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Publicações por Nuno Miguel Ferreira


Evaluation of PID-Based Algorithms for UGVs

Gameiro, T; Pereira, T; Moghadaspoura, H; Di Giorgio, F; Viegas, C; Ferreira, N; Ferreira, J; Soares, S; Valente, A;


The autonomous navigation of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) in unstructured environments, such as agricultural or forestry settings, has been the subject of extensive research by various investigators. The navigation capability of a UGV in unstructured environments requires considering numerous factors, including the quality of data reception that allows reliable interpretation of what the UGV perceives in a given environment, as well as the use these data to control the UGV’s navigation. This article aims to study different PID control algorithms to enable autonomous navigation on a robotic platform. The robotic platform consists of a forestry tractor, used for forest cleaning tasks, which was converted into a UGV through the integration of sensors. Using sensor data, the UGV’s position and orientation are obtained and utilized for navigation by inputting these data into a PID control algorithm. The correct choice of PID control algorithm involved the study, analysis, and implementation of different controllers, leading to the conclusion that the Vector Field control algorithm demonstrated better performance compared to the others studied and implemented in this paper.


Interpersonal Dynamics: 1v1 Sub-Phase at Sub-18 Football Players

Clemente, FM; Couceiro, MS; Martins, FML; Dias, G; Mendes, R;


The performance of football players within game context can be analyzed based on their ability to break or (re)balance the attacker-defender dyad. In this context, the analysis of each sub-phase (e.g., 1v1, 2v2) presents a feature that needs to be taken into account in sports analysis. This study aims to investigate the interpersonal dynamics dyad formed by the attacker and the defender in 1v1 situations with a goalkeeper. A sample of 11 football male players (age: 17.91 +/- 1.04 years) with 8.6 +/- 1.52 years of practice experience participated in the study. Analyzing the 1v1 sub-phase, results show that the distance, speed and angular amplitude between the attacker and the defender increases, especially when the attacker attempts to overtake the defender (i.e., score a goal). We conclude that decision-making emerges from the perception that players draw from the action, actively and consistently interacting to find solutions to emerging problems within the game context.


Enhancing Nut-Tightening Processes in the Automotive Industry: Integration of 3D Vision Systems with Collaborative Robots

Gonçalves, A; Pereira, T; Lopes, D; Cunha, F; Lopes, F; Coutinho, F; Barreiros, J; Durães, J; Santos, P; Simões, F; Ferreira, P; Freitas, EDC; Trovão, JPF; Santos, V; Ferreira, JP; Ferreira, NMF;


This paper presents a method for position correction in collaborative robots, applied to a case study in an industrial environment. The case study is aligned with the GreenAuto project and aims to optimize industrial processes through the integration of various hardware elements. The case study focuses on tightening a specific number of nuts onto bolts located on a partition plate, referred to as “Cloison”, which is mounted on commercial vans produced by Stellantis, to secure the plate. The main challenge lies in deviations that may occur in the plate during its assembly process, leading to uncertainties in its fastening to the vehicles. To address this and optimize the process, a collaborative robot was integrated with a 3D vision system and a screwdriving system. By using the 3D vision system, it is possible to determine the bolts’ positions and adjust them within the robot’s frame of reference, enabling the screwdriving system to tighten the nuts accurately. Thus, the proposed method aims to integrate these different systems to tighten the nuts effectively, regardless of the deviations that may arise in the plate during assembly.

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