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Publicações por Adérito Fernandes Marcos


The Creation Process in Digital Art

Marcos, AF; Branco, PS; Zagalo, NT;

Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts



The computer medium in digital art's creative process

Marcos, AF; Branco, P; Carvalho, JA;

Handbook of Research on Computational Arts and Creative Informatics

Art objects might be described as symbolic objects that aim at stimulating emotions. They reach us through our senses (visual, auditory, tactile, or other). They are displayed by means of physical material (stone, paper, wood, etc.) and combine some patterns to produce an aesthetic composition. They convey some message, normally to suggest some state of mind or to induce an emotion and the consequent feeling on the side of the viewer. Digital art differs from conventional art pieces by the use of computers and computer-based artifacts that manipulate digitally coded information, inheriting the almost unlimited possibilities in interaction, virtualization and manipulation of information the computer medium offers. In this chapter the authors propose to analyze and discuss the concepts and definitions behind digital art, emphasizing how the computer medium is itself the tool and the raw material in its creation, especially if we stress the fact that the conception and design of artistic information content is at the heart of any artistic work. Furthermore the authors present a framework for digital art creation that consists of a common design space where digital artists can smoothly progress from the concept until the final artifact while exploring the computer medium to its maximum potential. © 2009, IGI Global.


An immersive musical instrument prototype

Valbom, L; Marcos, A;


This article describes a prototype immersive musical instrument that expands the concepts of traditional musical elements and allows the integration of a spatial dimension using 3D music and sound objects into the musical environment by employing physical, visual, and sound immersion. From the prototype's evaluation results, the authors conclude that immersive musical instruments naturally give users a way to perform, compose, or improvise music (in real time) with a high degree of control. © 2007 IEEE.


Digital art: When artistic and cultural muse merges with computer technology

Marcos, AF;


Digital technologies have become ostensibly ubiquitous and highly expressive over the last 15 years. Today, more people are exploring innovations in information and communications technology in global communication networks, as well as in media tools, to create new aesthetical representational forms of information. In this article, the author discusses and analyzes the concepts and definitions behind digital art and the technological issues related to artistic and cultural heritage applications. © 2007 IEEE.


Instantiating the creation process in digital art for serious games design

Marcos, A; Zagalo, N;

Entertainment Computing

The creation process in digital art relies often on collaborations between an artist (or group of artists) and a multidisciplinary team. This collaboration implies a multidisciplinary work involving art, science, technology, design, psychology, etc. that come together by sharing a common communicational and informational space.In this essay we bring into discussion how the creation process cycle in digital art could be instantiated and applied for the development of serious games through end-user purposes of both creative authors: the digital artists and the serious games developers. We realise a comprehensive analysis of this creation process in digital art, specially the aesthetic musing activity, while devising how it could be helpful to introduce new engaging stimulus in the creative process of serious games. © 2010 International Federation for Information Processing.


Employing personality-rich virtual persons - New tools required

Iurgel, IA; Marcos, AF;


Digital personalities are virtual characters that possess situation dependent, personality revealing behaviors. This paper introduces concepts, current and prospective usages of personality-rich virtual characters, and focus on authoring issues for artists that want to create digital portrays of digital persons. Different categories of digital personalities are introduced, in particular virtual actors for CG-movies are explained in more detail because of the importance of understanding the functioning of virtual actors-other types of virtual personalities will often be build upon the faculties of virtual actors. It is proposed that an essential feature of the prospective authoring process of digital personalities is the support of generalization. This would allow for a "concrete authoring", that modifies and defines concrete cases. Thus, the author would be able to employ concrete cases as basis for generalizations. In this context, possible technologies that would support a concrete authoring process are presented, in particular Case-Based Reasoning.

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