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Publicações por João Tomé Saraiva


A two-stage strategy for security-constrained AC dynamic transmission expansion planning

Gomes, PV; Saraiva, JT;


This paper presents a new and promising strategy organized in two stages to solve the dynamic multiyear transmission expansion planning, TEP, problem. Specifically, the first stage is related to the reduction of the search space size and it is conducted by a novel constructive heuristic algorithm (CHA). The second one is responsible for the refinement of the optimal solution plan and it uses a novel evolutionary algorithm based on the best features of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA). The planning problem is modelled as a dynamic and multiyear approach to ensure that it keeps a holistic view over the entire planning horizon and it aims at minimizing the total system costs comprising the investment and operation costs. Additionally, the N-1 contingency criterion is also considered in the problem. The developed approach was tested using the IEEE 118-Bus test system and the obtained results demonstrate its advantages in terms of efficiency and required computational time. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the novel strategy can enable the utilization of the AC optimal power flow (OPF) in a faster and reliable way when compared to the standard and widespread DC-OPF model.


Evaluation of the Impact of Shifting Demand from Peak to Adjacent Hours in the Social Welfare Function of the Iberian Electricity Market, MIBEL

Pinto, PT; Saraiva, JT;


This paper reports the main results obtained by the first author in the preparation of his MSc Thesis. The motivation for this work resulted from the intention announced by the Portuguese Regulatory Agency for the Energy Services to introduce dynamic tariffs as a way to induce a change of the behavior of some consumers in terms of moving some demand from peak periods to the adjacent hours. This is reported to lead to loss reductions, postponement of grid investments and generation cost reductions. In the case of Portugal, given the participation in the common market with Spain, generation costs are not publicly available so that it was investigated how the Social Welfare Function, SWF, that is maximized by the market operator would change given these demand transfers. The simulations were done using real market data for 2016 and the results suggest that the advantages are unclear since the SWF would be almost unchanged or slightly reduced.


Impact of Distributed Generation Penetration on Distribution Network Technical Losses

Nascimento, PHM; Avila, OF; de Oliveira, LE; Passos Filho, JA; Saraiva, JT; da Silva Junior, IC;


This work describes an analysis of the impact of distributed generation, focusing on the generation from renewable sources, in the technical losses of electrical energy distribution systems. To do so, the OPENDSS software was used to simulate the operation of two distribution feeders, considering: (a) different generation penetration levels; (b) generation with different power factors; (c) variations in the location of distributed sources in the distribution system. The results show that these factors can both interfere positively (decrease) or negatively (increase) in the distribution network technical losses levels, and therefore, there may be distortions in the recognized electrical losses by regulatory agencies, mainly due to the generation unpredictability of renewable sources.


Joint analysis of the Portuguese and Spanish NECP for 2021-2030

De Oliveira, AR; Collado, JV; Lopes, JAP; Saraiva, JPT; Fonseca, NS; Domenech, S; Campos, FA;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

The European Union (EU) energy strategy towards decarbonization led EU countries to elaborate their corresponding National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) for the period 2021 to 2030. This paper analyzes the Portuguese and Spanish NECPs concerning their power systems. CEVESA, a model for the long-term planning and operation of the Iberian electricity system, is used. The analysis is based on simulating the reference NECP scenario, as well as other alternative scenarios with different solar and wind generation shares, CO2 prices and fuel costs. Results provide insights on the MIBEL electricity market evolution under the current decarbonization national strategies. © 2020 IEEE.


Assessing the Impact of Investments in Distribution Planning

MacEdo, P; Fidalgo, JN; Tome Saraiva, J;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

The expansion and development of the electricity distribution grid is a complex multicriteria decision problem. The planning definition should take into consideration the investment benefits on the security of supply, quality of service, losses, as well as in other network features. Given the variety of assets and their context-dependent effects, estimating their global impact is very challenging. An additional difficulty is the combination of different types of benefits into a simple and clear portrayal of the planning alternatives. This paper proposes a methodology to estimate the benefits of distribution investments, in terms of five features: security of supply, quality of service, network losses, operational efficiency and new services. The approach is based on the adoption of objective and measurable indicators for each feature. The approach was tested with real data of Portuguese distribution grids and the results support the adopted approach and are being used as a decision-aid tool for grid planning. © 2020 IEEE.


Cost-benefit Analysis on a New Access Tariff: Case Study on the Portuguese System

Vilaca, P; Saraiva, JT; Fidalgo, JN;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

This paper reports the main results that were obtained in the scope of a consultancy study that was developed for EDP Distribuição, the main Portuguese distribution company, to evaluate the impact of a number of changes to be introduced in the Tariff System. These changes were proposed by ERSE, the Portuguese Regulatory Agency for the Energy Services, and included the redesign of the tariff periods and the possible introduction of a geographic differentiation on the Access Tariff to reflect different daily and yearly demand and flow patterns along the country. This work involved the development of a Cost Benefit Analysis, CBA, as well as a Pilot Project that included 82 MV and HV consumers to evaluate several Key Performance Indices, KPI, used to characterize the proposed changes on the tariff system. © 2020 IEEE.

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