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Publicações por Luís Paulo Reis


Correction: Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference (Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. (2019), 1092 AISC, 10.1007/978-3-030-35990-4_55)

Silva, MF; Luís Lima, J; Reis, LP; Sanfeliu, A; Tardioli, D;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Correction to: M. F. Silva et al. (Eds.): Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference, AISC 1092, The original version of the book was inadvertently published with incomplete information in the Organization page of the front matter, which has now been included. The book has been updated with the change. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


Editorial of the topical collection "state of the art on autonomous robot systems and competitions"

Lau, N; Silva, MF; Reis, LP; Cascalho, JM;




Effectiveness of a holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation program using virtual reality

Mendes, L; Reis, LP; Barbosa, F;


Acquired brain injury (ABI) is associated with severe functional consequences at several levels: personal, psychological, social, physical, economic, and systemic. The main objective of the present study is to show the potential of applying virtual reality (VR) in neuropsychological rehabilitation and the consequent psychological and cognitive improvement of the person with ABI. A total of 27 participants of both sexes with moderate or severe ABI participated in an investigation in a clinical trial-type design with pre-test and post-test. Participants in the experimental group (n = 8) underwent a remote holistic neuropsychological intervention program supported by a VR platform: the Virtual Centre for the Rehabilitation of Road Accident Victims (VICERAVI). The experimental group results were compared with a first control group (n = 10) that underwent a conventional holistic neuropsychological intervention face-to-face program; and with a second control group that did not have any neuropsychological intervention (n = 9). We conclude that the VR-based neuropsychological rehabilitation program (NRP) at a distance produces better cognitive results in general cognitive functioning, learning, memory, and executive functioning than the conventional face-to-face NRP. Still, at the psychosocial level, the conventional NRP obtained results similar to those of the VR-based NRP, which did not produce significant improvements. Thus, the study results suggest that the development of VR-based holistic NRPs may benefit the autonomy of people with ABI.


Robust biped locomotion using deep reinforcement learning on top of an analytical control approach

Kasaei, M; Abreu, M; Lau, N; Pereira, A; Reis, LP;


This paper proposes a modular framework to generate robust biped locomotion using a tight coupling between an analytical walking approach and deep reinforcement learning. This framework is composed of six main modules which are hierarchically connected to reduce the overall complexity and increase its flexibility. The core of this framework is a specific dynamics model which abstracts a humanoid's dynamics model into two masses for modeling upper and lower body. This dynamics model is used to design an adaptive reference trajectories planner and an optimal controller which are fully parametric. Furthermore, a learning framework is developed based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to find the optimum parameters and to learn how to improve the stability of the robot by moving the arms and changing its center of mass height. A set of simulations are performed to validate the performance of the framework using the official RoboCup 3D League simulation environment. The results validate the performance of the framework, not only in creating a fast and stable gait but also in learning to improve the upper body efficiency.


VGC AI Competition - A New Model of Meta-Game Balance AI Competition

Reis, S; Reis, LP; Lau, N;

2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 17-20, 2021



Dutch Auction Based Approach for Task/Resource Allocation

Pereira, E; Reis, J; Goncalves, G; Reis, LP; Rocha, AP;


The introduction of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in the industry through the digitalization of equipment, also known as Digital Twins, allows for a more customized production. Due to high market fluctuation, the implementation of a CPS should guarantee a high flexibility in both hardware and software levels to achieve a high responsiveness of the system. The software reconfiguration, specifically, introduces a question: With heterogeneous equipment with different capabilities namely processing and memory capabilities - where a certain software module should execute? ; that question fits on the task/resource allocation area applied to CPS software reconfiguration. Although in task allocation issue several approaches address such a problem, only a few of them focus on CPS resources optimization. Given that, an approach based on the Dutch Auction algorithm is proposed, implemented at the CPS level enables the software reconfiguration of the CPS according to the existing equipment resources. This approach, besides the optimization of the CPS resources and the energy consumption, transforms the CPS in more reliable and fault-tolerant systems. As shown by the results, despite the demonstration of its suitability in task/resource allocation problems in decentralized architectures, the proposed approach also as a major advantage of quickly finding a near-optimal solution.

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