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Publicações por CESE


An application to enrich the study of Auditory Emotion Recognition

Rodrigues, R; Mendes, AJ; Carneiro, D; Amorim, M; Pinheiro, AP; Novais, P;


The ability to recognize emotions in spoken words is central in human communication and social relationships. When studying one's ability to perceive emotions, the standard paradigm is to have listeners choose which one of several emotion words best characterizes linguistically neutral utterances made by actors attempting to portray various emotional states. Usually, generic experiment control software are used, which may present several limitations. In this paper we present a novel approach to the problem, based on a mobile application that can be easily configured by the researcher to set up the desired protocol. This approach not only facilitates and improves study design and data collection, but also provides a plethora of new variables about the participants that, to the best of our knowledge, have never been considered before in this domain, including behavioural research.


Behavioral Biometrics and Ambient Intelligence: New Opportunities for Context-Aware Applications

Carneiro, D; Novais, P;

State of the Art in AI Applied to Ambient Intelligence

Ambient Intelligence has always been associated with the promise of exciting new applications, aware of the users' needs and state, and proactive towards their goals. However, the acquisition of the necessary information for supporting such high-level learning and decision-making processes is not always straightforward. In this chapter we describe a multi-faceted smart environment for the acquisition of relevant contextual information about its users. This information, acquired transparently through the technological devices in the environment, supports the building of high-level knowledge about the users, including a quantification of aspects such as performance, attention, mental fatigue and stress. The environment described is particularly suited for milieus such as workplaces and classrooms, in which this kind of information may be very important for the effective management of human resources, with advantages for organizations and individuals alike. © 2017 The authors and IOS Press.


EUStress: A Human Behaviour Analysis System for Monitoring and Assessing Stress During Exams

Gonçalves, F; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Pêgo, JM;

Intelligent Distributed Computing XI - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, October 11-13, 2017.



Non-intrusive Monitoring of Attentional Behavior in Teams

Carneiro, D; Duraes, D; Bajo, J; Novais, P;


Attention is a very important cognitive and behavioral process, by means of which an individual is able to focus on a single aspect of information, while ignoring others. In a time in which we are drawn in notifications, beeps, vibrations and blinking messages, the ability to focus becomes increasingly important. This is true in many different domains, from the workplace to the classroom. In this paper we present a non-intrusive distributed system for monitoring attention in teams of people. It is especially suited for teams working at the computer. The presented system is able to provide real-time information about each individual as well as information about the team. It can be very useful for team managers to identify potentially distracting events or individuals, as well as to detect the onset of mental fatigue or boredom, which significantly influence attention. in the overall, this tool may prove very useful for team managers to implement better human resources management strategies.


Detection of Behavioral Patterns for Increasing Attentiveness Level

Duraes, D; Goncalves, S; Carneiro, D; Bajo, J; Novais, P;


In the current world, performance is one of the most important issues concerning work and competition. Performance is strongly connected with learning and when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, attention is one the most important mechanisms as the level of the learner's attention affects learning results. When students are doing learning activities using new technologies, it is extremely important that the teacher has some feedback from the students' work in order to detect potential learning problems at an early stage. The goal of this research is to propose a system that measures the level of attentiveness in real scenarios, and detects patterns of behavior associated to different attention levels among different students. This system measures attention and uses this information for training a decision support system that shows the level of attention of a group of students in real time.


Ambient intelligent systems the role of non-intrusive approaches

Novais, P; Carneiro, D; Gonçalves, F; Pêgo, JM;

IJCCI 2017 - Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence

There is currently a significant interest in consumer electronics in applications and devices that monitor and improve the user's well-being. This is one of the key aspects in the development of ambient intelligence systems. Nonetheless, existing approaches are generally based on physiological sensors, which are intrusive and cannot be realistically used, especially in ambient intelligence in which the transparency, pervasiveness and sensitivity are paramount. We put forward a new approach to the problem in which user behavioral cues are used as an input to assess inner state. This innovative approach has been validated by research in the last years and has characteristics that may enable the development of true unobtrusive, pervasive and sensitive ambient intelligent systems. © 2017 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.

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