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Publicações por CESE


A Six Sigma Approach Applied to the Analysis of Variability of an Industrial Process in the Field of the Food Industry

Carneiro, F; Azevedo, A;


In a high-volume production environment it is particularly important to ensure that key process variables and parameters are within the specification limits. Often, adjustments and changes to the process are required to ensure all applicable quality requirements. In most cases, problems are not caused by an isolated factor. In fact, they are the result of interactions between several factors, including quality ingredients, parameter settings and other processing conditions. In the biscuit manufacturing industry, the thickness and weight of the biscuit are two of the most important product's quality characteristics. Regardless of the product purchased by the customer, the declared weight is considered a specification, so any deviation of these characteristics from their nominal values leads to a change in the weight of the packages. In this paper, we explore a six-sigma approach in the improvement of an industrial biscuit production.


From Data Sources to Information Sharing in SME Collaborative Networks Supporting Internationalization: A Socio-Semantic Approach

Costa, E; Soares, AL; de Sousa, JP;


Information is a crucial asset to successful internationalization, as it allows to reduce risks and uncertainty and to facilitate international expansion. Information about foreign markets and activities can be obtained by companies from internal or external sources, and in formal or informal ways. Industrial business associations (IBAs) are one of the external information sources. Due to their resource constraints, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) tend to highly depend on the services and information of IBAs to expand their business overseas. However, to improve their role in supporting SME internationalization, one important development is for IBAs to evolve towards more collaborative networks, by sharing more organized and valued information with their associates, but also by fostering information flows and more collaborations between them. This paper contributes to this view by synthetizing current data and information sources to support SME internationalization, based on a literature review, on interviews with Portuguese IBAs, and on expert opinion. An innovative aspect is to present a first instantiation of a socio-semantic model, opening paths for further developments in this area, and contributing to the community of Collaborative Networks. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017.


A PLM Vision for Circular Economy

de Oliveira, SF; Soares, AL;


Due to growing concerns with sustainability issues and the emergence of the Circular Economy (CE) paradigm, combined with recent technological changes and consequent increase in competitiveness, there is a pressing need to redefine the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approach. PLM needs to incorporate aspects that would enable the shift to this paradigm, such as enhanced collection and evaluation of information coming from production processes, distribution, retail, consumers, and collaboration in an extended enterprise context, by implementing enabling technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. This paper proposes a vision, based on the state of the art, for a CE enabled PLM, having the Portuguese footwear industry scenario as a reference. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017.


Bulding ontologies with ontoforinfoscience methodology: A detailed approach to the activiyies of ontology development [Construindo ontologias com a metodologia ontoforinfoscience: Uma abordagem detalhada das atividades do desenvolvimento ontológico] [Construyendo ontologías con la metodología ontoforinfoscience: Un enfoque detallado de las actividades del desarrollo ontológico]

Mendonça, FM; Soares, AL;

Ciencia da Informacao

In the use of ontologies as knowledge information systems (KOS) for purposes of representation, organization and information retrieval, one of the biggest challenges is the ontology development process, which is complex and requires specific technical knowledge of the developers. In the recent years, several methodologies have been developed to support the ontologies building, which have steps well established, but not always well detailed for developers, causing problems in the ontologies development. This paper describes a methodology for the ontologies development, called OntoForInfoScience, which has a differential the detail of the activities of the ontology development cycle, explaining more clearly technical terms, logical and philosophical issues involved in the construction of ontologies. As current practical results of OntoForInfoScience, we presented part of the content of two ontologies developed with such methodology: (i) Hemonto: a biomedical ontology on the human blood components used for hematology and hemotherapy; (ii) Ontolegis: a legal domain ontology that represents the knowledge related to Brazilian legislative information on medical law. It is concluded that the OntoForInfoScience was very useful for the construction of formal ontological representations in both domains modeled and their details allowed to help the developers in logical and philosophical questions of the process of development and in the understanding of technical concepts of ontologies.


A pilot for proactive maintenance in industry 4.0

Ferreira, LL; Albano, M; Silva, J; Martinho, D; Marreiros, G; Orio, GD; Maló, P; Ferreira, HM;

IEEE 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2017, Trondheim, Norway, May 31 - June 2, 2017

The reliability and safety of industrial machines depends on their timely maintenance. The integration of Cyber Physical Systems within the maintenance process enables both continuous machine monitoring and the application of advanced techniques for predictive and proactive machine maintenance. The building blocks for this revolution-embedded sensors, efficient preprocessing capabilities, ubiquitous connection to the internet, cloud-based analysis of the data, prediction algorithms, and advanced visualization methods- A re already in place, but several hurdles have to be overcome to enable their application in real scenarios, namely: The integration with existing machines and existing maintenance processes. Current research and development efforts are building pilots and prototypes to demonstrate the feasibility and the merits of advanced maintenance techniques, and this paper describes a system for the industrial maintenance of sheet metal working machinery and its evolution towards a full proactive maintenance system. © 2017 IEEE.


Semantic Integration of Conceptual Models

Costa, L; Sousa, C; Pereira, C;


In a collaborative conceptualisation process, the existence of several solutions for a given domain is a very common problem. Given this, specialists must reach a consensus on the concepts that will encompass the final solution. Therefore, this work aims to provide a tool for the integration of conceptual models in order to help specialists during the negotiation phase of developing the final shared model. This approach analyses the concepts of two models and shows the similar concepts to the specialists. The semantic similarity is obtained after three stages, namely: normalization, syntax analysis and semantic analysis. To evaluate the proposed approach, the values of precision and recall measures were calculated in two practical application scenarios. The obtained results proved to be better when compared to the existing tools when applied to semi-formal models (conceptual maps), and very close to the best tools focused on formal models (ontologies) integration.

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