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Publicações por Pedro Gabriel Ferreira


Evolutionary patterns at the RNase based gametophytic self-incompatibility system in two divergent Rosaceae groups (Maloideae and Prunus)

Vieira, J; Ferreira, PG; Aguiar, B; Fonseca, NA; Vieira, CP;


Background: Within Rosaceae, the RNase based gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system has been studied at the molecular level in Maloideae and Prunus species that have been diverging for, at least, 32 million years. In order to understand RNase based GSI evolution within this family, comparative studies must be performed, using similar methodologies. Result: It is here shown that many features are shared between the two species groups such as levels of recombination at the S-RNase ( the S-pistil component) gene, and the rate at which new specificities arise. Nevertheless, important differences are found regarding the number of ancestral lineages and the degree of specificity sharing between closely related species. In Maloideae, about 17% of the amino acid positions at the S-RNase protein are found to be positively selected, and they occupy about 30% of the exposed protein surface. Positively selected amino acid sites are shown to be located on either side of the active site cleft, an observation that is compatible with current models of specificity determination. At positively selected amino acid sites, non-conservative changes are almost as frequent as conservative changes. There is no evidence that at these sites the most drastic amino acid changes may be more strongly selected. Conclusions: Many similarities are found between the GSI system of Prunus and Maloideae that are compatible with the single origin hypothesis for RNase based GSI. The presence of common features such as the location of positively selected amino acid sites and lysine residues that may be important for ubiquitylation, raise a number of issues that, in principle, can be experimentally addressed in Maloideae. Nevertheless, there are also many important differences between the two Rosaceae GSI systems. How such features changed during evolution remains a puzzling issue.


Soteria: Preserving Privacy in Distributed Machine Learning

Brito, C; Ferreira, P; Portela, B; Oliveira, R; Paulo, J;


We propose Soteria, a system for distributed privacy-preserving Machine Learning (ML) that leverages Trusted Execution Environments (e.g. Intel SGX) to run code in isolated containers (enclaves). Unlike previous work, where all ML-related computation is performed at trusted enclaves, we introduce a hybrid scheme, combining computation done inside and outside these enclaves. The conducted experimental evaluation validates that our approach reduces the runtime of ML algorithms by up to 41%, when compared to previous related work. Our protocol is accompanied by a security proof, as well as a discussion regarding resilience against a wide spectrum of ML attacks.


Synchronized age-related gene expression changes across multiple tissues in human and the link to complex diseases

Yang J.; Huang T.; Petralia F.; Long Q.; Zhang B.; Argmann C.; Zhao Y.; Mobbs C.V.; Schadt E.E.; Zhu J.; Tu Z.; Ardlie K.G.; Deluca D.S.; Segrè A.V.; Sullivan T.J.; Young T.R.; Gelfand E.T.; Trowbridge C.A.; Maller J.B.; Tukiainen T.; Lek M.; Ward L.D.; Kheradpour P.; Iriarte B.; Meng Y.; Palmer C.D.; Winckler W.; Hirschhorn J.; Kellis M.; MacArthur D.G.; Getz G.; Shablin A.A.; Li G.; Zhou Y.H.; Nobel A.B.; Rusyn I.; Wright F.A.; Lappalainen T.; Ferreira P.G.; Ongen H.; Rivas M.A.; Battle A.; Mostafavi S.; Monlong J.; Sammeth M.; Mele M.; Reverter F.; Goldman J.; Koller D.; Guigo R.; McCarthy M.I.; Dermitzakis E.T.; Gamazon E.R.; Konkashbaev A.; Nicolae D.L.; Cox N.J.; Flutre T.; Wen X.; Stephens M.; Pritchard J.K.; Lin L.; Liu J.; Brown A.; Mestichelli B.; Tidwell D.; Lo E.; Salvatore M.; Shad S.; Thomas J.A.; Lonsdale J.T.; Choi C.; Karasik E.; Ramsey K.; Moser M.T.; Foster B.A.; Gillard B.M.; Syron J.; Fleming J.; Magazine H.; Hasz R.; Walters G.D.; Bridge J.P.; Miklos M.; Sullivan S.; Barker L.K.; Traino H.; Mosavel M.; Siminoff L.A.; Valley D.R.; Rohrer D.C.; Jewel S.; Branton P.; Sobin L.H.; Qi L.; Hariharan P.; Wu S.; Tabor D.; Shive C.; Smith A.M.; Buia S.A.;

Scientific Reports

Aging is one of the most important biological processes and is a known risk factor for many age-related diseases in human. Studying age-related transcriptomic changes in tissues across the whole body can provide valuable information for a holistic understanding of this fundamental process. In this work, we catalogue age-related gene expression changes in nine tissues from nearly two hundred individuals collected by the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. In general, we find the aging gene expression signatures are very tissue specific. However, enrichment for some well-known aging components such as mitochondria biology is observed in many tissues. Different levels of cross-tissue synchronization of age-related gene expression changes are observed, and some essential tissues (e.g., heart and lung) show much stronger "co-aging" than other tissues based on a principal component analysis. The aging gene signatures and complex disease genes show a complex overlapping pattern and only in some cases, we see that they are significantly overlapped in the tissues affected by the corresponding diseases. In summary, our analyses provide novel insights to the co-regulation of age-related gene expression in multiple tissues; it also presents a tissue-specific view of the link between aging and age-related diseases.


Identifying cis-mediators for trans-eQTLs across many human tissues using genomic mediation analysis

Yang F.; Wang J.; Pierce B.L.; Chen L.S.; Aguet F.; Ardlie K.G.; Cummings B.B.; Gelfand E.T.; Getz G.; Hadley K.; Handsaker R.E.; Huang K.H.; Kashin S.; Karczewski K.J.; Lek M.; Li X.; MacArthur D.G.; Nedzel J.L.; Nguyen D.T.; Noble M.S.; Segrè A.V.; Trowbridge C.A.; Tukiainen T.; Abell N.S.; Balliu B.; Barshir R.; Basha O.; Battle A.; Bogu G.K.; Brown A.; Brown C.D.; Castel S.E.; Chiang C.; Conrad D.F.; Cox N.J.; Damani F.N.; Davis J.R.; Delaneau O.; Dermitzakis E.T.; Engelhardt B.E.; Eskin E.; Ferreira P.G.; Frésard L.; Gamazon E.R.; Garrido-Martín D.; Gewirtz A.D.H.; Gliner G.; Gloudemans M.J.; Guigo R.; Hall I.M.; Han B.; He Y.; Hormozdiari F.; Howald C.; Im H.K.; Jo B.; Kang E.Y.; Kim Y.; Kim-Hellmuth S.; Lappalainen T.; Li G.; Li X.; Liu B.; Mangul S.; McCarthy M.I.; McDowell I.C.; Mohammadi P.; Monlong J.; Montgomery S.B.; Muñoz-Aguirre M.; Ndungu A.W.; Nicolae D.L.; Nobel A.B.; Oliva M.; Ongen H.; Palowitch J.J.; Panousis N.; Papasaikas P.; Park Y.S.; Parsana P.; Payne A.J.; Peterson C.B.; Quan J.; Reverter F.; Sabatti C.; Saha A.; Sammeth M.; Scott A.J.; Shabalin A.A.; Sodaei R.; Stephens M.; Stranger B.E.; Strober B.J.; Sul J.H.; Tsang E.K.; Urbut S.; van de Bunt M.; Wang G.; Wen X.; Wright F.A.;

Genome Research

The impact of inherited genetic variation on gene expression in humans is well-established. The majority of known expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) impact expression of local genes (cis-eQTLs). More research is needed to identify effects of genetic variation on distant genes (trans-eQTLs) and understand their biological mechanisms. One common trans-eQTLs mechanism is “mediation” by a local (cis) transcript. Thus, mediation analysis can be applied to genome-wide SNP and expression data in order to identify transcripts that are “cis-mediators” of trans-eQTLs, including those “cis-hubs” involved in regulation of many trans-genes. Identifying such mediators helps us understand regulatory networks and suggests biological mechanisms underlying trans-eQTLs, both of which are relevant for understanding susceptibility to complex diseases. The multitissue expression data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) program provides a unique opportunity to study cis-mediation across human tissue types. However, the presence of complex hidden confounding effects in biological systems can make mediation analyses challenging and prone to confounding bias, particularly when conducted among diverse samples. To address this problem, we propose a new method: Genomic Mediation analysis with Adaptive Confounding adjustment (GMAC). It enables the search of a very large pool of variables, and adaptively selects potential confounding variables for each mediation test. Analyses of simulated data and GTEx data demonstrate that the adaptive selection of confounders by GMAC improves the power and precision of mediation analysis. Application of GMAC to GTEx data provides new insights into the observed patterns of cis-hubs and trans-eQTL regulation across tissue types.


Co-expression networks reveal the tissue-specific regulation of transcription and splicing

Saha A.; Kim Y.; Gewirtz A.D.H.; Jo B.; Gao C.; McDowell I.C.; Engelhardt B.E.; Battle A.; Aguet F.; Ardlie K.G.; Cummings B.B.; Gelfand E.T.; Getz G.; Hadley K.; Handsaker R.E.; Huang K.H.; Kashin S.; Karczewski K.J.; Lek M.; Li X.; MacArthur D.G.; Nedzel J.L.; Nguyen D.T.; Noble M.S.; Segrè A.V.; Trowbridge C.A.; Tukiainen T.; Abell N.S.; Balliu B.; Barshir R.; Basha O.; Battle A.; Bogu G.K.; Brown A.; Brown C.D.; Castel S.E.; Chen L.S.; Chiang C.; Conrad D.F.; Cox N.J.; Damani F.N.; Davis J.R.; Delaneau O.; Dermitzakis E.T.; Engelhardt B.E.; Eskin E.; Ferreira P.G.; Frésard L.; Gamazon E.R.; Garrido-Martín D.; Gliner G.; Gloudemans M.J.; Guigo R.; Hall I.M.; Han B.; He Y.; Hormozdiari F.; Howald C.; Im H.K.; Kang E.Y.; Kim-Hellmuth S.; Lappalainen T.; Li G.; Li X.; Liu B.; Mangul S.; McCarthy M.I.; Mohammadi P.; Monlong J.; Montgomery S.B.; Muñoz-Aguirre M.; Ndungu A.W.; Nicolae D.L.; Nobel A.B.; Oliva M.; Ongen H.; Palowitch J.J.; Panousis N.; Papasaikas P.; Park Y.S.; Parsana P.; Payne A.J.; Peterson C.B.; Quan J.; Reverter F.; Sabatti C.; Sammeth M.; Scott A.J.; Shabalin A.A.; Sodaei R.; Stephens M.; Stranger B.E.; Strober B.J.; Sul J.H.; Tsang E.K.; Urbut S.; van de Bunt M.; Wang G.; Wen X.; Wright F.A.;

Genome Research

Gene co-expression networks capture biologically important patterns in gene expression data, enabling functional analyses of genes, discovery of biomarkers, and interpretation of genetic variants. Most network analyses to date have been limited to assessing correlation between total gene expression levels in a single tissue or small sets of tissues. Here, we built networks that additionally capture the regulation of relative isoform abundance and splicing, along with tissue-specific connections unique to each of a diverse set of tissues. We used the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project v6 RNA sequencing data across 50 tissues and 449 individuals. First, we developed a framework called Transcriptome-Wide Networks (TWNs) for combining total expression and relative isoform levels into a single sparse network, capturing the interplay between the regulation of splicing and transcription. We built TWNs for 16 tissues and found that hubs in these networks were strongly enriched for splicing and RNA binding genes, demonstrating their utility in unraveling regulation of splicing in the human transcriptome. Next, we used a Bayesian biclustering model that identifies network edges unique to a single tissue to reconstruct Tissue-Specific Networks (TSNs) for 26 distinct tissues and 10 groups of related tissues. Finally, we found genetic variants associated with pairs of adjacent nodes in our networks, supporting the estimated network structures and identifying 20 genetic variants with distant regulatory impact on transcription and splicing. Our networks provide an improved understanding of the complex relationships of the human transcriptome across tissues.


Sporadic and reversible chromothripsis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia revealed by longitudinal genomic analysis

Bassaganyas, L; Beà, S; Escaramís, G; Tornador, C; Salaverria, I; Zapata, L; Drechsel, O; Ferreira, PG; Rodriguez Santiago, B; Tubio, JMC; Navarro, A; Martín García, D; López, C; Martínez Trillos, A; López Guillermo, A; Gut, M; Ossowski, S; López Otín, C; Campo, E; Estivill, X;



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