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Publicações por Orlando Frazão


Magnetic Field Sensor Based on Nonadiabatic Tapered Optical Fiber With Magnetic Fluid

Layeghi, A; Latifi, H; Frazao, O;


A novel magnetic field sensor using a nonadiabatic tapered optical fiber (NATOF) interacting with magnetic fluid (MF) nanoparticles is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The NATOF sensitivity when is subjected to refractive index (RI) measurement in the small range from 1.3380 to 1.3510 was 1260.17 nm/RIU as a refractometer sensor. The NATOF is surrounded by a MF whose RI changes with external magnetic field, which MF is as a cladding of tapered fiber. The output interference spectrum is shifted by the change of the applied magnetic field intensity in the range up to 44 mT with a sensitivity of -7.17 x 10(-2) nm/mT, used only 0.1% of the volume concentration of MF nanoparticles. This direct manipulation of light with magnetic fields provides an approach to develop future sensors relying on electromagnetic interactions.


Phase-sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Assisted by First-order Raman Amplification for Distributed Vibration Sensing Over 100 km

Martins, HF; Martin Lopez, S; Corredera, P; Filograno, ML; Frazao, O; Gonzalez Herraez, M;


In this study, the authors present an experimental and theoretical description of the use of first order Raman amplification to improve the performance of a Phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer (phi OTDR) when used for vibration measurements over very long distances. A special emphasis is given to the noise which is carefully characterized and minimized along the setup. A semiconductor optical amplifier and an optical switch are used to greatly decrease the intra-band coherent noise of the setup and balanced detection is used to minimize the effects of RIN transferred from the Raman pumps. The sensor was able to detect vibrations of up to 250 Hz (close to the limits set by the time of flight of light pulses) with a resolution of 10 m in a range of 125 km. To achieve the above performance, no post-processing was required in the fOTDR signal. The evolution of the fOTDR signal along the fiber is also shown to have a good agreement with the theoretical model.


Cleaved Silica Microsphere for Temperature Measurement

Gomes, AD; Silveira, B; Dellith, J; Becker, M; Rothhard, M; Bartelt, H; Frazao, O;


A sensing structure based on a cleaved silica microsphere is proposed for temperature sensing. The microsphere was cleaved using focused ion beam milling. The asymmetry in the structure introduced by the cut generates not only new cavities but also random interferometric reflections inside the microsphere. These two spectral components can be separated using low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively. The sensor response to temperature can be extracted from the cavities' component using a correlation method. The device achieved a temperature sensitivity of -10.8 +/- 0.2 pm/degrees C between 30 degrees C and 80 degrees C. The same effect is impossible to be obtained in a normal uncleaved microsphere. The random interferometric component did not provide any information on temperature using the same analysis. However, when changing the temperature, a new and completely distinct reflection spectrum with no apparent correlation with others at different temperatures was achieved.


Center of gravity estimation using a reaction board instrumented with fiber Bragg gratings

Oliveira, R; Roriz, P; Marques, MB; Frazao, O;


The purpose of the present work is to construct a reaction board based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) that could be used for estimation of the 2D coordinates of the projection of center of gravity (CG) of an object. The apparatus is consisted of a rigid equilateral triangular board mounted on three supports at the vertices, two of which have cantilevers instrumented with FBGs. When an object of known weight is placed on the board, the bending strain of the cantilevers is measured by a proportional wavelength shift of the FBGs. Applying the equilibrium conditions of a rigid body and proper calibration procedures, the wavelength shift is used to estimate the vertical reaction forces and moments of force at the supports and the coordinates of the object's CG projection on the board. This method can be used on a regular basis to estimate the CG of the human body or objects with complex geometry and density distribution. An example is provided for the estimation of the CG projection coordinates of two orthopaedic femur bone models, one intact, and the other with a hip stem implant encased. The clinical implications of changing the normal CG location by means of a prosthesis have been discussed.


Multipath Interferometer Polished Microsphere for Enhanced Temperature Sensing

Gomes, AD; Karami, F; Zibaii, MI; Latifi, H; Frazao, O;

IEEE Sensors Letters



The fiber connection method using a tapered silica fiber tip for microstructured polymer optical fibers

Ferreira, M; Gomes, A; Kowal, D; Statkiewicz Barabach, G; Mergo, P; Frazão, O;


In this work, an alternative method of coupling light into microstructured polymer fibers is presented. The solution consists in using a fiber taper fabricated with a CO2 laser. The connection is formed by inserting a tapered silica tip into the holes of a microstructured polymer fiber. This alternative method is duly characterized and the feasibility of such fiber connection to enable the polymer fiber as a displacement sensor is also demonstrated. © 2018 by the authors.

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