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Publicações por Teresa Galvão


To Use or Not to Use? Investigating What Drives Tourists to Use Mobile Ticketing Services in Tourism

Ferreira, MC; Oliveira, M; Dias, TG;


The advantages associated with mobile ticketing solutions are undeniable; however, most of these solutions are designed for the local population without taking into account the specific needs of tourists. Therefore, this study fills an important research gap in the literature by assessing the adoption drivers of mobile ticketing services by tourists and pointing out possible directions to the design of such services. The proposed model includes constructs of the technology acceptance model (TAM), diffusion of innovations (DOI) theory, and others widely disseminated in the literature on mobile payments, such as mobility. The model was empirically tested through an online survey, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze the data. The results show that the intention of tourists to use mobile ticketing services is positively affected by the perceived usefulness and mobility. The survey findings also describe additional services that respondents value in a mobile ticket service for tourists, both in normal and in pandemic contexts, useful to shape future mobile ticketing solutions for tourists.


Identifying the determinants and understanding their effect on the perception of safety, security, and comfort by pedestrians and cyclists: A systematic review

Ferreira, MC; Costa, PD; Abrantes, D; Hora, J; Felicio, S; Coimbra, M; Dias, TG;


The continuous growth of the world population and its agglomeration in urban cities, demand an increasing need for mobility, which in turn contributes to the worsening of traffic congestion and pollution in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to promote active travel, such as walking and cycling. However, this is not an easy task, as pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable link in the system, and low levels of safety, security and comfort can contribute to choosing private cars over active travel. Hence, it is essential to understand the determinants that affect the perceptions of pedestrians and cyclists, in order to support the definition of policies that promote the use of active modes of transport. Thus, this article fills an important gap in the literature by identifying and discussing the objective and subjective determinants that affect the perceptions of safety, security and comfort of pedestrians and cyclists, through a systematic review of the literature published in the last ten years. It followed the PRISMA statement guidelines and checklist, resulting in 68 relevant articles that were carefully analyzed. The results show that the perception of safety is negatively affected by fear of traffic-related injuries, fear of falling related to infra-structure and infrastructure maintenance, and negative behavior of drivers. Regarding security, crime was the major concern of pedestrians and cyclists, either with emphasis on the person or on personal property. With regard to comfort, high levels of air and noise pollution, lack of vege-tation, bad weather conditions, slopes and long commuting distances negatively affected the users' perception. The results also suggest that poor lighting affects all domains, providing a negative perception of safety, security and comfort. Similarly, the presence of people is seen as negatively influencing the perception of safety and comfort, while the absence of people nega-tively impacts the perception of security. Therefore, the findings achieved by this study are key to assist in the definition of transport policies and infrastructure creation in large smart cities. Additionally, new transport policies are proposed and discussed.


A New Perspective on Supporting Vulnerable Road Users' Safety, Security and Comfort through Personalized Route Planning

Abrantes, D; Ferreira, MC; Costa, PD; Hora, J; Felício, S; Dias, TG; Coimbra, M;

International journal of environmental research and public health

Due to an increase in population, urban centers are currently seeing an increase in traffic, resulting in negative consequences such as pollution and congestion. Efforts have been made to promote a modal shift towards the use of more sustainable means of transport, such as walking and cycling, but several deterrents influence the citizens' perceptions of safety, security and comfort, discouraging their choice of active modes of transport. This study focuses on the importance of providing meaningful information to vulnerable road users (VRUs) to support their perceptions and objectives while moving within urban spaces through a novel concept of route planning. A broad survey of the needs and concerns of VRUs through interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, applied to the Portuguese population of the Metropolitan Area of Porto, led to the development of a new concept of route planners that show personalized routes according to the individual perceptions of each user. This concept is materialized in a route planner prototype that has been extensively tested by potential users. Subjective evaluation and feedback showed the usefulness of the concept and added value to a familiar product, leading to a satisfying experience for participants. This study shows that there is an opportunity to improve these tools to provide a higher degree of power and customization to users on route planning, which includes addressing mobility restrictions and personal perceptions of safety, security and comfort. The ultimate goal of this new approach is to persuade citizens to switch to more sustainable means of transport.


The Impact of CNG on Buses Fleet Decarbonization: A Case Study

Oliveira, JPF; Fontes, T; Galvao, T;


By 2050, and in the context of decarbonization and carbon neutrality, many companies worldwide are looking for low-carbon alternatives. Transport companies are probably the most challenging due to the continuing growth in global demand and the high dependency on fossil fuels. Some alternatives are emerging to replace conventional diesel vehicles and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. One of these alternatives is the adoption of compressed natural gas (CNG). In this paper, we provide a detailed study of the current emissions from the largest bus fleet company in the metropolitan area of Oporto. For this analysis, we used a top-down and a bottom-up methodology based on EMEP/EEA guidebook to compute the CO2 and air pollution (CO, NMVOC, PM2.5, and NOx) emissions from the fleet. Fuel consumption, energy consumption, vehicle slaughter, electric bus incorporation, and the investments made were taken into consideration in the analyses. From the case study, the overall reduction in CO2 emission was just 6.3%, and the emission factors (air pollutants) from CNG-powered buses and diesel-powered buses are closer and closer. For confirming these results and question the effectiveness of the fleet transitions from diesel to CNG vehicles, we analysed two scenarios. The obtained results reveal the potential and effectiveness of electric buses and other fuel alternatives to reduce CO2 and air pollution.


Investigating the Perception of the Elderly Population About Comfort, Safety and Security When Using Active Modes of Transport

Felício, S; Hora, J; Ferreira, MC; Abrantes, D; Luna, F; Silva, J; Coimbra, M; Galvão, T;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Promoting active modes of transport, such as walking and cycling, has a positive impact on environmental sustainability and the health and well-being of citizens. This study explores the elderly population’s perception of comfort, safety and security when using active modes of transport. It begins with a systematic review of the literature considering research works that relate to active travel, the elderly population, and random forest. Then a questionnaire was applied to 653 participants and the results were analyzed. This analysis consisted of using statistics to evaluate the socio-demographic profile, the preferences regarding the use of active modes of this population, and the importance given to each dimension: comfort, safety, distance, and time, comparing these indicators through the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test and the Random Forest algorithm. The results showed that people over 56 years old walk as much as younger people. Furthermore, the importance given by this group of people to indicators referring to active modes is related to safety and security, distance, time, and comfort. The statistical results of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test indicate the most important indicators: Adequate Travel Distance & Time and Existence of Commercial Areas by age group [0–55], and Absence of Allergenics and Existence of Green Areas by age group [56+]. Finally, the Random Forest algorithm provides the relative importance for both age groups, [0–55] and [56+], where the indicators that stand out in the [56+] age group, which is the focus of our study, are air quality, adequate travel distance & time, adequate crowd density, adequate thermal sensation, absence of allergenic, good street illumination level, adequate traffic volume, and adequate noise level. © 2023, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.


Using social networks for exchanging valuable real time public transport information among travellers

Nunes, AA; Galvao, T; Falcao e Cunha, JFE; Pitt, JV;


Public transport users are increasingly connected in real time through mobile devices to social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. This allows them both to access and to provide valuable operational and emotional information from and to fellow travellers. Transport network management could benefit from this exchange, and also participate by providing rewards to valuable contributors. This paper introduces a model for such cooperative exchanges of information and proposes a valuation system for the information provided and obtained. Users and automatic systems (sensors) would provide information, such as punctuality, noise levels, and assessments of driver's skills, referenced to particular vehicles, routes and times. Then other users accessing such information would classify it on the level of correctness and usefulness, under a validation scheme operated by the transport network management. Such information could either be openly available or private in some degree within a social network, taking account of security aspects that need to be preserved. In a mature environment, more valuable information could only be made available via subscription or freely available to highly valued contributing users. The use of social networks would provide an easy way of sharing information and also provide a sense of community to the involved travellers. Transport network management benefiting from relevant information exchanges could reward users contributing with valuable data, as an incentive to enhance participation. In this context, the information exchanged would achieve a real transactional value and present a new electronic commerce paradigm. Overall, such exchange could also be seen as a serious game.

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