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Publicações por CESE


Complaint behaviour by third parties: Exploring service quality, customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth in health clubs

Moreira, AC; Silva, PMFD;

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing

In recent years, in the services market, we have witnessed a growing importance of concepts such as service quality, satisfaction, word-of-mouth and complaint behaviour. The proposed conceptual model aimed to examine the existing relationships among these dimensions in the context of health clubs. Data was collected through questionnaires and analysed using structural equations modelling (SEM) to simultaneously test all the relationships in the model. Overall, the results suggest that quality is assessed through staff, programme and facilities evaluation, and that service quality is crucial for both satisfaction and word-of-mouth generation. Customers do not complain to third parties, i.e., to external parties that are not involved, but have some influence on the service provider even when low quality is delivered or they are dissatisfied. © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


Commitment-trust dynamics in the internationalization process: A case study of market entry in the Brazilian market

Moreira, AC; Alves, CB;

International Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

This chapter describes the market entry process of Portuguese small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) into the Brazilian. This chapter explores an under-researched strand in the studies of internationalization of SMEs, namely how trust and commitment leveraged the relationship orientation of the Portuguese SME in entering into the Brazilian market. Through a Case Study the chapter explores the concept of relationship orientation, trust and commitment to analyze how a Portuguese SME managed to turn around a difficult situation transforming its associates in business partners and prevented a process of desinternationalization. © 2016 by IGI Global.


Organizational learning and knowledge management—insights from industrial managers

Amaral, A; Araújo, MM; Rodrigues, CS;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

There is an increasing recognition that the competitive advantage of firms depends on their ability to create, transfer, utilize, develop and protect the Organizational knowledge assets. Therefore, the projects context should be wisely used for properly foster the learning collection through the lessons learned gathered during project life cycle. However, organizations do not seem to learn from their mistakes, rarely exploring the reasons for their projects’ success or failure, and very rarely applying those lessons learned to the business management. In fact, there is little or no point in learning unless management adapts its behavior accordingly. Usually top management does not give sufficient resources for activities such as reflecting and learning. This research is focused on assessing the organizational environment in order to properly explore the factors and dependencies amongst the social demographic variables. The questions addressed intent to highlight the key determinants that might foresee a proper learning and knowledge management environment. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.


Is there a pattern for innovative firms? A case study from a Portuguese and a Polish Region

Duarte, N; Diniz, F; Bojar, M; Arent, A;


The article presents the results of the study and comparison of innovation of Portuguese and Polish companies. For this research, the perspective is taken from innovation based in intangible factors, trying to measure, above all, the organizational culture of companies on innovation. The results state that Portuguese firms are less innovative than Polish ones. At the same time, in both countries manufacturing companies are more innovative than companies in the construction sector. In the case of Polish companies it was demonstrated that there was a relationship between the size and age of the innovation. The research results will be used to assess the culture of enterprises' innovation in other countries.


Monitoring and improving performance in human-computer interaction

Carneiro, D; Pimenta, A; Goncalves, S; Neves, J; Novais, P;


Monitoring an individual's performance in a task, especially in the workplace context, is becoming an increasingly interesting and controversial topic in a time in which workers are expected to produce more, better and faster. The tension caused by this competitiveness, together with the pressure of monitoring, may not work in favour of the organization's objectives. In this paper, we present an innovative approach on the problem of performance management. We build on the fact that computers are nowadays used as major work tools in many workplaces to devise a non-invasive method for distributed performance monitoring based on the observation of the worker's interaction with the computer. We then look at musical selection both as a pleasant and as an effective method for improving performance in the workplace. The proposed approach will allow team coordinators to assess and manage their co-workers' performance continuously and in real-time, using a distributed service-based architecture. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


A neural network to classify fatigue from human-computer interaction

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Neves, J; Novais, P;


Fatigue, especially in its mental form, is one of the most worrying health problems nowadays. It affects not only health but also motivation, emotions and feelings and has an impact both at the individual and organizational level. Fatigue monitoring and management assumes thus, in this century, an increased importance, that should be promoted by private organizations and governments alike. While traditional approaches are mostly based on questionnaires, in this paper we present an alternative one that relies on the observation of the individual's interaction with the computer. We show that this interaction changes with the onset of fatigue and that these changes are significant enough to support the training of a neural network that can classify mental fatigue in real time. The main outcome of this work is the development of non-invasive systems for the continuous classification of mental fatigue that can support effective and efficient fatigue management initiatives, especially in the context of desk jobs.

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