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Publicações por Ramiro Gonçalves


CSCW and Information Systems Planning

Cabral, J; Paredes, H; Varajao, J; Fonseca, B; Goncalves, R; Goncalves, J;


Nowadays there are many types of tools for the optimization of organizational information systems. In the context of these tools, we have systems like e-mail, workflow, wikis, among many others. Despite the fact that, for the planning and designing of conventional information systems, there are many techniques that enable the representation of the elements of those systems and the relationships between them, as for what collaborative systems are concerned, we cannot find specification techniques that allow the representation of the existing degrees/levels of interaction. That is a problem because it hinders the proper planning regarding the choice of this kind of systems. In this paper is proposed a matrix-representation technique, which allows the specification of degrees/levels of interaction between organizational entities and the classification of processes according to the time space taxonomy. In a information systems planning project, these technique will be useful for choosing the correct classes of cooperative tools that should be included in final system solutions.


PLAYER - a European Project and a Game to Foster Entrepreneurship Education for Young People

Fonseca, B; Morgado, L; Paredes, H; Martins, P; Goncalves, R; Neves, P; Nunes, RR; Lima, J; Varajao, J; Pereira, A; Sanders, R; Barracho, V; Lapajne, U; Rus, M; Rahe, M; Mostert, A; Klein, T; Bojovic, V; Bosnjak, S; Bosnjak, Z; Carvalho, J; Duarte, I; Casaramona, A; Soraci, A;


Entrepreneurship is widely recognized as one of the basic skills to be acquired through a life-long learning. The European Union, under the guidance of the Oslo Agenda, promotes several initiatives to develop entrepreneurship culture in Europe. Education can make a significant contribution to entrepreneurship, encouraging the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and skills in young people. Serious Games are presently recognised as having an important role and potential in education and social networks emerged in the last years as the platform preferred by many, especially young people, to socialize, play games and even learn. This paper presents the PLAYER project, in which a game was developed and implemented as a Facebook application, to enable learning entrepreneurial skills progressively, by guiding users to develop a business idea in the form of a business plan.


PLAYER: A european challenge game to discover young entrepreneurs

Neves, P; Nunes, RR; Lima, J; Martins, P; Paredes, H; Varajao, J; Morgado, L; Goncalves, R; Fonseca, B; Sanders, R; Barracho, V; Rus, M; Rahe, M; Mostert, A; Carvalho, J; Duarte, I;

Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools

Serious games are playing an increasing role as educational tools and the last decade witnessed a growing number of proposals in this field. One of the major challenges of the current European societies is to foster an entrepreneurial interest in young people, and the European Commission has been promoting projects that pursue this objective. This chapter presents one such project, PLAYER, in which an educational game was implemented in Facebook with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship by guiding young people in the definition of a business proposal. The game encompasses 4 stages that include the basic description of the business idea, the characterization of its strategies, the filling of a funding quiz, the SWOT analysis, and finally the production of a detailed business plan, for those players to be able to reach the final stage of the game. © 2012, IGI Global.


Accessibility levels of Portuguese enterprise websites: equal opportunities for all?

Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Pereira, J; Oliveira, MAY; Pinto Ferreira, JJP;


Web accessibility is growing in importance. We may also find an increasing need for access to web resources by those with some sort of disability. The Web is very important for spreading information and for promoting interaction between the various elements in society. Given this, it is essential that the Web presents itself as a totally accessible resource, so that it can help citizens with disabilities and their integration in society. This obligation should be even greater for enterprises as primarily the Web is used as a marketing and business platform. With this document, we present indicators regarding the [lack of] accessibility levels of Portuguese enterprise websites. This article contains theoretical and background considerations as well as the results of two different studies that the research team undertook. First of all, the research team made a comparison between the 1000 largest Portuguese enterprises (annual sales volume) and the 1000 best Portuguese small and medium enterprises (sales growth and profit) using a specialised software tool and according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0; the research team then also considered WCAG 2.0 and its impact on enterprise Web accessibility. In the second study (qualitative in nature), focus group interactions led to a set of recommendations towards greater accessibility.


A flow-based intrusion detection framework for internet of things networks

Santos, L; Goncalves, R; Rabadao, C; Martins, J;


The application of the Internet of Things concept in domains such as industrial control, building automation, human health, and environmental monitoring, introduces new privacy and security challenges. Consequently, traditional implementation of monitoring and security mechanisms cannot always be presently feasible and adequate due to the number of IoT devices, their heterogeneity and the typical limitations of their technical specifications. In this paper, we propose an IP flow-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) framework to monitor and protect IoT networks from external and internal threats in real-time. The proposed framework collects IP flows from an IoT network and analyses them in order to monitor and detect attacks, intrusions, and other types of anomalies at different IoT architecture layers based on some flow features instead of using packet headers fields and their payload. The proposed framework was designed to consider both the IoT network architecture and other IoT contextual characteristics such as scalability, heterogeneity, interoperability, and the minimization of the use of IoT networks resources. The proposed IDS framework is network-based and relies on a hybrid architecture, as it involves both centralized analysis and distributed data collection components. In terms of detection method, the framework uses a specification-based approach drawn on normal traffic specifications. The experimental results show that this framework can achieve approximate to 100% success and 0% of false positives in detection of intrusions and anomalies. In terms of performance and scalability in the operation of the IDS components, we study and compare it with three different conventional IDS (Snort, Suricata, and Zeek) and the results demonstrate that the proposed solution can consume fewer computational resources (CPU, RAM, and persistent memory) when compared to those conventional IDS.


ICT Accessibility Requirements Tool - Version 1.2 - Implementing Experts' Contributions, Improvements, and Suggestions

Martins, MG; Godinho, F; Gonçalves, P; Gonçalves, R;

Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction - 17th International Conference, UAHCI 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23-28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I

The Accessibility Requirements Tool for Information and Communication Technologies (FRATIC) was developed within the work of a doctoral project, at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, and may be used at various stages of public procurement processes as well as projects and developments that include ICT products and services. This tool helps to consult, determine and assess the accessibility requirements for ICT products and services in European Standard EN 301 549 supporting the legislation in the field of public procurement for the countries of the European Union – Directive 2014/24/EU. This paper focuses on the implementation of contributions, improvements, and suggestions from 25 experts in the fields of accessibility, assistive technologies and public procurement, gathered from usability tests and semi-structured interviews, which were conducted on FRATIC version 1.1. The implementation of these has resulted in an improved version of the tool: FRATIC 1.2. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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