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Publicações por CESE


Detection of Distraction and Fatigue in Groups through the Analysis of Interaction Patterns with Computers

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Neves, J;


Nowadays, our lifestyle can lead to a scatter of focus, especially when we attend to several tasks in parallel or have to filter the important information from all the remaining one. In the context of a computer this usually means interacting with several applications simultaneously. Over the day, this significant demand on our brain results in the emergence of fatigue, making an individual more prone to distractions. Good management of the working time and effort invested in each task, as well as the effect of breaks at work, can result in better performance and better mental health, delaying the effects of fatigue. This paper presents a non-intrusive and non-invasive method for measuring distraction and fatigue in an individual and in a group of people. The main aim is to allow team managers to better understand the state of their collaborators, thus preparing them to take better decisions concerning their management.


Analysis of Mental Fatigue and Mood States in Workplaces

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Neves, J; Novais, P;

Intelligent Distributed Computing IX - Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2015, Guimarães, Portugal, October 2015

Mental fatigue is a concern for a range of reasons, including its negative impact on productivity and quality of life in general. The maximal working capacity and performance of an individual, whether physical or mental, generally also decreases as the day progresses. The loss of these capabilities is associated with the emergence of fatigue, which is particularly visible in long and demanding tasks or repetitive jobs. However, good management of working time and of the effort invested in each task, as well as the effect of breaks at work can result in better performance and better mental health, delaying the effects of fatigue. In this paper a model and prototype are proposed to detect and monitor fatigue, based on behavioral biometrics (Keystroke Dynamics and Mouse Dynamics). Using this approach, the aim is to develop leisure and work context-aware environments that may improve quality of life and individual performance, as well as productivity in organizations. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.


An Intelligent Environment to Assess Auditory Emotional Recognition

Carneiro, D; Pinto, S; Pinheiro, A; Novais, P;


In recent years, mobile devices and applications have known a growth that is unprecedented in any other technological field, reaching virtually all aspects of our lives including sports, leisure, social relationships or health. This paper describes the development of an environment to assess auditory emotional recognition based on a mobile application. The primary aim of this work is to provide a valuable instrument that can be used both in research and clinical settings, responding to the strong need of validated measures of emotional processing in Portugal. The secondary aim is to study behavioral features, acquired unobtrusively from the interaction of the participant with the device, in search for a relationship with medical conditions, cognitive impairments, auditory emotional recognition or sociodemographic indicators. This will establish the foundation for the prediction of such aspects based on the analysis of people's interaction with technological devices, providing new potentially interesting diagnostic tools.


MentalWorkload Management as a Tool in e-Learning Scenarios

Pimenta, A; Goncalves, S; Carneiro, D; Fde Riverola, F; Neves, J; Novais, P;

PECCS 2015 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems

In our daily life, we often have a sense of being exhausted due to mental or physical work, together with a feeling of performance degradation in the accomplishment of simple tasks. This is in part due to the fact that the working capacity and the performance of an individual, either physical or mental, generally decrease as the day progresses, although factors like motivation also play a significant role. These negative effects are especially significant when carrying out long or demanding tasks, as often happens in an educational context. In order to avoid these effects, initiatives to promote a good management of the time and effort invested in each task are mandatory. Such initiatives, when effective, can have a wide range of positive effects, including on the performance, productivity, attention and even mental health. Seeking to find a viable and realistic approach to address this problem, this paper presents a non-invasive and non-intrusive way to measure mental workload, one of the aspects that affects mental fatigue the most. Specifically, we target scenarios of e-learning, in which the professor may not be present to assess the student's state. The aim is to create a tool that enables an actual management of fatigue in such environments and thus allows for the implementation of more efficient learning processes, adapted to the abilities and state of each student.


Improving User Privacy and the Accuracy of User Identification in Behavioral Biometrics

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Neves, J; Novais, P;


Humans exhibit their personality and their behavior through their daily actions. Moreover, these actions also show how behaviors differ between different scenarios or contexts. However, Human behavior is a complex issue as it results from the interaction of various internal and external factors such as personality, culture, education, social roles and social context, life experiences, among many others. This implies that a specific user may show different behaviors for a similar circumstance if one or more of these factors change. In past work we have addressed the development of behavior-based user identification based on keystroke and mouse dynamics. However, user states such as stress or fatigue significantly change interaction patterns, risking the accuracy of the identification. In this paper we address the effects of these variables on keystroke and mouse dynamics. We also show how, despite these effects, user identification can be successfully carried out, especially if task-specific information is considered.


A Discomfort-Sensitive Chair for Pointing Out Mental Fatigue

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Neves, J;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications - 6th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2015, Salamanca, Spain, June 3-5, 2015.

In our busy daily life, we often have the feeling of being exhausted, accompanied with a sense of performance degradation and increase of discomfort in the execution of even simple tasks. This often takes place in the workplace and in a silent way, influencing our productivity, our performance the number of errors or the quality of our production. This paper details a chair to be used in workplace environments that is sensitive to the onset of fatigue. Based on built-in accelerometers it recognizes signs of discomfort, which may be related to mental fatigue, to point out moments when an individual should consider taking a pause or a rest. This chair complements a previously developed software for the assessment of mental fatigue from the analysis of the individual's interaction with the computer. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.

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