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Publicações por Mário Cunha


Mapping and Assessing the Dynamics of Shifting Agricultural Landscapes Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing, a Case Study in Mozambique

Mananze, S; Pocas, I; Cunha, M;


Land cover maps obtained at high spatial and temporal resolutions are necessary to support monitoring and management applications in areas with many smallholder and low-input agricultural systems, as those characteristic in Mozambique. Various regional and global land cover products based on Earth Observation data have been developed and made publicly available but their application in regions characterized by a large variety of agro-systems with a dynamic nature is limited by several constraints. Challenges in the classification of spatially heterogeneous landscapes, as in Mozambique, include the definition of the adequate spatial resolution and data input combinations for accurately mapping land cover. Therefore, several combinations of variables were tested for their suitability as input for random forest ensemble classifier aimed at mapping the spatial dynamics of smallholder agricultural landscape in Vilankulo district in Mozambique. The variables comprised spectral bands from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, vegetation indices and textural features and the classification was performed within the Google Earth Engine cloud computing for the years 2012, 2015, and 2018. The study of three different years aimed at evaluating the temporal dynamics of the landscape, typically characterized by high shifting nature. For the three years, the best performing variables included three selected spectral bands and textural features extracted using a window size of 25. The classification overall accuracy was 0.94 for the year 2012, 0.98 for 2015, and 0.89 for 2018, suggesting that the produced maps are reliable. In addition, the areal statistics of the class classified as agriculture were very similar to the ground truth data as reported by the Servicos Distritais de Actividades Economicas (SDAE), with an average percentage deviation below 10%. When comparing the three years studied, the natural vegetation classes are the predominant covers while the agriculture is the most important cause of land cover changes.


Smartphone Applications Targeting Precision Agriculture Practices-A Systematic Review

Mendes, J; Pinho, TM; dos Santos, FN; Sousa, JJ; Peres, E; Boaventura Cunha, J; Cunha, M; Morais, R;


Traditionally farmers have used their perceptual sensorial systems to diagnose and monitor their crops health and needs. However, humans possess five basic perceptual systems with accuracy levels that can change from human to human which are largely dependent on the stress, experience, health and age. To overcome this problem, in the last decade, with the help of the emergence of smartphone technology, new agronomic applications were developed to reach better, cost-effective, more accurate and portable diagnosis systems. Conventional smartphones are equipped with several sensors that could be useful to support near real-time usual and advanced farming activities at a very low cost. Therefore, the development of agricultural applications based on smartphone devices has increased exponentially in the last years. However, the great potential offered by smartphone applications is still yet to be fully realized. Thus, this paper presents a literature review and an analysis of the characteristics of several mobile applications for use in smart/precision agriculture available on the market or developed at research level. This will contribute to provide to farmers an overview of the applications type that exist, what features they provide and a comparison between them. Also, this paper is an important resource to help researchers and applications developers to understand the limitations of existing tools and where new contributions can be performed.



Cunha, M; Richter, C;


The impact of climate on wine production (WP) temporal cycles in Douro (DR) and Vinhos Verdes (VVR) wine regions for a period of about 80 years, characterized by strong technological trend and climate variability, was modelled. The cyclical properties of WP, and which cycles are determined by spring temperature (ST) and soil water during summer (SW), were identified. It was achieved by applying a time-frequency approach, which is based on Kalman filter in the time domain. The time-varying autoregressive model can explain more than 67% (DR) and 95% (VVR) of the WP' variability and the integration of the ST and mainly SW increase the models' reliability. The results were then transferred into the frequency domain, and can show that WP in both regions is characterized by two cycles close to 5-6 and 2.5 years around the long run trend. The ST and SW showed great capacity to explain the cyclicality of WP in the studied regions being the coherence temporarily much more stable in VVR than in the DR, where a shift of the relative importance away from ST to SW can be recognized. This could be an indicator of lower impact of the foreseen hot and dry climate scenarios on WP in the regions with a maritime climate, such as the VVR, compared with hot and dry wine regions. Despite the marked differences in the two studied regions on ecological, viticulture practices and technological trend, the modelling approach based on time-frequency proved to be an efficient tool to infer the impact of climate on the dynamics of cyclical properties of regional WP, foreseeing its generalized use in other regions. This modelling approach can be an important tool for planning in the wine industry as well as for mitigation strategies facing the scenarios that combine technological progress and climate change.


Assessing predawn leaf water potential based on hyperspectral data and pigment's concentration of Vitis vinifera L. in the Douro Wine Region

Tosin, R; Pocas, I; Novo, H; Teixeira, J; Fontes, N; Graca, A; Cunha, M;


Predawn leaf water potential (Psi(pd)) is widely used to assess plant water status. Also, pigments concentration work as proxy of canopy's water status. Spectral data methods have been applied to monitor and assess crop's biophysical variables. This work developed two models to estimate Psi(pd) using a hand-held spectroradiometer (400-1010 nm) to obtain canopy and foliar reflectance in four dates of 2018 and a pressure chamber to measure Psi(pd). Two modelling approaches, combining spectral data and several machine learning algorithms (MLA), were used to estimate Psi(pd) in a commercial vineyard in the Douro Wine Region. The first approach estimated Psi(pd) through vine's canopy reflectance; several vegetation indices (VIs) were computed and selected, namely the SPVi(opt)(1_)(950;596;521;) SPVIopt2_896;880;901; PRI_CI2(opt_539;560,573;716 )and NPCIopt_983;972, as well as a time-dynamic variable based on Psi(pd) (Psi(pd)_(0)). The second modelling approach is based on pigments' concentrations; several VIs were optimized for non-correlated pigments of vine's leaves, assessed by its hyperspectral reflectance. The following variables for Psi(pd) estimation were selected through stepwise forward method: Psi(pd)_(0); NRIgreen_LUT520;532; NRIgreen_LWC540;551. The B-MARS algorithm performed the best results for both modelling approaches, presenting a RRMSE in both validation modelling approaches between 13-14%.


Assessing the performance of different OBIA software approaches for mapping invasive alien plants along roads with remote sensing data

Lourenco, P; Teodoro, AC; Goncalves, JA; Honrado, JP; Cunha, M; Sillero, N;


Roads and roadsides provide dispersal channels for non-native invasive alien plants (IAP), many of which hold devastating impacts in the economy, human health, biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. Remote sensing is an essential tool for efficiently assessing and monitoring the dynamics of IAP along roads. In this study, we explore the potentialities of object based image analysis (OBIA) approach to map several invasive plant species along roads using very high spatial resolution imagery. We compared the performance of OBIA approaches implemented in one open source software (OTB/Monteverdi) against those available in two proprietary pro-grams (eCognition and ArcGIS). We analysed the images by two sequential processes. First, we obtained a land-cover map for 15 study sites by segmenting the images with the algorithms Mean Shift Segmentation (MSS) and Multiresolution Segmentation (MRS), and by classifying the segmented images with the algorithms Support Vector Machine (SVM), Nearest Neighbour Classifier (NNC) and Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). We created a mask using the polygons classified as non-vegetation to crop the images of the 15 study sites. Second, we repeated the previous segmentation and classification steps over the 15 masked images of vegetated areas using the same algorithms. OTB/Monteverdi, with MSS and SVM algorithms, showed to be a good software for land-cover mapping (OA = 87.0%), as well as ArcGIS, with MSS and MLC algorithms (OA = 84.3%). However, these two programs, using the same segmentation algorithms, did not achieve good accuracy results when mapping IAP species (OA(OTB/Monteverdi) = 63.3%; OAA(cos = 45.7%). eCognition, with MRS and NNC algorithms, reached better classification results in both land-cover and IAP maps (OA(Land-cover )= 95.7%; OA(Invasive-plant )= 92.8%). 'Bare soil' and 'Road', and 'A. donax' were the classes with best and worst overall accuracy, respectively, when mapping land-cover classes in the three programs. 'Other trees' was the class with the most accurate and significant differences in the three programs when mapping IAP species. The separation of each invasive species should be improved with a phenology-based design of field surveys. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of sequential segmentation and classification of RS data for mapping and monitoring plant invasions along linear infrastructures, which allows to reduce the time, cost and hazard of extensive field campaigns along roadsides.


A Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wildfire Disturbance Severity from Remotely Sensed Ecosystem Functioning Attributes

Marcos, B; Goncalves, J; Alcaraz Segura, D; Cunha, M; Honrado, JP;


Wildfire disturbances can cause modifications in different dimensions of ecosystem functioning, i.e., the flows of matter and energy. There is an increasing need for methods to assess such changes, as functional approaches offer advantages over those focused solely on structural or compositional attributes. In this regard, remote sensing can support indicators for estimating a wide variety of effects of fire on ecosystem functioning, beyond burn severity assessment. These indicators can be described using intra-annual metrics of quantity, seasonality, and timing, called Ecosystem Functioning Attributes (EFAs). Here, we propose a satellite-based framework to evaluate the impacts, at short to medium term (i.e., from the year of fire to the second year after), of wildfires on four dimensions of ecosystem functioning: (i) primary productivity, (ii) vegetation water content, (iii) albedo, and (iv) sensible heat. We illustrated our approach by comparing inter-annual anomalies in satellite-based EFAs in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, from 2000 to 2018. Random Forest models were used to assess the ability of EFAs to discriminate burned vs. unburned areas and to rank the predictive importance of EFAs. Together with effect sizes, this ranking was used to select a parsimonious set of indicators for analyzing the main effects of wildfire disturbances on ecosystem functioning, for both the whole study area (i.e., regional scale), as well as for four selected burned patches with different environmental conditions (i.e., local scale). With both high accuracies (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) > 0.98) and effect sizes (Cohen's |d| > 0.8), we found important effects on all four dimensions, especially on primary productivity and sensible heat, with the best performance for quantity metrics. Different spatiotemporal patterns of wildfire severity across the selected burned patches for different dimensions further highlighted the importance of considering the multi-dimensional effects of wildfire disturbances on key aspects of ecosystem functioning at different timeframes, which allowed us to diagnose both abrupt and lagged effects. Finally, we discuss the applicability as well as the potential advantages of the proposed approach for more comprehensive assessments of fire severity.

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