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Publicações por João Paulo Cunha


Automated and objective measures of gait dynamics in camptocormia Parkinson's Disease subthalamic deep brain stimulation

Soares, C; Vilas Boas, MD; Lopes, EM; Choupina, H; Soares dos Reis, R; Fitas, D; Cunha, JPS; Monteiro, P; Linhares, P; Rosas, MJ;


Objective: Axial motor features are common in Parkinson's disease (PD). These include gait impairment and postural abnormalities, such as camptocormia. The response of these symptoms to deep brain stimulation (DBS) is variable and difficult to assess objectively. For the first time, this study analyzes the treatment outcomes of two PD patients with camptocormia that underwent bilateral subthalamic nucleus (STN)-DBS evaluated with disruptive technologies. Patients and methods: Two patients with PD and camptocormia who underwent STN-DBS were included. Gait parameters were quantitatively assessed before and after surgery by using the NeuroKinect system and the camptocormia angle was measured using the camptoapp. Results: After surgery, patient 1 improved 29 points in the UPDRS-III. His camptocormia angle was 68 degrees before and 38 degrees after surgery. Arm and knee angular amplitudes (117.32 +/- 7.47 vs 134.77 +/- 2.70; 144.51 +/- 7.47 vs 169.08 +/- 3.27) and arm swing (3.59 +/- 2.66 vs 5.40 +/- 1.76 cm) improved when compared with his pre-operative measurements. Patient 2 improved 22 points in the UPDRS-III after surgery. Her camptocormia mostly resolved (47 degrees before to 9 degrees after surgery). Gait analysis revealed improvement of stride length (0.29 +/- 0.03 vs 0.35 +/- 0.03 m), stride width (18.25 +/- 1.16 vs 17.9 +/- 0.84 cm), step velocity (0.91 +/- 0.57 vs 1.33 +/- 0.48 m/s), arm swing (4.51 +/- 1.01 vs 7.38 +/- 2.71 cm) and arm and hip angular amplitudes (131.57 +/- 2.45 degrees vs 137.75 +/- 3.18; 100.51 +/- 1.56 vs 102.18 +/- 1.77 degrees) compared with her preoperative results. Conclusion: The gait parameters and camptocormia of both patients objectively improved after surgery, as assessed by the two quantitative measurement systems. STN-DBS might have a beneficial effect on controlling axial posturing and gait, being a potential surgical treatment for camptocormia in patients with PD. However, further studies are needed to derive adequate selection criteria for this patient population.


iHandU: Towards the Validation of a Wrist Rigidity Estimation for Intraoperative DBS Electrode Position Optimization

Lopes, EM; Sevilla, A; Vilas Boas, MD; Choupina, HMP; Nunes, DP; Rosas, MJ; Oliveira, A; Massano, J; Vaz, R; Cunha, JPS;


DBS surgery is considered for Parkinson's Disease patients when motor complications and consequent quality of life is no longer acceptable on optimal medical therapy prescribed by neurologists. Within the operating room, the electrode placement with the best clinical outcome for the patient is quantitatively assessed via the wrist rigidity assessment. A subjective scale is used, influenced by the neurologists' perception and experience. Our research group has previously designed a novel, comfortable and wireless system aiming to tackle this subjectivity. This system comprised a gyroscope sensor in a textile band, placed in the patients' hand, which communicated its measurement to a Smartphone via Bluetooth. During the wrist rigidity evaluation exam, a signal descriptor was computed from angular velocity (omega) and a polynomial mathematical model was used to classify the signals using a quantitative scale of rigidity improvement. In this present work, we aim to develop models that consider the 3-gyroscope-axes to acquire the omega and the cogwheel rigidity. Our results showed that y-gyroscope-axis remains the best way to classify the rigidity reduction, showing an accuracy of 78% and a mean error of 3.5%. According to previous results, the performance was similar and the decrease of samples to extract the omega features did not compromise system performance. The cogwheel rigidity did not improve the previous model and other gyroscope-axis beyond the y-axis decreased system performance.


Validation of a Single RGB-D Camera for Gait Assessment of Polyneuropathy Patients

Vilas Boas, MD; Rocha, AP; Pereira Choupina, HMP; Cardoso, MN; Fernandes, JM; Coelho, T; Silva Cunha, JPS;


Motion analysis systems based on a single markerless RGB-D camera are more suitable for clinical practice than multi-camera marker-based reference systems. Nevertheless, the validity of RGB-D cameras for motor function assessment in some diseases affecting gait, such as Transthyretin Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP), is yet to be investigated. In this study, the agreement between the Kinect v2 and a reference system for obtaining spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters was evaluated in the context of TTR-FAP. 3-D body joint data provided by both systems were acquired from ten TTR-FAP symptomatic patients, while performing ten gait trials. For each gait cycle, we computed several spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters. We then determined, for each parameter, the Bland Altman's bias and 95% limits of agreement, as well as the Pearson's and concordance correlation coefficients, between systems. The obtained results show that an affordable, portable and non-invasive system based on an RGB-D camera can accurately obtain most of the studied gait parameters (excellent or good agreement for eleven spatiotemporal and one kinematic). This system can bring more objectivity to motor function assessment of polyneuropathy patients, potentially contributing to an improvement of TTR-FAP treatment and understanding, with great benefits to the patients' quality of life.


The effect of seizure type on ictal and early post-ictal Heart Rate Variability in patients with focal resistant epilepsy

Faria, MT; Rodrigues, S; Dias, D; Rego, R; Rocha, H; Sa, F; Oliveira, A; Campelo, M; Pereira, J; Rocha Goncalves, F; Cunha, JPS; Martins, E;


Abstract Background Seizures commonly affect the heart rate and its variability. The increased interest in this area of research is related to the possible connection with sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) are reported as the most consistent risk factor for SUDEP. However, the general risk of seizures (and their type) on cardiac function still remains uncertain. Purpose To evaluate the influence of seizure type (GTCS vs non-GTCS) on ictal and early post-ictal Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in patients with refractory epilepsy. Methods From January 2015 to July 2018, we prospectively evaluated 121 patients admitted to our institution's Epilepsy Monitoring Unit with focal resistant epilepsy. All patients underwent a 48-hour Holter recording. We included only patients who had both GTCS and non-GTCS during the recording and selected the first seizure of each type to analyze. HRV (AVNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, and LF/HF) was evaluated by analyzing 5-min-ECG epochs, starting with the seizure onset (ictal and early post-ictal period). The study was approved by our Institution Ethics Committee and all patients gave informed consent. Results Fourteen patients were included (7 Females, 4 patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy). The median age was 39 years (min-max, 18–57). Thirty-six percent presented cardiovascular risk factors without known cardiac disease. A significant statistical reduction was found for AVNN (p=0.013), RMSSD (p=0.008), pNN50 (p=0.005) and HF (p=0.003), during GTCS when compared with non-GTCS (Wilcoxon test, p<0.05; two tailed). Conclusion Our study shows a significant reduced vagal tone during GTCS when compared with non-GTCS. Hence, GTCS had a more pronounced impact on HRV changes than other seizure types, which can be associated with higher SUDEP risk after GTCS.


The influence of tonic-clonic seizures on heart rate variability in patients with refractory epilepsy

Faria, MT; Rodrigues, S; Dias, D; Rego, R; Rocha, H; Sa, F; Oliveira, A; Campelo, M; Pereira, J; Rocha Goncalves, F; Cunha, JPS; Martins, E;


Abstract Background Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is an increasing area of interest in patients with epilepsy. The effects of epilepsy on the autonomic control of the heart are not completely understood and that autonomic dysfunction has been implicated in some cases of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). Objective To study the influence of generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) on HRV of patients with focal refractory epilepsy. Method We prospectively evaluated (January 2015 to July 2018) 121 patients admitted to our institution's Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. All patients performed a 48-hour Holter recording. Patients who had GTCS during the recording were included and we selected the first GTCS as the index seizure. HRV (AVNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, and LF/HF) was evaluated by analyzing 5-min-ECG epochs during inter-ictal and post-ictal periods: baseline, pre-ictal (5 min before the GTCS seizure), post-ictal (5 min after the seizure), and late post-ictal (>5 hours after the seizure). We compared HRV data from these patients with normative values for a healthy population (controlling age and gender). The study was approved by our Institution Ethics Committee and all patients gave informed consent. Results Twenty three patients were included (mean age: 38.61±11.58; 70% Female). Thirty percent presented cardiovascular risk factors without known cardiac disease. We found significant differences between the analyzed periods for all but one (LF/HF) HRV metrics (using Friedman test, p<0.05, two-tailed). Specifically during the post-ictal period, we found a significant reduction for AVNN, SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 (Wilcoxon test, p<0.05; two-tailed). LF/HF was increased during this period, but changes were not statistically significant. There was also a tendency for a reduction of AVNN, SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 and an increase of LF/HF in our patients during all the analyzed periods when compared to normative healthy population values. Conclusion Our work shows reduced HRV after a GTCS in patients with focal resistant epilepsy, both in inter-ictal and post-ictal periods, when compared to normative healthy population values. These results might reflect long term structural changes in autonomic centers. The HRV changes were significant particularly during the post-ictal period, and should prompt further investigation, giving this period is critical for SUDEP.


Virtual reality in training: an experimental study with firefighters

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Raposo, JV; Cunha, J; Bessa, M;


Training with Virtual Reality (VR) can bring several benefits, such as the reduction of costs and risks. We present an experimental study that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a Virtual Environment (VE) to train firefighters using an innovative approach based on a Real Environment (RE) exercise. To measure the VE's effectiveness we used a Presence Questionnaire (PQ) and participant's cybersickness, stress and fatigue. Results from the PQ showed that participants rated the VE with high spatial presence and moderate realness and immersion. Signs of stress, analyzed from participant's Heart-Rate Variability, were shown in the RE but not in the VE. In the remaining variables, there was only an indicative difference for fatigue in the RE. Therefore, the results suggest that although our training VE was successful in giving participants spatial presence and in not causing cybersickness, its realness and immersion provided were not enough to provoke a similar RE response.

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