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Publicações por João Marco


Inside packet sampling techniques: exploring modularity to enhance network measurements

Silva, JMC; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR;

Int. J. Commun. Syst.

Traffic sampling is viewed as a prominent strategy contributing to lightweight and scalable network measurements. Although multiple sampling techniques have been proposed and used to assist network engineering tasks, these techniques tend to address a single measurement purpose, without detailing the network overhead and computational costs involved. The lack of a modular approach when defining the components of traffic sampling techniques also makes difficult their analysis. Providing a modular view of sampling techniques and classifying their characteristics is, therefore, an important step to enlarge the sampling scope, improve the efficiency of measurement systems, and sustain forthcoming research in the area. Thus, this paper defines a taxonomy of traffic sampling techniques resorting to a comprehensive analysis of the inner components of existing proposals. After identifying granularity, selection scheme, and selection trigger as the main components differentiating sampling proposals, the study goes deeper on characterizing these components, including insights into their computational weight. Following this taxonomy, a general-purpose architecture is established to sustain the development of flexible sampling-based measurement systems. Traveling inside packet sampling techniques, this paper contributes to a clearer positioning and comparison of existing proposals, providing a road map to assist further research and deployments in the area. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


A Modular Architecture for Deploying Self-adaptive Traffic Sampling

Silva, JMC; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR;


Traffic sampling is seen as a mandatory solution to cope with the huge amount of traffic traversing network devices. Despite the substantial research work in the area, improving the versatility of adjusting sampling to the wide variety of foreseeable measurement scenarios has not been targeted so far. This motivates the development of an encompassing measurement model based on traffic sampling able to support a large range of network management activities, in a scalable way. The design of this model involves identifying sampling techniques through its components rather than a closed unit, allowing to address issues such as flexibility, estimation accuracy, data overhead and computational weight within a narrower and simpler scope. This paper concretises these ideas presenting a modular and self-configurable measurement architecture based on sampling, a framework implementing sampling inherent pieces, and provides first results when deploying the proposed concepts in real traffic scenarios.


Computational Weight of Network Traffic Sampling Techniques

Silva, JMC; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR;


Within network measurement context, traffic sampling has been targeted as a promising solution to cope with the huge amount of traffic traversing network devices as only a subset of packets is elected for analysis. Although this brings an evident advantage to measurement overhead, the computational burden of performing sampling tasks in network equipment may overshadow the potential benefits of sampling. Attending that sampling techniques evince distinct temporal and spatial characteristics in handling traffic, this paper is focused on studying the computational weight of current and emerging techniques in terms of memory consumption, CPU load and data volume. Furthermore, the accuracy of these techniques in estimating network parameters such as throughput is evaluated. A sampling framework has also been implemented in order to provide a versatile and fair platform for carrying out the testing and comparison process.


A multiadaptive sampling technique for cost-effective network measurements

Silva, JMC; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR;


The deployment of efficient measurement solutions to assist network management tasks without interfering with normal network operation assumes a prominent role in today's high-speed networks attending to the huge amounts of traffic involved. From a myriad of proposals for traffic measurement, sampling techniques are particularly relevant contributing effectively for this purpose as only a subset of the overall traffic volume is handled for processing, preserving ideally the correct estimation of network statistical behavior. In this context, this paper proposes MuST - a multiadaptive sampling technique based on linear prediction, aiming at reducing significantly the measurement overhead and still assuring that traffic samples reflect the statistical characteristics of the global network traffic under analysis. Conversely to current sampling techniques, MuST is a multi and self-adaptive technique as both the sample size and interval between samples are self-adjustable parameters according to the ongoing network activity and the accuracy of prediction achieved. The tests carried out demonstrate that the proposed sampling technique is able to achieve accurate network estimations with reduced overhead, using throughput as reference parameter. The evaluation results, obtained resorting to real traffic traces representing wired and wireless aggregated traffic scenarios and actual network services, prove that the simplicity, flexibility and self-adaptability of the proposed technique can be successfully explored to improve network measurements efficiency over distinct traffic conditions. For optimization purposes, this paper also includes a study of the impact of varying the order of prediction, i.e., of considering different degrees of past memory in the self-adaptive estimation mechanism. The significance of the obtained results is demonstrated through statistical benchmarking.


A Modular Traffic Sampling Architecture: Bringing Versatility and Efficiency to Massive Traffic Analysis

Silva, JMC; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR;

J. Netw. Syst. Manag.

The massive traffic volumes and heterogeneity of services in today’s networks urge for flexible, yet simple measurement solutions to assist network management tasks, without impairing network performance. To turn treatable tasks requiring traffic analysis, sampling the traffic has become mandatory, triggering substantial research in the area. Despite that, there is still a lack of an encompassing solution able to support the flexible deployment of sampling techniques in production networks, adequate to diverse traffic scenarios and measurement activities. In this context, this article proposes a modular traffic sampling architecture able to foster the flexible design and deployment of efficient measurement strategies. The architecture is composed of three layers—management plane, control plane and data plane—covering key components to achieve versatile and lightweight measurements in diverse traffic scenarios and measurement activities. Each component of the architecture is described considering the different strategies, technologies and protocols that compose the several stages of a measurement process. Following the proposed architecture, a sampling framework prototype has been developed, providing a fair environment to assess and compare sampling techniques under distinct measurement scenarios, evaluating their performance in balancing computational burden and accuracy. The results have demonstrated the relevance and applicability of the proposed architecture, revealing that a modular and configurable approach to sampling is a step forward for improving sampling scope and efficiency. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York.


Qualification offer in EGOV competencies in PALOP-TL

Silva, JMC; Ramos, LFM; Fonte, V;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) have been successfully used in order to promote and pursue the goals of UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Meeting these goals, however, require significant efforts on public policy development, adequate planning and implementation, as well as qualified human resources working at every level of government, public administration and institutions. This paper presents a first quantitative analysis originated from Electronic Government-related training sessions that took place on all five Portuguese Speaking African Countries, and in Timor-Leste along 2017. The results focus on (i) the availability of higher education institutions offering courses related to EGOV on each of those countries; (ii) the qualification of the professionals attending those sessions; and (iii) how availability of local higher education courses translates into qualifications of local professionals serving at public administration level. This paper also discusses some perceptions gathered from the field, both from participants and lecturer teams, framing additional challenges that EGOV-related courses must take into account in those particular settings. It concludes by pointing out some of the works already taking place, which provides a deeper understanding of the workforce competencies in EGOV for each of those countries. © 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.

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