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Publicações por Sérgio Santos


Demand Response Programs in Multi-Energy Systems: A Review

Vahid Ghavidel, M; Javadi, MS; Gough, M; Santos, SF; Shafie khah, M; Catalao, JPS;


A key challenge for future energy systems is how to minimize the effects of employing demand response (DR) programs on the consumer. There exists a diverse range of consumers with a variety of types of loads, such as must-run loads, and this can reduce the impact of consumer participation in DR programs. Multi-energy systems (MES) can solve this issue and have the capability to reduce any discomfort faced by all types of consumers who are willing to participate in the DRPs. In this paper, the most recent implementations of DR frameworks in the MESs are comprehensively reviewed. The DR modelling approach in such energy systems is investigated and the main contributions of each of these works are included. Notably, the amount of research in MES has rapidly increased in recent years. The majority of the reviewed works consider power, heat and gas systems within the MES. Over three-quarters of the papers investigated consider some form of energy storage system, which shows how important having efficient, cost-effective and reliable energy storage systems will be in the future. In addition, a vast majority of the works also considered some form of demand response programs in their model. This points to the need to make participating in the energy market easier for consumers, as well as the importance of good communication between generators, system operators, and consumers. Moreover, the emerging topics within the area of MES are investigated using a bibliometric analysis to provide insight to other researchers in this area.


A Hybrid Probabilistic Algorithm for Computationally Efficient Estimation of Power Generation in AC Optimal Power Flow

Lotfi, M; Fikry, S; Osorio, GJ; Javadi, M; Santos, SF; Catalao, JPS;


Decentralization of power systems is creating a need for tools which can provide fast and accurate optimal power flow (OPF) solutions, without being dependent on the availability of all system information and/or uncertain variables. In this study, a hybrid probabilistic algorithm is proposed to accurately and efficiently predict ideal generation levels of individual generators to minimize the total system cost (as per AC-OPF), while having no information on the grid structure and with limited information on system variables. The proposed hybrid algorithm combines the use of correlation analysis, k-means clusters, and kernel density estimation (KDE), to predict ideal generation levels of each generator based only on historical datasets of local information (i.e. adjacent load centers). By simulating the AC-OPF problem on the IEEE 9-bus test system, a historical dataset of 1000 samples is synthetically generated and randomized local information is given as input for each agent. Quasi-deterministic Monte-Carlo simulations with 100000 samples were used for validation. In the most uncertain operating conditions, the proposed algorithm was capable of predicting the ideal generation level of the most expensive generator with a 1.65% error, while being three times faster than a Neural Network (NN), taking only 0.39 seconds to run on a standard laptop computer.


Demand Response based Trading Framework in the Presence of Fuel Cells Using Information-Gap Decision Theory

Vahid Ghavidel, M; Javadi, MS; Santos, SF; Gough, M; Shafie khah, M; Catalao, JPS;


Nowadays demand response (DR) is known as one of the main parts of the power system especially in the smart grid infrastructure. Furthermore, to enhance the participation of the consumers in the DR programs, the Independent System Operators (ISOs) have introduced a new entity, i.e. Demand Response Aggregator (DRA). The main contribution of this paper is to investigate a novel framework to increase the profits of the DRA participating in the day-ahead electricity market, i.e. employment of an axillary generation system in the DRA entity. It is supposed that the DRA in this paper has an axillary generation system and it would lead to an increase in the profit of the DRA through avoiding the economic loss in the process of trading DR obtained by the active participation of prosumers in the electricity market. The fuel cell is introduced as the axillary generation unit to the DRA unit. In the framework proposed in this paper, the DR is acquired from end-users during peak periods and will be offered to the day-ahead electricity market. The power flow during the off-peak hours is in another direction, i.e. from the grid to the consumers. In this model, the information-gap decision theory (IGDT) is chosen as the risk measure. The uncertain parameter is the day-ahead electricity market price. The optimization problem's objective is to maximize the profit of the DRA. The behavior of the risk-seeker decision-maker is analyzed and investigated. The feasibility of the program is demonstrated by applying it to realistic data.


Self-scheduling model for home energy management systems considering the end-users discomfort index within price-based demand response programs

Javadi, MS; Nezhad, AE; Nardelli, PHJ; Gough, M; Lotfi, M; Santos, S; Catalao, JPS;


This paper presents a self-scheduling model for home energy management systems (HEMS) in which a novel formulation of a linear discomfort index (DI) is proposed, incorporating the preferences of end-users in the daily operation of home appliances. The HEMS self-scheduling problem is modelled as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) multi-objective problem, aimed at minimizing the energy bill and DI. In this framework, the proposed DI determines the optimal time slots for the operation of home appliances while minimizing end-users? bills. The resulting multi-objective optimization problem has then been solved by using the epsilon-constraint technique and the VIKOR decision maker has been employed to select the most desired Pareto solution. The proposed model is tested considering tariffs in the presence of various price-based demand response programs (DRP), namely time-of-use (TOU) and real-time pricing (RTP). In addition, different scenarios considering the presence of electrical energy storage (EES) are investigated to study their impact on the optimal operation of HEMS. The simulation results show that the self-scheduling approach proposed in this paper yields significant reductions in the electricity bills for different electricity tariffs.

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