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Publicações por Frederico Branco


ICT in Agro-industrial management Management System for Harvesting Mushrooms

Canuto, SA; Ramos Moreira Goncalves, RMRM; Mollo Neto, MM; dos Santos Branco, FAD; Cunha, JB;




CUSTOMER FEEDBACK AND INTERNET Means used by the Biggest Portuguese Companies

Goncalves, R; Branco, F; Martins, J; Santos, V; Pereira, J;


On this paper we proceed to the analysis of the means of obtaining customer feedback through the Internet. Keeping demanding customers as well as attract new ones, has always been a major concern for the majority of the companies. Knowing what customers think is an important part of developing products and services, and differentiating factor against the competition. Obtaining customer feedback through the Internet can be considered more cost efficient and accessible, when compared to more traditional means. This work results from a study that identified the means of obtaining customer feedback, on the websites of the Portuguese companies with the biggest business volume.


Customer Feedback and Internet Means Used By the Portuguese Enterprises

dos Santos Branco, FAD; Bandeira Martins, JLB; Ramos Moreira Goncalves, RMRM;


In this paper we intend to present an analysis to the means of collecting customer feedback through the Internet. Holding the current customers, as well as attract new ones, has been a very relevant concern to many organizations. Knowing their customers opinion is a decisive part of the product/service development. Collecting customer feedback through the Internet is considered to be simpler and economical when comparing to the traditional means of collecting customer feedback. This work is the result of a study that identified the means of collecting customer feedback present in the websites of the biggest Portuguese SMEs and biggest Portuguese enterprises in business volume.


ICT management in the agro-industry

Canuto, SA; Goncalves, RMRM; Neto, MM; Dos Santos Branco, FA; Cunha, JB;

Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2011

Human pressure is pushing many of our natural resources to their limits in various regions of the world. Optimize their use is an urgent need. The management of agro-industry has been aware of that need, seeking to improve the productivity and reduce waste throughout the production process, as well by increasing the distribution efficiency of their products. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can support the control/management of the process inputs and outputs in various activities. This article attempts to describe a complete mushroom production chain. The information system developed by the agro-industry company studied allows to acquire, in real-time, the information about what is being produced (quantity and type of mushroom), which products are to be delivered to the different clients and which should be the planning for the next few days. © 2011 AISTI.


Is social responsibility a question of marketing? An exploratory study on non-profit-seeking behaviour in academia

Au Yong oliveira, M; Moreira, F; Branco, F; Martins, J; Gonçalves, R;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

While lecturers who gave their testimonials to us admit that workloads in academia are extremely high they still accept to direct study cycles without receiving extra pay or any apparent benefits, besides added status and prestige. Similarly, students surveyed (n=69) also want to do socially responsible activity when they become executives, even though this may go against their evaluation (as profit maximizers) by shareholders. Is society and academia in particular becoming more altruistic? One might say that social responsibility is no longer an option, that informed consumers are looking to buy from socially responsible enterprises. One might also assume that in academia, which is a very hierarchical environment, that individuals initiating careers in academia are not in a position to decline invitations to coordinate study cycles. We do also, however, with our study, see evidence of something beyond the above more authoritarian reasons for wanting to do good in society. Individuals may genuinely want to contribute as more basic needs are increasingly fulfilled and individuals seek a higher and more worthwhile purpose in life. When asked whether social responsibility is a question of marketing, a number of students were divided on this issue. Just under one third answered neutrally, and over half answered neutral or disagreeing. The sample of students is interested in social responsibility - with over three quarters revealing a strong connection with social responsibility activity. Firms should not only seek profit, our students stated in majority, though seeking a profit is not seen by the majority to be a sign of being wicked. Previous studies on human motivation have emphasized how, in more advanced societies, needs follow a hierarchy and at the highest level one will find worthwhile accomplishment. What is novel is that this worthwhile accomplishment is not linked to material success but to wanting to do good in society. Further in-depth research is necessary into such change in society, towards a softer stance than that advocated by Milton Friedman in the 1970s, in his landmark paper defending that profit is the social responsibility of firms and that executives know nothing about solving the poverty problem or unemployment or inflation and so should stay away from seeking to solve these problems (rather, leave that to civil servants). We have found that change is upon us and that millennials want to play an active role in solving society's woes, so more research in this area is necessary to quantify the change and its effects.


Combining low-code development with ChatGPT to novel no-code approaches: A focus-group study

Martins, J; Branco, F; Mamede, HS;

Intell. Syst. Appl.

Low-code tools are a trend in software development for business solutions due to their agility and ease of use. There are a certain number of vendors with such solutions. Still, in most Western countries, there is a clear need for the existence of greater quantities of certified and experienced professionals to work with those tools. This means that companies with more resources can attract and maintain those professionals, whilst other smaller organizations must rely on an endless search for this scarce resource. We will present and validate a model designed to transform ChatGPT into a low-code developer, addressing the demand for a more skilled human resource solution. This innovative tool underwent rigorous validation via a focus group study, engaging a panel of highly experienced experts. Their invaluable insights and feedback on the proposed model were systematically gathered and meticulously analysed.

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