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Publicações por CESE


The effects of brand experiences on quality, satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study in the telecommunications multiple-play service market [Les effets des expériences de marque sur la qualité, la satisfaction et la fidélité: Une étude empirique dans le domaine des services multiples de télécommunications] [Efeitos das experiências de marca na qualidade, na satisfação e na lealdade: Estudo empírico no setor de serviços múltiplos de telecomunicações] [Efectos de las experiencias de marca en la calidad, la satisfacción y la lealtad: Estudio empírico en el sector de servicios múltiples de telecomunicaciones]

Moreira, AC; Da Silva, PMF; Ferreira Moutinho, VM;


This article seeks to add to the body of knowledge on the role played by brand experience and its relationship with satisfaction, trust and service quality in the development of loyalty. Structural Equation Modelling (sem) is used to analyze 690 telecommunications multiple-play users in the Portuguese telecommunications market. Our conclusions show that brand experiences can be used to generate loyalty, trust and quality perceptions; although satisfaction was confirmed to be the main loyalty predictor, service quality has an important indirect effect. In order to build customer loyalty, marketers must manage brand experiences, service quality, satisfaction and trust. Brand experiences can be explored as a way to differentiate services, to change customers’ perceptions toward a brand and, ultimately, lead to customer retention. Furthermore, providing reliable services is of the utmost importance for service providers.


Determinants of the capital structure of Portuguese firms with investments in Angola

Mota, JHF; Moreira, AC;


Background: This article seeks to complement the previous literature and clarify the particularities of the capital structure policy of firms with foreign direct investment in Angola. Aim: This article seeks to identify the determinants of the capital structure of Portuguese firms with direct investment in Angola and to understand whether the determinants normally considered by standard finance theory are in line with those used by firms when structuring their capital structure policy to participate in the specific market of Angola. Setting: This article examines 26 large Portuguese firms with investments in Angola using econometric panel data for the period 2006-2010. Methods: The study applied fixed and random effects methods and panel-corrected standard errors that maintain efficiency and unbiased behaviour even in the presence of panel-level heteroscedasticity and contemporaneous correlation of observations among panels. Results: The results provide evidence that the determinants normally considered by standard finance theory are in fact - in terms of sign and coefficient dimension - those used by firms for structuring their capital structure policy when involved in the internationalisation process of entering Angola. Specifically, age, asset structure, return on assets and tangibility have a positive influence on the capital structure of Portuguese firms that have invested in Angola, while non-debt tax shields and liquidity have a negative influence on these companies' leverage ratios. When comparing our results with studies that have analysed the capital structure determinants of listed Portuguese firms - firms belonging to the PSI 20 Index and large firms in the Portuguese corporate sector - we found similarities in the sign and coefficient dimension of the determinants of capital structure. However, the profitability coefficient sign is in line with the trade-off framework (i.e. profitability is positively related to debt) but not with pecking order theory (i.e. profitability is negatively related to debt). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the high-growth Angolan market is seen by larger Portuguese firms as a low-risk diversification process because of the economic hardship Portugal has gone through, as well as cultural and linguistic similarities to Portugal. As such, the Angolan market is seen as an extension of the Portuguese domestic market that has increased potential. This scenario potentially reduces the firm default probability and the cost of debt. Maintaining the tax shield benefits of debt and decreasing the cost of debt - through a reduction in the default probability - have induced profitable firms to use more debt.


Project portfolio selection using a D.E.A. approach

Amaral, AM; Araújo, M;

Project Portfolio Management Strategies for Effective Organizational Operations

The project management area uses several techniques and tools to identify, select, monitor and manage the projects portfolio of the organizations. However, these techniques still present problems and difficulties which, sometimes, inhibit their use. Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is considered a problem of considerable difficulty and complexity, which requires its constant monitoring by the organization, according to the strategic guidelines chosen. Thus, this paper presents an innovative approach for selecting the portfolio of projects by using DEA, and the development of a set of generic indicators, to support the decision makers in considering multiple projects. Each decision maker can use all or some of the indicators proposed, thus each one's knowledge, sensitivity and intuition are taken into account, namely for indicators such as risk perception, level of innovation, market clock speed, project's complexity.


Industry 4.0 implications in logistics: an overview

Barreto, L; Amaral, A; Pereira, T;


During the last decade, the use and evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in industry have become unavoidable. The emergence of the Industry Internet of Things (IIoT) promoted new challenges in logistic domain, which might require technological changes such as: high need for transparency (supply chain visibility); integrity control (right products, at the right time, place, quantity condition and at the right cost) in the supply chains. These evolvements introduce the concept of Logistics 4.0. In this paper, it is presented some reflections regarding the adequate requirements and issues enabling organizations to be efficient, and fully operational in Logistics 4.0 context. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Network and information security challenges within Industry 4.0 paradigm

Pereira, T; Barreto, L; Amaral, A;


Currently Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) support most of the industrial manufacturing processes. The IT revolution has brought an important transformation in organizations with high impacts, which are comparable to the mechanization and electricity brought in the first and second industrial revolution. This evolvement has promoted the emergence of cloud-based systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Industry 4.0, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) trends. However, new technological solutions always carry security vulnerabilities, which most of time reveal unexpected risks. In fact, with increasing reliance on technology to gain competitive advantage, security issues have been one of the most critical and challenging requirements for conducting successful business. In this paper, it is highlighted some reflections regarding the challenges of Industry 4.0 emphasizing the security issues, towards raising awareness for security good practices within Industry 4.0. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Mouse dynamics correlates to student behaviour in computer-based exams

Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Sousa, N; Pego, JM; Neves, J;


Nowadays, it is common for higher education institutions to use computer-based exams, partly or integrally, in their evaluation processes. These exams, much like their paper-based counterparts, are one of the most significant sources of stress in the life of students. However, the fact that exams are undertaken in a computer allows for new features to be acquired that may provide more reliable insights into the behaviour and state of the student during the exam. In this article we analyse these novel behavioural features and explore, to which extent, they can point out previously unknown phenomena. Specifically, we show that the time a student takes to complete an exam is correlated with mouse dynamics features. In practical terms, we are able to predict the duration of each individual exam with a satisfying error based on the interaction patterns of the student.

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