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Publicações por João Paulo Cunha


Corrigendum: Clinical 3-D gait assessment of patients with polyneuropathy associated with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis

Vilas-Boas, MdC; Rocha, AP; Cardoso, MN; Fernandes, JM; Coelho, T; Cunha, JPS;

Frontiers in Neurology



Portable RGB-D Camera-Based System for Assessing Gait Impairment Progression in ATTRv Amyloidosis

Vilas Boas, MD; Rocha, AP; Choupina, HMP; Cardoso, MN; Fernandes, JM; Coelho, T; Cunha, JPS;


Hereditary Amyloidosis associated with variant Transthyretin (ATTRv Amyloidosis) is a progressive and highly disabling neurological disorder that affects gait. Quantitative motion analysis is useful for assessing motor function, including gait, in diseases affecting movement. A single markerless RGB-D camera enables 3D full-body motion capture in a less expensive and intrusive, and more portable way than multi-camera marker-based systems. In this study, we examine whether a gait analysis system based on an RGB-D camera can be used to detect significant changes in the gait of ATTRv amyloidosis patients over time, when compared with a 12-camera system. We acquired 3D data provided by both systems from six ATTRv amyloidosis patients, while performing a simple gait task, once (T0) and 18 months later (T1). A direct comparison of systems has already been conducted. In this work, however, for each patient, we investigated if the RGB-D camera system detects statistically significant differences between the two different acquisitions in a similar way to the reference system, and whether it is reliable to use during patients' follow-up. The obtained results show that the differences detected between T0 and T1 for both systems follow the same tendency for 65% of the spatiotemporal gait parameters, and for 38% of the kinematic parameters (38%). The most reliable parameters were: stride duration/length, gait speed (and its variability), and arm/foot swing velocity, all with an almost perfect strength of agreement.


Clinical 3-D gait assessment of patients with polyneuropathy associated with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (vol 11, 605282, 2020)

Vilas-Boas, MD; Rocha, AP; Cardoso, MN; Fernandes, JM; Coelho, T; Cunha, JPS;


In the published article, there was an error in Table 2 as published. The units of the Total body center of mass sway in x-axis (TBCMx) and y-axis (TBCMy) were shown in mm when they should be in cm. The corrected Table 2 and its caption appear below. In the published article, there was an error in Table 3 as published. The units of the Total body center of mass sway in x-axis (TBCMx) and y-axis (TBCMy) were shown in mm. The correct unit is cm. The corrected Table 3 and its caption appear below. In the published article, there was an error in Figure 3 as published. The units of the Total body center of mass sway in x-axis were shown in mm in the vertical axis of the plot. The correct unit is cm. The corrected Figure 3 and its caption appear below. In the published article, there was an error in Supplementary Table S.I. The units of the Total body center of mass sway in x-axis (TBCMx) and y-axis (TBCMy) were shown in mm. The correct unit is cm. The correct material statement appears below. In the published article, there was a mistake on the computation description of one of the assessed parameters (total body center of mass). A correction has been made to “Data Processing,” Paragraph 3: “For each gait cycle, we computed the 24 spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters listed in Table 2 and defined in (15). The total body center of mass (TBCM) sway was computed as the standard deviation of the distance (in the x/y-axis, i.e., medial-lateral and vertical directions) of the total body center of mass (TBCM), in relation to the RGBD sensor’s coordinate system, for all gait cycle frames. For each frame, TBCM’s position is the mean position of all body segments’ CM, which was obtained according to (21).” The authors apologize for these errors and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated. © 2022 Vilas-Boas, Rocha, Cardoso, Fernandes, Coelho and Cunha.


Ictal and interictal features of local field potentials recorded from the anterior thalamic nucleus of epilepsy patients performing deep brain stimulation with the Percept (TM) PC system

Lopes, E; Caldeiras, C; Rito, M; Chamadoira, C; Santos, A; Cunha, JPS; Rego, R;




Novel 3D video action recognition deep learning approach for near real time epileptic seizure classification

Karacsony, T; Loesch-Biffar, AM; Vollmar, C; Remi, J; Noachtar, S; Cunha, JPS;


Seizure semiology is a well-established method to classify epileptic seizure types, but requires a significant amount of resources as long-term Video-EEG monitoring needs to be visually analyzed. Therefore, computer vision based diagnosis support tools are a promising approach. In this article, we utilize infrared (IR) and depth (3D) videos to show the feasibility of a 24/7 novel object and action recognition based deep learning (DL) monitoring system to differentiate between epileptic seizures in frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE), temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and non-epileptic events. Based on the largest 3Dvideo-EEG database in the world (115 seizures/+680,000 video-frames/427GB), we achieved a promising cross-subject validation f1-score of 0.833 +/- 0.061 for the 2 class (FLE vs. TLE) and 0.763 +/- 0.083 for the 3 class (FLE vs. TLE vs. non-epileptic) case, from 2 s samples, with an automated semi-specialized depth (Acc.95.65%) and Mask R-CNN (Acc.96.52%) based cropping pipeline to pre-process the videos, enabling a near-real-time seizure type detection and classification tool. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of our novel DL approach to support 24/7 epilepsy monitoring, outperforming all previously published methods.


Studying the Influence of Multisensory Stimuli on a Firefighting Training Virtual Environment

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Rodrigues, S; Cunha, JP; Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


How we perceive and experience the world around us is inherently multisensory. Most of the Virtual Reality (VR) literature is based on the senses of sight and hearing. However, there is a lot of potential for integrating additional stimuli into Virtual Environments (VEs), especially in a training context. Identifying the relevant stimuli for obtaining a virtual experience that is perceptually equivalent to a real experience will lead users to behave the same across environments, which adds substantial value for several training areas, such as firefighters. In this article, we present an experiment aiming to assess the impact of different sensory stimuli on stress, fatigue, cybersickness, Presence and knowledge transfer of users during a firefighter training VE. The results suggested that the stimulus that significantly impacted the user's response was wearing a firefighter's uniform and combining all sensory stimuli under study: heat, weight, uniform, and mask. The results also showed that the VE did not induce cybersickness and that it was successful in the task of transferring knowledge.

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