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Publicações por CESE


Optimization for sustainable manufacturing: Application of optimization techniques to foster resource efficiency

Ferrera E.; Tisseur R.; Lorenço E.; Silva E.J.; Baptista A.J.; Cardeal G.; Peças P.;

IoTBDS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security

Resource efficiency assessment methods, along with eco-efficiency assessment methods are needed for various industrial sectors to support sustainable development, decision-making and evaluate efficiency performance. The combination of eco-efficiency with efficiency assessment allows to identify major inefficiencies and provides means to foster sustainability, through the efficient and effective material and energy use. Despite the available information for decision making, this proves to be a difficult task in the manufacturing industry, therefore, there is a real need to develop and use optimization techniques to enhance resource efficiency. In this context, and due to the lack of simple and integrated tools to assess and optimize resource efficiency, crossing the different environmental and economic aspects, arises the need to develop optimisations models, enabling support and optimize sustainable decision making process and identification of potential improvements. The optimisation method should provide robust knowledge to support decisionmaking, allow comparability of the results and consider a cost-saving approach to help set priorities. Moreover, the optimisation techniques should centre the process through design/configuration of the production system, without considering time, in order not to limit the physical agents.


A trap of optimizing skills use when allocating human resources to a multiple projects environment

Leite M.; Baptista A.J.; Ribeiro A.M.R.;

Team Performance Management

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight possible hidden risks when allocating multi-skilled human resources to teams working in a multi-project environment. Are allocation strategies maximizing the use of skills for each project, the only way to improve the chances of all projects being successful? What are the risks in this strategy? What are the available alternatives? Design/methodology/approach: Simulation was used for different allocation strategies to evaluate, using two different metrics, the staffing of human resources in different projects. Three categories of companies were studied, and for each typology, virtual companies were created and several scenarios of collaborators, projects and tasks were simulated to evaluate the staffing process. Findings: It is shown that for different simulations, different allocation strategies and metrics are possible for evaluation and that there is no golden rule of staffing in organizations with multiple projects and with multiple skills collaborators. The staffing is very much dependent on the context of the company. Practical implications: The numerical method provides general managers with a useful tool to enable a better distribution of staff collaborators in teams handling multiple projects that require multi-skilled human resources. This method can also be used to evaluate training needs and hiring strategies, as it presents an overview of all human resources skills and motivations. Originality/value: For academics, the methodology developed enables the study of characteristics of human resources, skills and motivations, which are interesting for team formation. To practitioners, the numerical method is a practical tool for staffing in multiple skills and multiple projects. This tool can also diagnose each company situation regarding current collaborators’ skills and motivations, serving as a tool for training and for hiring.


Toward Industry 4.0: Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing Leveraging MAESTRI Total Efficiency Framework

Ferrera, E; Rossini, R; Baptista, AJ; Evans, S; Hovest, GG; Holgado, M; Lezak, E; Lourenco, EJ; Masluszczak, Z; Schneider, A; Silva, EJ; Werner Kytola, O; Estrela, MA;


This paper presents an overview of the work under development within MAESTRI EU-funded collaborative project. The MAESTRI Total Efficiency Framework (MTEF) aims to advance the sustainability of manufacturing and process industries by providing a management system in the form of a flexible and scalable platform and methodology. The MTEF is based on four pillars: (a) an effective management system targeted at process continuous improvement; (b) Efficiency assessment tools to support improvements, optimisation strategies and decision support; (c) Industrial Symbiosis paradigm to gain value from waste and energy exchange; (d) an Internet-of-Things infrastructure to support easy integration and data exchange among shop-floor, business systems and tools.


Combining Process Based Monitoring with Multi-layer Stream Mapping

Fisseler, D; Schneider, A; Lourenco, EJ; Baptista, AJ;


For a company it is important to improve resource and eco-efficiency in order to save money, the environment and to improve the company's image. We present a new approach combining Multi-layer Stream Mapping (MSM) and a Business Process Based Monitoring and Control Framework to monitor relevant process variables and use the values as an input for MSM to reduce waste and costs. This combination supports the decision making process and allows to identify major inefficiencies and provides means for more sustainability.


Integration of Eco-Efficiency and Efficiency Assessment Methodologies: The Efficiency Framework

Baptista, AJ; Lourenco, EJ; Silva, EJ; Estrela, MA; Pecas, P;


The overall aim of the Efficiency Framework is to encourage a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability within manufacturing and process industries. The framework presented supports informed decision-making processes and helps to define strategies for continuous performance improvement. The proposed innovative Efficiency Framework, materialized through the integration of concepts and results provided by eco-efficiency methodology, namely Eco-Efficiency Integrated Methodology for Production Systems (ecoPROSYS) and the lean based resource efficiency assessment method, Multi-layer Stream Mapping (MSM). Thus, the framework assesses simultaneously the environmental, economic and efficiency performance of complex production systems, which helps to identify major inefficiencies and circumstances of low eco-efficiency performance, consequently leading to the definition of improvement priorities. Ultimately, this framework aims to facilitate the overall efficiency performance assessment, by an integrated multi-dimensional analysis, presented as the Total Efficiency Index. The logic behind this index is to combine, for each unit process and for the overall production process, two fundamental efficiency aspects, namely eco-efficiency and operations efficiency.


Multi-Layer Stream Mapping: Application to an Injection Moulding Production System

Gomes, MN; Baptista, AJ; Guedes, AP; Ribeiro, I; Lourenco, EJ; Pecas, P;


The Multi-Layer Stream Mapping (MSM) methodology addresses current challenges regarding the applicability of Lean Thinking concepts in the domain of sustainability assessment tools. Therefore, MSM aims to assess the overall performance of a production system, while evaluating the productivity and efficiency of resource utilization as well as evaluate the costs related to missuses and inefficiencies and other process and domains variables. This paper highlights the benefits arising from the application of the MSM methodology in a real industrial case regarding the injection moulding process, namely fostering the quantification of the efficiency of different resources streams, for its improvement, for the several production processes involved. So, it is explained how MSM can contribute for a more sustainable production system with a continuously increasing productivity.

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