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Publicações por Orlando Frazão


Tapered optical fiber tip probes based on focused ion beam-milled Fabry-Perot microcavities

Andre, RM; Warren Smith, SC; Becker, M; Dellith, J; Rothhardt, M; Zibaii, MI; Latifi, H; Marques, MB; Bartelt, H; Frazao, O;


Focused ion beam technology is combined with dynamic chemical etching to create microcavities in tapered optical fiber tips, resulting in fiber probes for temperature and refractive index sensing. Dynamic chemical etching uses hydrofluoric acid and a syringe pump to etch standard optical fibers into cone structures called tapered fiber tips where the length, shape, and cone angle can be precisely controlled. On these tips, focused ion beam is used to mill several different types of Fabry-Perot microcavities. Two main cavity types are initially compared and then combined to form a third, complex cavity structure. In the first case, a gap is milled on the tapered fiber tip which allows the external medium to penetrate the light guiding region and thus presents sensitivity to external refractive index changes. In the second, two slots that function as mirrors are milled on the tip creating a silica cavity that is only sensitive to temperature changes. Finally, both cavities are combined on a single tapered fiber tip, resulting in a multi-cavity structure capable of discriminating between temperature and refractive index variations. This dual characterization is performed with the aid of a fast Fourier transform method to separate the contributions of each cavity and thus of temperature and refractive index. Ultimately, a tapered optical fiber tip probe with sub-standard dimensions containing a multi-cavity structure is projected, fabricated, characterized and applied as a sensing element for simultaneous temperature and refractive index discrimination.


Temperature-independent strain sensor based on a tapered Bragg fibre fabricated using a CO2 laser

Martins, TJM; Marques, MB; Roy, P; Jamier, R; Fevrier, S; Frazao, O;


Temperature-independent strain measurement is achieved resorting to a taper fabricated on a Bragg fibre using a CO2 laser. The characteristic bimodal interference of an untapered Bragg fibre is rendered multimode after taper fabrication and the resulting transmission spectra are analysed as temperature and strain change. The intrinsic strain sensitivity exhibited by the Bragg fibre is increased 15 fold after tapering and reaches 22.68 pm/mu epsilon. The difference in wavelength shift promoted by variations in temperature and strain for the two fringes studied is examined and strain sensing with little temperature sensitivity is achieved, presenting a sensitivity of 2.86 pm/mu epsilon, for strain values up to 400 mu epsilon.


Fiber laser sensor based on a phase-shifted chirped grating for acoustic sensing of partial discharges

Lima, SEU; Farias, RG; Araujo, FM; Ferreira, LA; Santos, JL; Miranda, V; Frazao, O;

Photonic Sensors

Acoustic emission monitoring is often used in the diagnosis of electrical and mechanical incipient faults in the high voltage apparatus. Partial discharges are a major source of insulation failure in electric power transformers, and the differentiation from other sources of acoustic emission is of the utmost importance. This paper reports the development of a new sensor concept - a fiber laser sensor based on a phase-shifted chirped fiber grating - for the acoustic emission detection of incipient faults in oil-filled power transformers. These sensors can be placed in the inner surface of the transformer tank wall, not affecting the insulation integrity of the structure and improving fault detection and location. The performance of the sensing head is characterized and compared for different surrounding media: air, water, and oil. The results obtained indicate the feasibility of this sensing approach for the industrial development of practical solutions. © 2012 The Author(s).


Temperature independent refractive index measurement using a fiber Bragg grating on abrupt tapered tip

Gomes, AD; Silveira, B; Warren Smith, SC; Becker, M; Rothhardt, M; Frazao, O;


A fiber Bragg grating was inscribed in an abrupt fiber taper using a femtosecond laser and phase-mask interferometer. The abrupt taper transition allows to excite a broad range of guided modes with different effective refractive indices that are reflected at different wavelengths according to Bragg's law. The multimode-Bragg reflection expands over 30 nm in the telecom-C-band. This corresponds to a mode field overlap of up to 30% outside of the fiber, making the device suitable for evanescent field sensing. Refractive index and temperature measurements are performed for different reflection peaks. Temperature independent refractive index measurements are achieved by considering the difference between the wavelength shifts of two measured reflection peaks. A minimum refractive index sensitivity of 16 +/- 1 nm/RlU was obtained in a low refractive index regime (1.3475-1.3720) with low influence of temperature (-0.32 0.06 pm/degrees C). The cross sensitivity for this structure is 2.0 x 10(-5) RlU/degrees C.. The potential for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature is also studied.


Fiber Microstructure Sensors Based on Focused Ion Beam Technology

Andre, RM; Marques, MJB; Frazao, O;


Optical fiber sensors have evolved over the years in many different directions. One particular direction dictated by necessity is miniaturization and the creation of micro- and nano-optical fiber sensors. Many techniques now exist that allow the micro-structuring of optical fiber. One in particular is focused ion beam technology. This chapter aims to introduce this technique and present the latest work on the application of focused ion beam to optical fiber micromachining, more specifically, the fabrication of optical fiber microstructure sensors such as micro-gratings and micro-cavities.


Experimental and Numerical Characterization of a Hybrid Fabry-Perot Cavity for Temperature Sensing

Lopez Aldaba, A; Rodrigues Pinto, AMR; Lopez Amo, M; Frazao, O; Santos, JL; Baptista, JM; Baierl, H; Auguste, JL; Jamier, R; Roy, P;


A hybrid Fabry-Perot cavity sensing head based on a four-bridge microstructured fiber is characterized for temperature sensing. The characterization of this cavity is performed numerically and experimentally in the L-band. The sensing head output signal presents a linear variation with temperature changes, showing a sensitivity of 12.5 pm/degrees C. Moreover, this Fabry-Perot cavity exhibits good sensitivity to polarization changes and high stability over time.

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