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Publicações por Luís Paulo Reis


General-Purpose Emotion Assessment Testbed Based on Biometric Information

Teixeira, J; Vinhas, V; Oliveira, E; Reis, LP;


While affective computing and the entertainment industry still maintain a substantial gap between themselves, biosignals are subject of digital acquisition through low budget technologic solutions at neglectable invasive levels. The integration of electroencephalography, galvanic skin response and oximeter in a multichannel framework constitutes an effort in the path to identify emotional states via biosignals expression. To induce and detect specific emotions, gender-specific sessions were defined based on International Affective Picture System and performed in a controlled environment. Data was collected and visualized in real-time by the session instructor and stored for processing and analysis. Results granted by distinct analysis techniques showed that high frequency EEG waves are strongly related to emotions and are a solid ground to perform accurate emotion classification. They have also given strong indications that females are more sensitive to emotion induction. One might conclude that the attained success levels concerning relating emotions to biosignals are extremely encouraging not only to this research topic but also to the its application in domains such as multimedia entertainment, advertising and medical treatments.


A generic strategic layer for collaborative networks

Certo, J; Lau, N; Reis, LP;

Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks

This paper presents a formal model for a multi-purpose, strategical coordination layer. Based on previous work developed for the RoboCup Soccer simulation, small-size, middle-size, legged leagues and RoboCup Rescue simulation league, a generic coordination model was built that allows the management of collaborative networks of heterogeneous agents. The model uses a multi-level hierarchical approach with the following concepts: strategy, tactics, formations, suh-tactics and roles, from high to low level. Hybrid methods, are used to switch formations and tactics. In order to test the model, two strategy instances, for RoboCup Rescue Simulation and RoboCup Soccer, were developed. Strategies are designed with the help of a graphical tool. Results achieved by the team in RoboCup Rescue and Soccer Simulation competitions demonstrate the usefulness of his approach.


Teaching service distribution as coalition formation [Distribuição de serviço docente como formação de coligações]

Moreira, JJ; Reis, LP;

Actas da 4a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, CISTI 2009



Development of a business intelligence solution platform [Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de base a uma solução de business intelligence]

Santos, J; Silva, R; Noronha, M; Reis, LP;

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao



A Multi-Agent Framework for Coordination of Intelligent Assistive Technologies

Valente, P; Hossain, S; Gronbaek, B; Hallenborg, K; Reis, LP;


Intelligent care for the future is the IntelliCare project's main priority. This paper describes the design of a generic multi-agent framework for coordination of intelligent assistive technologies. The paper overviews technologies and software systems suitable for context awareness and housekeeping tasks, especially for performing a multi-robot cleaning-task activity. It also describes conducted work in the design of a multi-agent platform for coordination of intelligent assistive technologies. Instead of using traditional robot odometry estimation methods, we have tested an independent indoor localization system for real-time localization. We conducted an experiment in two steps: first, creating and testing interaction interfaces with and between robotic systems, and secondly, wrapping all in a multi-agent system, defining a vacuuming-cleaning ontology. With the pose data from an indoor localization system, is it possible to compare with real robot positions. From this, we can make some platform assumptions regarding heterogeneous robot cooperation, by thinking further i.e. sharing workspace with humans.


CyberRescue: a Pheromone Approach to Multi-Agent Rescue Simulations

Silva, G; Costa, J; Magalhaes, T; Reis, LP;


In this work the authors propose a pure pheromonebased implementation of a CyberRescue agent. In this sense, virtual pheromones are used to represent the agent's internal representation of the world. They can be repulsive or attractive and therefore useful for exploration, collision avoidance and world analysis. The project's goal is to evaluate this approach suitability in the aforementioned competition's context. To accomplish this, the authors have created a fully pheromone-based agent and inserted it in CyberRescue's competition, evaluating its behavior by the contest's rules. This approach yields excellent results in open maps, even when wall placement is complex. On the other hand, the agent's behavior is unstable and limited when it has to cross narrow corridors to explore new areas and find the goal. In the competition's context, it proves itself as being an excellent exploratory strategy with a very low collision rate, while allowing the agents to successfully complete a considerable amount of maps. This article gives an overview of the design and implementation processes, while evaluating each characteristic's benefits and shortcomings

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