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Publicações por Paulo Martins


Plickers to support similarities learning: An experience on 7th grade Portuguese basic education

Nunes, PS; Catarino, P; Martins, P; Nascimento, MM;


There are several educational software (ES) used in the classroom environment for the teaching and learning of geometric contents that are part of the Portuguese basic education mathematics program. There are studies that show that the use of this type of artifact has a fundamental role in the behavior of students, raising, among other aspects, a greater motivation for learning mathematics. The aim of this work is to explore and describe implications for the behavior and learning of students in the 7th grade of Portuguese basic education, in face of a pedagogical practice that involves carrying out tasks using ES Plickers, in the theme similarities of the domain geometry and measurement, throughout intervention carried out. The adopted methodology presents characteristics of a quasi-experimental study. The participants were 61 students from three classes of a school in the north of Portugal, followed during eight consecutive classes. A set of tasks using Plickers, tests and a questionnaire survey were used as instruments for data collection. The results point to positive increments, at a behavioral level, as well as in the evolution of learning, in view of the use of this methodology in the classroom.


3D Animation to Address Pandemic Challenges: A Project-Based Learning Methodology

Carvalho, D; Cabral, M; Rocha, T; Paredes, H; Martins, P;

HCI International 2023 - Late Breaking Papers - 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23-28, 2023, Proceedings, Part VII

The use of 3D animations in medical education is becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, animations are an efficient way to present complex information, reducing time spent reading textbooks. Thus, in the educational contexts, animations can help students learn more efficiently, retain and better understand information. In addition to improving the learning experience, medical education is a highly important and necessary endeavor, as it can directly affect the lives of patients. These videos can be useful in emergency care instructions and provide information about how to administer CPR to a patient or help in forensic reconstructions; a doctor might explain a medical term to a patient in a friendly way, and they can also help patients understand complex procedures. We find it important to understand if students and schools, when challenged, take a role in their community preparedness for major health problems. Projects led by schools are addressed within educational scenarios focused on STEM education and developed under a relevant public health issue through their continuous engagement in open schooling approach. By implementing an educational scenario with a focus on 3D animation, and thus potentiate the use of this technology, we intend to help raise awareness on the public health theme. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education - Third International Conference, TECH-EDU 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, August 31 - September 2, 2022, Revised Selected Papers

Reis, A; Barroso, J; Martins, P; Jimoyiannis, A; Min Huang, RY; Henriques, R;




Challenges and Trends in User Trust Discourse in AI

Sousa, SC; Cravino, J; Martins, P;




Human-Centered Trustworthy Framework: A Human–Computer Interaction Perspective

Sousa, S; Lamas, D; Cravino, J; Martins, P;


The proposed framework (Human-Centered Trustworthy Framework) provides a novel human-computer interaction approach to incorporate positive and meaningful trustful user experiences in the system design process. It helps to illustrate potential users' trust concerns in artificial intelligence and guides nonexperts to avoid designing vulnerable interactions that lead to breaches of trust.


Systematic Literature Review of the Use of Virtual Reality in the Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Silva, RM; Carvalho, D; Martins, P; Rocha, T;

Innovative Technologies and Learning - 6th International Conference, ICITL 2023, Porto, Portugal, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings

Virtual reality (VR) technologies have been evolving in recent decades, allowing simulating real-life situations in controlled and safe virtual environments, where they reveal increasingly realistic details. There is an increase in the number of publications on virtual reality interventions in different areas, especially in Education, particularly in interventions with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The lack of social skills prevents these children diagnosed with ASD to respond appropriately and adapt to the most diverse daily social situations. On this basis, VR has revealed a set of evidences that present promising results and show great acceptance among the diversified population with ASD. In order to understand how VR may contribute to the improvement of skills, allowing their inclusion, we conducted a systematic review of the literature. We present considerations on the selected studies, identifying the main gaps and pointing out possible directions for future research. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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