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Publicações por Orlando Frazão


Chirped Bragg Grating Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Nanostrain Measurement

Silva, RM; Ferreira, MS; Frazao, O;


In this work, a simple real-static nanostrain sensor based on a Bragg grating structure is presented. The setup is constituted by a narrow linewidth laser as light source, an optical circulator and a photodetector. The sensing head is formed by a chirped Bragg grating inscribed in a standard single mode fiber (SMF-28) by the phase technique. The fiber face end is cleaved and coated with a silver mirror, obtaining a Fabry-Perot interferometer. It is observable that the fringes period increases along the grating, due to the chirp spectrum (0.4 nm/cm) characteristics. The laser is fixed in one slope region of the fringe pattern. When strain is applied, the optical power changes linearly. A sensitivity of 5.72 mu W/mu epsilon in a range of 2 mu epsilon. The sensing head resolution is 70 n epsilon for a measurement step of 875 n epsilon.


Brillouin Stokes comb generated in a distributed fiber Raman amplifier

Martins, HF; Marques, MB; Frazao, O;


A Brillouin Stokes comb laser with increased flatness is reported. The feedback for the laser is provided by a distributed mirror combined with a narrowband seed laser. The Brillouin seed power and wavelength optimization is crucial in order to obtain a uniform power level between Stokes lines. The Brillouin seed must have a relatively large power and its wavelength must be located close to the Raman peak gain region. The flat-amplitude bandwidth is also determined by the choice of Raman pump wavelength. A flat-amplitude bandwidth of 34 nm from 1538 nm to 1572 nm is measured when Raman pump wavelength is set to 1455 nm. 425 uniform Brillouin Stokes lines with 0.08 nm spacing are generated across the wavelength range. The average signal-to-noise ratio of 15 dB is obtained for all the Brillouin Stokes lines. This type of laser can be used in optical communications as a multiwavelength source and also in metrology as a frequency ruler.


Torsion sensor based on a high-birefringent Sagnac loop interferometer

Ferreira, MS; Silva, RM; Frazao, O;


In this work, a high-birefringent Sagnac loop interferometer torsion sensor is presented. The sensing head is inserted between the output ports of a high-birefringent coupler and it is formed by a section of standard single mode fiber. The sensing head characterization is done for torsion, temperature and strain measurements. The spectral response of this sensing head presents two interferometers, which are dependent on the light polarization states. Interference occurs due to the different lengths of the coupler output arms. This configuration allows the exclusion of a polarization controller, since it is possible to manipulate directly the polarization of light that travels inside the coupler. When the sensing head is subjected to torsion, it is possible to observe a beat between the two interferometers. In this case, there is a simultaneous pi/4 excitation of the two polarization states in the splices region. The torsion sensitivity is related to the sensing head length. The sensor response is periodic and the twist range can be from -2 pi to 2 pi. The sensor is unaffected by temperature and strain variations. This configuration is simple and when compared to the conventional configuration, the polarization controller is suppressed. The setup can be used in specific applications, such as in mechanical engineering.


Welding monitoring using FBG sensors

Richter Trummer, V; Tavares, SMO; Peixoto, DFC; Silva, SF; Frazao, O; Moreira, PMGP; De Castro, PMST;

AES-ATEMA International Conference Series - Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications

Welding process monitoring using fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensor technology is a promising technique to measure temperature and strain during the fabrication process. Examples of FBG sensor based temperature and strain measurements in butt-welding of plates are presented in this paper. In order to be able to measure strain and/or temperature it is however necessary to calibrate these instruments for accurate measurement results. In the present work calibration for strain measurements at constant temperature using a four point bending test is performed. This type of mechanical test allows enough space for instrumentation between the inner rollers. A finite element model is made using Abaqus for comparison and strain gauges are used for calibration purposes. Temperature calibration was carried out using an oven. The FBG sensors' measurements were calibrated with data obtained by thermocouples. Tests on welds are presented and the possible impact of this monitoring technology is briefly discussed in the light of process optimization and subsequent structural health monitoring. © AES-Advanced Engineering Solutions.


Photonic crystal fibres for sensing applications

Frazao, O;

Advances in Sensors, Signals and Materials - 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Sensors and Signals, SENSIG'10, 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Materials Science, MATERIALS'10

In this paper, it is presented a brief review of the sensing applications using photonic crystal fibres. Since the first publication, several authors have studied their properties and possible applications in engineering. Due to their geometry, the great potential in optical sensing is in bio and gas sensing. Recently, with the possibility of inscribing Bragg grating structures on these fibres, it is possible to use them for other applications. Finally, this paper reviews the recent works with different types of photonic crystal fibres for interferometry.


Fibre Bragg grating for telecommunications applications: Tuneable thermally stress enhanced OADM

Andre, PS; Pinto, JL; Abe, I; Kalinowski, HJ; Frazao, O; Araujo, FM;

Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics

This paper presents some aspects of the production, characterization and implementation of fibre Bragg grating as a key element for selective filtering in optical communications. Theory, fabrications and applications of the Fibre Bragg grating for a specific tuneable optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) are presented. The OADM performance on a 2.48832 Gbit/s dense wavelength division multiplexing optical communications system with 95 km is reported. The power penalty for the removed channels was less than 0.1 dB. We obtain good agreement between the FBG behaviour the OADM performance with the numerical simulations results. Copyright SBMO.

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