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Publicações por Teresa Galvão


Real-Time Monitoring of a Mobile Ticketing Solution

Ferreira, MC; Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Engenharia, Porto, Portugal,; Dias, TG; Cunha, JFe;

Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering



An In-Depth Study of Mobile Ticketing Services in Urban Passenger Transport

Campos Ferreira, M; Galvão Dias, T; Falcão e Cunha, J;

Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics

This chapter presents an in-depth study of the current situation of mobile ticketing services in the context of urban passenger transport, and points out future trends and directions that will define forthcoming versions of mobile ticketing services. It defines mobile ticketing services and presents the technologies most used to deliver these solutions. This is complemented by a survey of research studies and experiences of deployments in a real environment. The mobile ticketing ecosystem is then deeply explored, where key players are identified as well as their key drivers and concerns regarding mobile ticketing services. Finally, future trends and research opportunities regarding mobile ticketing solutions are presented.


Codesign of a Mobile Ticketing Service Solution Based on BLE

Ferreira, MC; Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Engenharia, Porto, Portugal,; Dias, TG; Cunha, JFe;

Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering



Is Bluetooth Low Energy feasible for mobile ticketing in urban passenger transport?

Campos Ferreira, M; Dias, TG; Falcão e Cunha, J;

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Millions of people use public transport on a daily basis. Although most public transport systems use traditional ticketing approaches, based on tickets and smartcards, there are already ticketing alternatives based on smartphones. Most of the mobile ticketing solutions developed and available in the market use technologies such as Near Field Communication (NFC) or Quick Response Codes (QR Codes), and there are practically no studies on the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for this purpose. This paper focuses on assessing the feasibility of using BLE beacons for mobile ticketing in urban passenger transport. The study was conducted during the development of a mobile ticketing solution for the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) that takes advantage of the Bluetooth technology present on the passengers' smartphones. It uses BLE beacons to track the passengers' trips from the start to the end, as part of an implementation of a check-in/be-out system. This solution was implemented as a prototype to be tested in the AMP and all the tests performed were made during the course of a pilot test of this prototype. The study consisted of a set of technical tests related with beacons signal monitoring and the gathering and analysis of passengers' feedback who participated in a four months pilot test. The results obtained suggest that the BLE technology is feasible for mobile ticketing in urban passenger transport. The paper also presents the various available deployment alternatives, identifies the main problems found and proposes solutions to solve them, filling an important research gap in the literature. © 2020 The Authors


One hand or two hands? 2D selection tasks with the leap motion device

Seixas, MCB; Cardoso, JCS; Dias, MTG;

ACHI 2015 - 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions

In this paper, we present the results from an experiment designed to compare two selection gestures (hand grab and screen tap) for the Leap Motion controller in 2D pointing tasks. We used the ISO 9241-9 multi-directional tapping test for comparing the devices, and we analyze the results using standard throughput and error rate measures as well as additional accuracy measures. We also present the results from the ISO 9241-9 assessment of comfort questionnaire. To complement this analysis, the computer mouse was also evaluated in order to serve as a comparison. Results indicate that the hand grab gesture performs better than the screen tap. Copyright © IARIA, 2015.


Average Speed of Public Transport Vehicles Based on Smartcard Data

Costa, V; Borges, JL; Dias, TG;

Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics

In public transport, traveler dissatisfaction is widespread, due to long waits and travel time, or the low frequency of the service provided. Public transport providers are increasingly concerned about improving the service provided. To improve public transport, detailed knowledge of the network and its weaknesses is necessary. An easy and cheap way to achieve this information is to extract knowledge from the data daily collected in a public transport network. Thus, this chapter focuses on data analysis resulting from the smartcard-based ticketing system. The main objective is to detect patterns of average speed for all days of the week and times of the day, along with pairs of consecutive stops. To perform the analyses, the average speed was deduced from ticketing data, and clustering methods were applied. The results show that it is possible to find segments with similar patterns and identify days and times with similar patterns.

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