popular approaches to define bidirectional transformations between data models. A bidirectional transformation with view-update, denoted a lens, encompasses the definition of a forward transformation projecting concrete models into abstract views, together with a backward transformation instructing how to translate an abstract view to an update over concrete models. In this paper we show that most of the standard point-free combinators can be lifted to lenses with suitable backward semantics, allowing us to use the point-free style to define powerful bidirectional transformations by composition. We also demonstrate how to define generic lenses over arbitrary inductive data types by lifting standard recursion patterns, like folds or unfolds. To exemplify the power of this approach, we "lensify" some standard functions over naturals and lists, which are tricky to define directly "by-hand" using explicit recursion.

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