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Publicações por Emanuel Peres Correia


Digital Reconstitution of Road Traffic Accidents: A Flexible Methodology Relying on UAV Surveying and Complementary Strategies to Support Multiple Scenarios

Padua, L; Sousa, J; Vanko, J; Hruska, J; Adao, T; Peres, E; Sousa, A; Sousa, JJ;


The reconstitution of road traffic accidents scenes is a contemporary and important issue, addressed both by private and public entities in different countries around the world. However, the task of collecting data on site is not generally focused on with the same orientation and relevance. Addressing this type of accident scenario requires a balance between two fundamental yet competing concerns: (1) information collecting, which is a thorough and lengthy process and (2) the need to allow traffic to flow again as quickly as possible. This technical note proposes a novel methodology that aims to support road traffic authorities/professionals in activities involving the collection of data/evidences of motor vehicle collision scenarios by exploring the potential of using low-cost, small-sized and light-weight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). A high number of experimental tests and evaluations were conducted in various working conditions and in cooperation with the Portuguese law enforcement authorities responsible for investigating road traffic accidents. The tests allowed for concluding that the proposed method gathers all the conditions to be adopted as a near future approach for reconstituting road traffic accidents and proved to be: faster, more rigorous and safer than the current manual methodologies used not only in Portugal but also in many countries worldwide.


Forestry Remote Sensing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review Focusing on the Data, Processing and Potentialities

Guimaraes, N; Padua, L; Marques, P; Silva, N; Peres, E; Sousa, JJ;


Currently, climate change poses a global threat, which may compromise the sustainability of agriculture, forestry and other land surface systems. In a changing world scenario, the economic importance of Remote Sensing (RS) to monitor forests and agricultural resources is imperative to the development of agroforestry systems. Traditional RS technologies encompass satellite and manned aircraft platforms. These platforms are continuously improving in terms of spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. The high spatial and temporal resolutions, flexibility and lower operational costs make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) a good alternative to traditional RS platforms. In the management process of forests resources, UAVs are one of the most suitable options to consider, mainly due to: (1) low operational costs and high-intensity data collection; (2) its capacity to host a wide range of sensors that could be adapted to be task-oriented; (3) its ability to plan data acquisition campaigns, avoiding inadequate weather conditions and providing data availability on-demand; and (4) the possibility to be used in real-time operations. This review aims to present the most significant UAV applications in forestry, identifying the appropriate sensors to be used in each situation as well as the data processing techniques commonly implemented.


Individual Grapevine Analysis in a Multi-Temporal Context Using UAV-Based Multi-Sensor Imagery

Padua, L; Adao, T; Sousa, A; Peres, E; Sousa, JJ;


The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for remote sensing applications in precision viticulture significantly increased in the last years. UAVs' capability to acquire high spatiotemporal resolution and georeferenced imagery from different sensors make them a powerful tool for a better understanding of vineyard spatial and multitemporal heterogeneity, allowing the estimation of parameters directly impacting plants' health status. In this way, the decision support process in precision viticulture can be greatly improved. However, despite the proliferation of these innovative technologies in viticulture, most of the published studies rely only on data from a single sensor in order to achieve a specific goal and/or in a single/small period of the vineyard development. In order to address these limitations and fully exploit the advantages offered by the use of UAVs, this study explores the multi-temporal analysis of vineyard plots at a grapevine scale using different imagery sensors. Individual grapevine detection enables the estimation of biophysical and geometrical parameters, as well as missing grapevine plants. A validation procedure was carried out in six vineyard plots focusing on the detected number of grapevines and missing grapevines. A high overall agreement was obtained concerning the number of grapevines present in each row (99.8%), as well as in the individual grapevine identification (mean overall accuracy of 97.5%). Aerial surveys were conducted in two vineyard plots at different growth stages, being acquired for RGB, multispectral and thermal imagery. Moreover, the extracted individual grapevine parameters enabled us to assess the vineyard variability in a given epoch and to monitor its multi-temporal evolution. This type of analysis is critical for precision viticulture, constituting as a tool to significantly support the decision-making process.


Effectiveness of Sentinel-2 in Multi-Temporal Post-Fire Monitoring When Compared with UAV Imagery

Padua, L; Guimaraes, N; Adao, T; Sousa, A; Peres, E; Sousa, JJ;


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become popular in recent years and are now used in a wide variety of applications. This is the logical result of certain technological developments that occurred over the last two decades, allowing UAVs to be equipped with different types of sensors that can provide high-resolution data at relatively low prices. However, despite the success and extraordinary results achieved by the use of UAVs, traditional remote sensing platforms such as satellites continue to develop as well. Nowadays, satellites use sophisticated sensors providing data with increasingly improving spatial, temporal and radiometric resolutions. This is the case for the Sentinel-2 observation mission from the Copernicus Programme, which systematically acquires optical imagery at high spatial resolutions, with a revisiting period of five days. It therefore makes sense to think that, in some applications, satellite data may be used instead of UAV data, with all the associated benefits (extended coverage without the need to visit the area). In this study, Sentinel-2 time series data performances were evaluated in comparison with high-resolution UAV-based data, in an area affected by a fire, in 2017. Given the 10-m resolution of Sentinel-2 images, different spatial resolutions of the UAV-based data (0.25, 5 and 10 m) were used and compared to determine their similarities. The achieved results demonstrate the effectiveness of satellite data for post-fire monitoring, even at a local scale, as more cost-effective than UAV data. The Sentinel-2 results present a similar behavior to the UAV-based data for assessing burned areas.


A full-stack model proposal to willingly implement e-learning at small universities: The University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro Case

Vaz, C; Peres, E; Sousa, J; Reis, MJCS;


This paper presents a model of a system capable of addressing the training needs identified for small universities, using the University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) as a case study. In addition to supporting the typical needs of distance learning/education (e.g., e-learning), it is also intended that the proposed system complements the traditional classroom-based teaching. This model will have two modules: the physical/infrastructural module and the policies/practices module. While the physical module will have all the infrastructure services associated with educational practices, such as the e-learning platform, the policy module will include institutional policies and rules in the creation, development, practice and management of courses, equipment and physical spaces, such as exam rooms. In line with these, UTAD has come to recognize that e-learning should be part of its strategy for its training offer and, consequently, is being adopting new policies, namely through the signing of protocols with other institutions with more experience using e-learning. As such, a review of other models and systems that have been successfully implemented in other international reference universities will also be briefly presented here. The courses implemented so far, and the results achieved, are also presented and commented.


Smartphone Applications Targeting Precision Agriculture Practices-A Systematic Review

Mendes, J; Pinho, TM; dos Santos, FN; Sousa, JJ; Peres, E; Boaventura Cunha, J; Cunha, M; Morais, R;


Traditionally farmers have used their perceptual sensorial systems to diagnose and monitor their crops health and needs. However, humans possess five basic perceptual systems with accuracy levels that can change from human to human which are largely dependent on the stress, experience, health and age. To overcome this problem, in the last decade, with the help of the emergence of smartphone technology, new agronomic applications were developed to reach better, cost-effective, more accurate and portable diagnosis systems. Conventional smartphones are equipped with several sensors that could be useful to support near real-time usual and advanced farming activities at a very low cost. Therefore, the development of agricultural applications based on smartphone devices has increased exponentially in the last years. However, the great potential offered by smartphone applications is still yet to be fully realized. Thus, this paper presents a literature review and an analysis of the characteristics of several mobile applications for use in smart/precision agriculture available on the market or developed at research level. This will contribute to provide to farmers an overview of the applications type that exist, what features they provide and a comparison between them. Also, this paper is an important resource to help researchers and applications developers to understand the limitations of existing tools and where new contributions can be performed.

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