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Publicações por Manuel Santos Silva


Development of an wheeled climbing robot for metallic surfaces with permanent magnetic system dynamic adjustment

Oliveira A.L.C.; Silva M.F.; Barbosa R.S.;

Emerging Trends in Mobile Robotics- Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2010

This paper presents the mechanical construction of a climbing robot with wheeled locomotion and adhesion through permanent magnets. This machine is intended to be used in the inspection of different types of ferromagnetic structures, in order to, for instance, detect weaknesses due to corrosion, particularly in fuel tanks, ship hulls, etc. The vehicle will have a semi-autonomous behaviour, allowing a remote inspection process controlled by a technician, this way reducing the risks associated with the inspection of tall structures and ATEX places. The distinguishing characteristic of this robot is its dynamic adjustment system of the permanent magnets in order to assure the machine adhesion to the surfaces, even when crossing irregular and curved surfaces.


Realization of Fractional-Order Controllers: Analysis, Synthesis and Application to the Velocity Control of a Servo System

Barbosa R.S.; Jesus I.S.; Silva M.F.; Tenreiro Machado J.A.;

Nonlinear Physical Science

The synthesis and application of fractional-order controllers is now an active research field. This article investigates the use of fractional-order PID controllers in the velocity control of an experimental modular servo system. The systern consists of a digital servomechanism and open-architecture software environment for real-time control experiments using MATLAB/Simulink. Different tuning methods will be employed, such as heuristics based on the well-known Ziegler Nichols rules, techniques based on Bode’s ideal transfer function and optimization tuning methods. Experimental responses obtained from the application of the several fractional-order controllers are presented and analyzed. The effectiveness and superior performance of the proposed algorithms are also compared with classical integer-order PID controllers.


Performance analysis of multi-legged systems

Silva, MF; Machado, JAT; Lopes, AM;


This paper studies periodic gaits of multi-legged robot locomotion systems based on dynamic models, The purpose is to determine the system performance during walking and the best set of locomotion variables that minimizes the optimization indices. For that objective the prescribed motion of the robot is completely characterized in terms of several locomotion variables such as gait, duty factor, body height, step length, stroke pitch, foot clearance, link lengths, body and legs mass and cycle time. In this perspective, we formulate four performance measures of the walking robot namely, the locomobility of the foot, the mean absolute power, the mean power dispersion and the mean power lost in the joint actuators per walking distance. A set of model-based experiments reveals the influence of the locomotion variables in the proposed indices.


Climbing Robot for Ferromagnetic Surfaces with Dynamic Adjustment of the Adhesion System

Silva, MF; Barbosa, RS; Oliveira, ALC;

J. Robotics



Kinematic and dynamic performance analysis of artificial legged systems

Silva, MF; Machado, JAT;


This paper studies the mechanical configuration and the periodic gaits of multi-legged locomotion systems based on its kinematic and dynamic models. The purpose is to determine the system performance during walking, and the best set of locomotion variables that minimize a set of optimization indices. In this perspective, two kinematic and four dynamic indices are formulated to quantitatively measure the performance of the walking robot. The kinematic indices consist of the perturbation analysis and the locomobility measure, and the dynamic performance indices of the walking robot locomotion are the mean absolute density of energy, the mean power density dispersion, the density of power lost and the mean force at the body-legs interface. A set of model-based simulation experiments reveals the system configuration and the type of movements that lead to a better performance, for a specific locomotion mode, from the viewpoint of the proposed indices.


Modelling and simulation of artificial locomotion systems

Silva, MF; Machado, JAT; Lopes, AM;


This paper describes a simulation model for a multi-legged locomotion system with joints at the legs having viscous friction, flexibility and backlash. For that objective the robot prescribed motion is characterized in terms of several locomotion variables. Moreover, the robot body is divided into several segments in order to emulate the behaviour of an animal spine. The foot-ground interaction is modelled through a non-linear spring-dashpot system whose parameters are extracted from the studies on soil mechanics. To conclude, the performance of the developed simulation model is evaluated through a set of experiments while the robot leg joints are controlled using fractional order algorithms.

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