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Publicações por Emanuel Peres Correia


Location based e-commerce system: An architecture

Liberato, NAO; De Sousa Varajao, JEQA; Correia, ESP; Bessa, MEC;

Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts

Location-based mobile services (LBMS) are at present an ever growing trend, as found in the latest and most popular mobile applications launched. They are, indeed, supported by the hasty evolution of mobile devices capabilities, namely smart phones, which are becoming truer mobile pocket-computers; by users demand, always searching for new ways to benefit from technology, besides getting more contextualized and user-centred services; and, lastly, by market drive, which sees mobile devices as a dedicated way to reach customers, providing profile-based publicity, products, discounts and events. With e-commerce, products and services started arriving to potential customers through desktop computers, where they can be bought and fast delivered to a given address. However, expressions such as "being mobile", "always connected", "anytime anywhere" that already characterize life in the present will certainly continue to do so in the near future. Meanwhile, mobile devices centred commerce services seem to be the next step. Therefore, this paper presents a system architecture designed for location-based e-commerce systems. These systems, where location plays the most important role, enable a remote products/services search, based in user parameters: after a product search, shops with that products are returned in the search results and are displayed in a map, around the user present location; and services like obtaining more information, reserving and purchasing are made available as well. This concept represents a mix between traditional client-oriented commerce and faceless mass-oriented e-commerce, enabling a proximity-based user-contextualized system, being well capable of conveying significant advantages and facilities to both service-providers/retailers and users. © 2011, IGI Global.


Identifying different visual patterns in web users behaviour

Gonçalves, M; Rocha, T; Magalhães, L; Peres, E; Bessa, M; Chalmers, A;

Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, SCCG '11, Vininé, Slovakia, April 28-30, 2011

On the internet one can find all kinds of information and perform a multitude of tasks such as searching for information about any subject, purchase goods and services, or enquiring about a particular company. When navigating the web, our focus (where we look) can be captured involuntary through a visual stimulus, or may be directed in a controlled manner depending on the task that we are performing. The layouts of web sites range from simple to highly complex. When creating new layouts, knowing what information is most important when a user is performing a task and which areas are supposed to attract his/her attention are important issues in order to make a web site easier to interpret and consequently their usability. In this paper we present an eye tracking study of users' visual behaviour when surfing on websites and investigate if it is possible to determine likely visual patterns. We show that the visual patterns are different depending on the task that is being performed and not on the web site where it is being carried out. © 2011 ACM.


Internet-based collaborative E-exercisebook system for primary math teaching

Reis, MJCS; Bacelar, M; Reis, MGAD; Meira, D; Bessa, M; Peres, E; Morais, R; Valente, A; Soares, S; Bulas Cruz, J;

2011 2nd National Conference on Telecommunications, CONATEL 2011 - Proceedings

The academic performance and social competence of a child in school is positively associated with the involvement of their parents. However, the researches about educational learning models often ignore the parents' part. Internet opens a new paradigm: education and communication approach is more complex than ever. Here, we would like to present an Internet based system to support students' homework. We believe that one of the major advantages of our system is time saving, particularly from the teacher's point of view. Also, this system gathers statistical data concerning different groups of students selected by the teacher. From these data on, the teacher can easily see where the students are having problems and decide what to do next. From the student (or parent) point of view, the prompt feedback about the exercises correctness, added to the training with different exercises sets about the same subject, besides the utilization of video, color, sound, etc., that positively reinforce child's senses, are elected as the main advantages. © 2011 IEEE.


Web Accessibility and Digital Businesses: The Potential Economic Value of Portuguese People with Disability

Rocha, T; Bessa, M; Goncalves, R; Peres, E; Magalhaes, L;


The lack of data in Portugal is a crucial problem for a full characterization and thus a full digital integration for people with disabilities. This is not only a problem of ethic dimension or equal opportunities but have also an economic dimension because excludes a consumer group with economical potential. Hence, this article focuses on the importance of the characterization of people with disabilities in a social, economic and digital perspective. It aims to emphasize their disabilities and ageing evolution, potential value in the digital business and design awareness for inclusion for improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. (C) 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Programme Committee of the 4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2012)


The Recognition of Web Pages' Hyperlinks by People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Evaluation Study

Rocha, T; Bessa, M; Goncalves, M; Cabral, L; Godinho, F; Peres, E; Reis, MC; Magalhaes, L; Chalmers, A;


Background One of the most mentioned problems of web accessibility, as recognized in several different studies, is related to the difficulty regarding the perception of what is or is not clickable in a web page. In particular, a key problem is the recognition of hyperlinks by a specific group of people, namely those with intellectual disabilities. Materials and Methods This experiment investigated a methodology based on the direct observation, video recording, interview and data obtained by an eye tracker device. Ten participants took part in this study. They were divided into two groups and asked to perform two tasks: Sing a song and Listen to a story in two websites. These websites were developed to include specific details. The first website presented an image navigation menu (INM), whereas the other one showed a text navigation menu (TNM). Results There was a general improvement regarding the participants' performance when using INMs. Conclusion The referred analysis indeed shows that not only did these specific participants gain a better understanding of the demanding task, but also they showed an improved perception concerning the content of the navigation menu that included hyperlinks with images.


Realidade Aumentada e Ubiquidade na Educação

Cruz Cunha, MM; Reis, MGAD; Peres, E; Varajão, J; Bessa, M; Magalhães, L; Barbosa, L; Barreira, J;


An augmented reality system allows you to combine real and virtual objects in a real environment, interactively and in real-time, features that give these systems a high potential in learning environments. This paper discusses the fundamentals of information technology in education. In particular, it explores the mobile augmented reality as a tool to support learning. It also proposes a model for supporting learning environments attended by interactive multimedia environments using augmented reality on mobile devices. © IEEE.

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