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Publicações por Luís Paulo Reis


A serious games framework for health rehabilitation

Rego, PA; Moreira, PM; Reis, LP;

Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Serious Games is a field of research that has evolved substantially with valuable contributions to many application domains and areas. Patients often consider traditional rehabilitation approaches to be repetitive and boring, making it difficult for them to maintain their ongoing interest and to assure the completion of the treatment program. This paper reviews Serious Games and the natural and multimodal user interfaces for the health rehabilitation domain. Specifically, it details a framework for the development of Serious Games that integrates a rich set of features that can be used to improve the designed games with direct benefits to the rehabilitation process. Highlighted features include natural and multimodal interaction, social skills (collaboration and competitiveness) and progress monitoring. Due to the rich set of features supported by the framework, the games' rehabilitation efficacy can be enhanced primarily from an increase in the patient's motivation when exercising the rehabilitation tasks.


Regularized Covariance Estimation for Weighted Maximum Likelihood Policy Search Methods

Abdolmaleki, A; Lau, N; Reis, LP; Neumann, G;


Many episode-based (or direct) policy search algorithms, maintain a multivariate Gaussian distribution as search distribution over the parameter space of some objective function. One class of algorithms, such as episodic REPS, PoWER or PI2 uses, a weighted maximum likelihood estimate (WMLE) to update the mean and covariance matrix of this distribution in each iteration. However, due to high dimensionality of covariance matrices and limited number of samples, the WMLE is an unreliable estimator. The use of WMLE leads to overfitted covariance estimates, and, hence the variance/entropy of the search distribution decreases too quickly, which may cause premature convergence. In order to alleviate this problem, the estimated covariance matrix can be regularized in different ways, for example by using a convex combination of the diagonal covariance estimate and the sample covariance estimate. In this paper, we propose a new covariance matrix regularization technique for policy search methods that uses the convex combination of the sample covariance matrix and the old covariance matrix used in last iteration. The combination weighting is determined by specifying the desired entropy of the new search distribution. With this mechanism, the entropy of the search distribution can be gradually decreased without damage from the maximum likelihood estimate.


Model-Based Relative Entropy Stochastic Search

Abdolmaleki, Abbas; Lioutikov, Rudolf; Peters, Jan; Lau, Nuno; Reis, LuisPaulo; Neumann, Gerhard;

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2015, December 7-12, 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Stochastic search algorithms are general black-box optimizers. Due to their ease of use and their generality, they have recently also gained a lot of attention in operations research, machine learning and policy search. Yet, these algorithms require a lot of evaluations of the objective, scale poorly with the problem dimension, are affected by highly noisy objective functions and may converge prematurely. To alleviate these problems, we introduce a new surrogate-based stochastic search approach. We learn simple, quadratic surrogate models of the objective function. As the quality of such a quadratic approximation is limited, we do not greedily exploit the learned models. The algorithm can be misled by an inaccurate optimum introduced by the surrogate. Instead, we use information theoretic constraints to bound the 'distance' between the new and old data distribution while maximizing the objective function. Additionally the new method is able to sustain the exploration of the search distribution to avoid premature convergence. We compare our method with state of art black-box optimization methods on standard uni-modal and multi-modal optimization functions, on simulated planar robot tasks and a complex robot ball throwing task. The proposed method considerably outperforms the existing approaches.


Adding conscious aspects in virtual robot navigation through Baars-Franklin's cognitive architecture

Becker, T; Fabro, JA; de Oliveira, AS; Reis, LP;


Human consciousness is a target of research in multiple fields of knowledge, that presents it as an important characteristic to better handle complex and diverse situations. Artificial consciousness models have arose, together with theories that attempt to model what we understand about consciousness, in a way that could be implemented an artificial conscious being. The main motivations to study artificial consciousness are related to the creation of agents more similar to human beings, in order to build more efficient machines. This paper presents an experiment using the Global Workspace Theory and the LIDA Model to build a conscious mobile robot in a virtual environment, using the LIDA framework as a implementation of the LIDA Model. The main objective is to evaluate if it is possible to use conscience as implemented by the LIDA framework to simplify decision making processes during navigation of a mobile robot subject to interaction with people, as part of a cicerone robot development.


Contextual Policy Search for Generalizing a Parameterized Biped Walking Controller

Abdolmaleki, A; Lau, N; Reis, LP; Peters, J; Neumann, G;


We investigate learning of flexible Robot locomotion controller, i.e., the controllers should be applicable for multiple contexts, for example different walking speeds, various slopes of the terrain or other physical properties of the robot. In our experiments, contexts are desired walking linear speed and the direction of the gait. Current approaches for learning control parameters of biped locomotion controllers are typically only applicable for a single context. They can be used for a particular context, for example to learn a gait with highest speed, lowest energy consumption or a combination of both. The question of our research is, how can we obtain a flexible walking controller that controls the robot (near) optimally for many different contexts? We achieve the desired flexibility of the controller by applying the recently developed contextual relative entropy policy search(REPS) method. With such a contextual policy search algorithm, we can generalize the robot walking controller for different contexts, where a context is described by a real valued vector. In this paper we also extend the contextual REPS algorithm to learn a non-linear policy instead of a linear one over the contexts. In order to validate our method, we perform a simulation experiment using a simulated NAO humanoid robot. The robot now learns a policy to choose the controller parameters for a continuous set of walking speeds and directions.


Necessitamos realmente de metodologias qualitativas na investigação em educação?

Costa, AP; de Souza, FN; Reis, LP;

Revista Lusofona de Educacao


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