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Publicações por CEGI


SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutions

Adot, E; Akhmedova, A; Alvelos, H; Barbosa Pereira, S; Berbegal Mirabent, J; Cardoso, S; Domingues, P; Franceschini, F; Gil Domenech, D; Machado, R; Maisano, DA; Marimon, F; Mas Machuca, M; Mastrogiacomo, L; Melo, AI; Migueis, V; Rosa, MJ; Sampaio, P; Torrents, D; Xambre, AR;


PurposeThe paper aims to define a dashboard of indicators to assess the quality performance of higher education institutions (HEI). The instrument is termed SMART-QUAL.Design/methodology/approachTwo sources were used in order to explore potential indicators. In the first step, information disclosed in official websites or institutional documentation of 36 selected HEIs was analyzed. This first step also included in depth structured high managers' interviews. A total of 223 indicators emerged. In a second step, recent specialized literature was revised searching for indicators, capturing additional 302 indicators.FindingsEach one of the 525 total indicators was classified according to some attributes and distributed into 94 intermediate groups. These groups feed a debugging, prioritization and selection process, which ended up in the SMART-QUAL instrument: a set of 56 key performance indicators, which are grouped in 15 standards, and, in turn, classified into the 3 HEI missions. A basic model and an extended model are also proposed.Originality/valueThe paper provides a useful measure of quality performance of HEIs, showing a holistic view to monitor HEI quality from three fundamental missions. This instrument might assist HEI managers for both assessing and benchmarking purposes. The paper ends with recommendations for university managers and public administration authorities.


Automatic root cause analysis in manufacturing: an overview & conceptualization

Oliveira, EE; Migueis, VL; Borges, JL;


Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process through which we find the true cause of a problem. It is a crucial process in manufacturing, as only after finding the root cause and addressing it, it is possible to improve the manufacturing operation. However, this is a very time-consuming process, especially if the amount of data about the manufacturing operation is considerable. With the increase in automation and the advent of Industry 4.0, sensorization of manufacturing environments has expanded, increasing with it the data available. The conjuncture described gives rise to the challenge and the opportunity of automatizing root cause analysis (at least partially), making this process more efficient, using tools from data mining and machine learning to help the analyst find the root cause of a problem. This paper presents an overview of the literature that has been published in the last 17 years on developing automatic root cause analysis (ARCA) solutions in manufacturing. The literature on the topic is disperse and it is currently lacking a connecting thread. As such, this study analyzes how previous studies developed the different elements of an ARCA solution for manufacturing: the types of data used, the methodologies, and the evaluation measures of the methods proposed. The proposed conceptualization establishes the base on which future studies on ARCA can develop results from this analysis, identifying gaps in the literature and future research opportunities.


Towards Hyper-Relevance in Marketing: Development of a Hybrid Cold-Start Recommender System

Fernandes, L; Miguéis, V; Pereira, I; Oliveira, E;


Recommender systems position themselves as powerful tools in the support of relevance and personalization, presenting remarkable potential in the area of marketing. The cold-start customer problematic presents a challenge within this topic, leading to the need of distinguishing user features and preferences based on a restricted set of transactional information. This paper proposes a hybrid recommender system that aims to leverage transactional and portfolio information as indicating characteristics of customer behaviour. Four independent systems are combined through a parallelised weighted hybrid design. The first individual system utilises the price, target age, and brand of each product to develop a content-based recommender system, identifying item similarities. Secondly, a keyword-based content system uses product titles and descriptions to identify related groups of items. The third system utilises transactional data, defining similarity between products based on purchasing patterns, categorised as a collaborative model. The fourth system distinguishes itself from the previous approaches by leveraging association rules, using transactional information to establish antecedent and precedence relationships between items through a market basket analysis. Two datasets were analysed: product portfolio and transactional datasets. The product portfolio had 17,118 unique products and the included 4,408,825 instances from 2 June 2021 until 2 June 2022. Although the collaborative system demonstrated the best evaluation metrics when comparing all systems individually, the hybridisation of the four systems surpassed each of the individual systems in performance, with a 8.9% hit rate, 6.6% portfolio coverage, and with closer targeting of customer preferences and smaller bias.



Fernandes, H; Barbosa, F; Nóvoa, H; Silva, J; Camacho, A;

Revista de Ativos de Engenharia

A área de conhecimento associada à gestão de ativos potencia a extração de valor de ativos físicos, incorporando uma abordagem integrada que envolve riscos, custos e desempenho. Este trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem para selecionar projetos de investimento em infraestruturas no âmbito da gestão de ativos. A métrica padrão utilizada para a seleção de projetos em ativos múltiplos é o Índice de Valor de Infraestruturas (IVI), que tem sido utilizado para caracterizar ativos do setor de águas em diversos países. Este trabalho desenvolveu dois modelos de programação linear inteira mista. O primeiro modelo de otimização trata de um problema de alocação de orçamento de capital selecionando projetos de investimento com vista à maximização da condição dos ativos. O segundo modelo de otimização trata de um problema de planeamento de orçamento, visando minimizar o capital necessário para manter os ativos nas condições desejadas. A aplicação dos modelos é ilustrada por um estudo de caso de uma empresa que opera no setor da água em Portugal. Os resultados obtidos nos diferentes cenários analisados são discutidos com vista a apoiar o desenho de políticas de gestão de ativos mais eficientes.


The assessment of performance trends and convergence in education and training systems of European countries

Camanho, AS; Stumbriene, D; Barbosa, F; Jakaitiene, A;


The Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020) aimed to pro-mote the exchange of best practices among the Member States. This paper assesses the performance evo-lution of European countries in terms of the common objectives for the education sector. The framework used to evaluate European education systems is based on constructing a composite indicator adopting a benefit-of-the-doubt approach. The evaluation of performance change over time is done using a Global Malmquist Index. Sigma and beta convergence of EU countries are also explored using non-parametric frontier techniques. The results are analysed for the period 2009-2018 and discussed in light of the goals envisaged and the national policies adopted. The results revealed a trend of improvement in the perfor-mance of education systems in most European countries in the period analysed. Although most European countries moved closer to the European best practice frontier over time, as confirmed by the values of sigma-convergence, a few countries are still lagging considerably below their peers, as revealed by the existence of divergence in beta.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )


Productivity change in Brazilian water services: A benchmarking study of national and regional trends

Tourinho, M; Barbosa, F; Santos, PR; Pinto, FT; Camanho, AS;


Assessing the evolution of the performance of water supply and sanitation services is essential to monitor progress towards the universalization of water services, as specified by the Sustainable Development Goal 6 of Agenda 2030, adopted by United Nations member countries. Brazil, a developing country with a continental size and geographical diversity, will face significant challenges to achieve this goal. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the evolution of productivity of water supply and sanitation services in Brazilian municipalities in the period 2012-2019. The analysis also explores whether water services' performance is balanced across the country, with a specific analysis of performance at the macroregion level. From a methodological perspective, this research evaluates productivity change over time using a Malmquist Productivity Index estimated with a metafrontier, satisfying the circularity property. It also develops a pseudo Malmquist index that compares productivity levels across macro-regions. The results revealed a productivity loss of approximately 4% at the national level, with an unequal profile across the macro-regions. The Southeast municipalities stand out for exhibiting, on average, higher productivity levels than the South and Northeast municipalities.

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