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Publicações por Luís Manuel Pessoa


An Adaptive System for Underwater Wireless Power Transfer

Goncalves, F; Pereira, A; Morais, A; Duarte, C; Gomes, R; Pessoa, LM;


In wireless power transfer systems, if the driver is not capable of dynamically adapt its own switching frequency, small environmental changes or even slight deviations in circuit parameters may prevent the complete system from working properly when the optimal resonance frequency moves towards new values. In this paper, we propose an adaptive system suitable for underwater wireless applications in sea water. The output voltage is regulated using the wireless power link, avoiding the need for additional wireless interfaces. Our complete system includes the power driver, coupling coils, rectifier, and two micro-controllers. The regulation is accomplished by digital load modulation, observable at the input by means of current sensing at the power supply. Experimental results demonstrate a class-D driver with a series-series resonant topology working in saline water, delivering power between 1.6 and 2.4 W. The regulated voltage is 7.5 V with error less than 7.2 % in the load range of 30 to 37 Omega and 6 to 10 V power supply variation. The switching frequency is adjusted within the range of 7 kHz deviation (-7%).


Antenna Design for Underwater Radio Communications

Inacio, SI; Pereira, MR; Santos, HM; Pessoa, LM; Teixeira, FB; Lopes, MJ; Aboderin, O; Salgado, HM;


In this paper we assess the influence of the conductivity of the medium on the radiation characteristics and input impedance of a loop antenna designed for underwater communications. The initial study is based on simulation of the antenna characteristics using FEKO electromagnetic (EM) software. Additionally, an equivalent circuit model of the antenna is also obtained and simulation of the input impedance on ADS software shows good agreement with the EM simulator. It is found that the radiation pattern, of the loop antenna changes significantly with the conductivity of the medium, from freshwater to seawater. The loop antennas were built with baluns and tested in freshwater, where the insertion loss between two identical antennas and the radiation pattern of one of them were also measured. The results show good agreement with the simulations.


Assessment of design trade-offs for wireless power transfer on seawater

Santos, HM; Pereira, MR; Pessoa, LM; Duarte, C; Salgado, HM;


In this work we propose a method for maximization of the efficiency of an underwater wireless power transfer system that has to cope with load changes, quality factor and coupling coefficient deviations. By means of 3D electromagnetic simulation and numerical computation, parameter analysis is accomplished using different compensation methods, namely series-series, series-parallel and parallel-parallel. Moreover, a linear load profile is assessed as a proof of concept applicable to more complex load behaviours. For this linear load variation a maximum measured average efficiency of 82% was obtained throughout the entire battery state of charge. Electronics and full system considerations are also presented. Finally, a good agreement between theoretical predictions of the proposed method, simulation assessment and measurement results was verified.


Cognitive radio for SatCom applications: The screen project

Rodrigues, P; Oliveira, A; Sinogas, P; Taing, S; Eisner, J; Watts, S; Boissinot, V; Salgado, HM; Ferreira, JC; Pessoa, L; Da Silva, JM;

Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC

Spectrum allocation for current wireless communication systems is performed by the regulatory and licensing bodies, who allocate spectrum bands for given applications. This strict allocation severely limits the effectiveness and flexibility of the spectrum use. Cognitive radio (CR) has been demonstrated as a key emerging technology to provide flexible and efficient use of the available spectrum by allocating frequency bands dynamically, and to improve the performance of radio systems in congested or jammed environments. Frequencies that are reserved or usually occupied can be exploited if the cognitive radio system identifies them as being free. Such a system is also able to monitor and deal with degrading communication performance or regulatory constraints. It automatically adjusts radio settings to use the best wireless channels in its environment, ensuring appropriate quality of service, efficiency and versatility. The SCREEN project proposes to extend the concept of cognitive radio to space and particularly to SatCom applications. This is an on-going project funded by the Horizon 2020 European Union programme. CR has never been used or tested in space, since previous research has been focused in terrestrial technologies. By addressing this topic and demonstrating its capabilities and benefits for space applications, SCREEN will contribute to a better management of this scarce resource that is bandwidth. While it has already been demonstrated that CR technology radically improves the performance for terrestrial applications at many different levels, the same benefits also apply in Space and especially in the SatCom segment, where the services provided need to ensure quality to the clients, for market competitiveness. CR has the potential to enable different approaches for managing the growing satellite communication demands and provides flexibility to explore new types of hybrid networks. SatCom operators will benefit from having the flexibility to allocate frequency slots dynamically, according to the instantaneous traffic patterns, instead of reserving fixed bands within regulatory constraints. Additionally, by optimising the spectrum management, SatCom operators can accommodate more users at the same time, without sacrificing the network performance. In this paper we will describe the overall concept behind the SCREEN project and present the results of a complete framework analysis, consisting of technical conclusions, market and impact analyses, regulatory considerations/constraints and requirements. Based on this analysis we further present functional, performance and test requirements for the project, which will show the project direction and outcome, together with the expected benefits that this technology will bring to Space applications. Copyright


Dipole Antenna for Underwater Radio Communications

Inacio, SI; Pereira, MR; Santos, HM; Pessoa, LM; Teixeira, FB; Lopes, MJ; Aboderin, O; Salgado, HM;


The radiation characteristics of a dipole antenna when immersed in both fresh and seawater are assessed through simulation and experimental work. Simulations show that the antenna's bandwidth and radiation pattern change with the properties of the medium where it is placed, namely the conductivity of the medium. Two dipoles antennas with current baluns were built and tested experimentally in freshwater. The tests included the measurement of the insertion loss between two identical dipole antennas and their radiation pattern. The results obtained show a good agreement between the simulation and experimental results.


Evaluation of Underwater IEEE 802.11 Networks at VHF and UHF Frequency Bands using Software Defined Radios

Teixeira, F; Santos, J; Pessoa, L; Pereira, M; Campos, R; Ricardo, M;

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, WUWNET 2015, Arlington, VA, USA, October 22-24, 2015

Radio Frequency (RF) communications high attenuation underwater, limiting the range of standard IEEE 802.11 networks to a few centimeters underwater. The usage of custom RF solutions at lower frequencies to increase range entails high development costs, and proprietary hardware. This paper evaluates the performance of cost-e.ective, mass-market IEEE 802.11 networks underwater at di.erent frequencies in the sub-GHz bands using Software Defined Radio platforms. Optimizations to the gr-ieee802.11 implementation, together with custom designed antennas, allowed the testing of frequencies in the 70-700 MHz range, in a large-scale freshwater tank, and in real-world, seawater conditions in Tagus river estuary. Results show a frequency-dependent communications range up to 5 m in freshwater and 1.8 m in seawater, with bitrates up to 550 kbit/s and delay under 45 ms. This proves the feasibility of IEEE 802.11 networks in the sub-GHz bands for applications such as video streaming from an autonomous underwater vehicle and underwater sensors. Copyright 2015 ACM.

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