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Publicações por CESE


Theory of Constraints in the Service Sector: Characterization for Banking and Analysis of the Factors Involved in Its Adoption

Castano, JDM; Moreira, MRA; Sousa, PSA; Meneses, RFC;


In this research we represent the major elements of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) in a services environment, specifically for the banking sector, and we analyze the factors involved in the decision to adopt the TOC by companies in this sector. It was identified that the four elements of the TOC theory, throughput, inventory, operating expenses and constraints, correspond to, respectively, the money coming from financial services rendered, the money required to generate this profit, the money to fund the expenses, and the limitations to the normal activity. Regarding the constraints, the most common are mainly administrative (regulations and policies) and the lack of technological resources associated to the scarcity of capital flow and the environment imposed by the state of the economy at a specific time. The main factors that influence the decision to adopt the TOC by the banking sector reside, first, in the tool's current level of development; second, in the nature and the characteristics of the banking service that are very far from the original industrial reality and, finally, in organizational factors such as the attitude towards change, the leadership of the administration and the commitment of the entire institution.


Factors Influencing the Internationalization of Services Firms: The Case of Design, Engineering and Architecture Consulting Firms

Moreira, MRA; Maia, MAS; Sousa, PSA; Meneses, RFC;


Globalization has created countless opportunities for the internationalization of a wide range of services. Recent technological innovations associated with the reduction or elimination of trade barriers, resulted in an exponential expansion of service firms. This paper analyzes the internal and external factors that influence the decision to operate internationally. The hypotheses are empirically examined through a survey sent to 322 firms from the design, architecture and engineering sector. Multivariate analysis is used to ascertain the main determinants of internationalization in these firms. The findings indicate that the main reasons underlying the internationalization of these service firms are the size of the firm, the competitive environment and the staff's degree of international experience. These factors, which influence the management's attitudes toward operating internationally, determine the firm's degree of internationalization. Moreover, firms that have a high number of senior managers with a graduate course and higher skills in foreign languages are more prone to internationalize. Some practical implications are presented for service firms that are in the process of internationalizing.


Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Private Label Products: The Case of Smartphones

Coelho, DC; Meneses, RFC; Moreira, MRA;


A growth of the market share of private label brands has been observed in developed countries. This growth was initially confirmed for food and drugstore categories, but it quickly expanded to new product categories, particularly technology products. This study focus on a specific technology segment - the private label brands in smartphones, due to the growth observed in its demand, in recent years. In this context, we analyzed and studied the smartphone market and consumer, and examine the factors influencing purchase intention of private label smartphones. The literature review on private label technological products proved to be scarce, which raised a challenge in exploring the main differences among factors influencing purchase intention for this specific product category. In this study, through the development and application of an analytical model, we test a set of variables that resulted from the literature review, which could potentially influence the purchase intention of smartphones. We applied a questionnaire to a study population, and recorded 339 valid answers. The results were estimated in accordance with the Structural Equation Model. Our analysis highlights the importance given to technology by consumers, as well as price and quality. This study also revealed the importance of private label brands in a market which has as yet been underexplored.


Exploring the Drivers of E-Commerce through the Application of Structural Equation Modeling

Castro, AFG; Meneses, RFC; Moreira, MRA;


E-commerce is a form of trade that has gained increasing attention from consumers and sellers. However, despite high growth rates, e-commerce still has low levels of consumers. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the purchasing decision in e-commerce, in order to better understand acceptance or rejection of e-commerce among consumers. To this end, a first framework was constructed based on previous research on consumer adoption of e-commerce. Then, three categories (derived from interviews) were added. This more complete model was tested using the structural equation model based on partial least squares. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the perceived relative advantage, the ease of use, the drawbacks associated with a non-European Union country of sale and the perceived risk, directly influence the consumer's purchase intent in e-commerce. We also found a set of twelve variables that act as indirect influences.


Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Impact of Traffic Emissions on Human Health

Fontes, T; Silva, LM; Pereira, SR; Coelho, MC;


Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been essentially used as regression models to predict the concentration of one or more pollutants usually requiring information collected from air quality stations. In this work we consider a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) with one hidden layer as a classifier of the impact of air quality on human health, using only traffic and meteorological data as inputs. Our data was obtained from a specific urban area and constitutes a 2-class problem: above or below the legal limits of specific pollutant concentrations. The results show that an MLP with 40 to 50 hidden neurons and trained with the cross-entropy cost function, is able to achieve a mean error around 11%, meaning that air quality impacts can be predicted with good accuracy using only traffic and meteorological data. The use of an ANN without air quality inputs constitutes a significant achievement because governments may therefore minimize the use of such expensive stations.


How wide should be the adjacent area to an urban motorway to prevent potential health impacts from traffic emissions?

Barros, N; Fontes, T; Silva, MP; Manso, MC;


In recent years, several studies show that people who live, work or attend school near the main roadways have an increased incidence and severity of health problems that may be related with traffic emissions of air pollutants. The concentrations of near-road atmospheric pollutants vary depending on traffic patterns, environmental conditions, topography and the presence of roadside structures. In this study, the vertical and horizontal variation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene (C6H6) concentration along a major city ring motorway were analysed. The main goal of this study is to try to establish a distance from this urban motorway considered "safe" concerning the air pollutants human heath limit values and to study the influence of the different forcing factors of the near road air pollutants transport and dispersion. Statistic significant differences (p = 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis test) were observed between sub-domains for NO2 representing different conditions of traffic emission and pollutants dispersion, but not for C6H6 (p = 0.335). Results also suggest significant lower concentrations recorded at 100 m away from roadway than at the roadside for all campaigns (p <0.016 (NO2) and p <0.036 (C6H6), Mann-Whitney test). In order to have a "safe" life in homes located near motorways, the outdoor concentrations of NO2 must not exceed 44-60.0 mu g m(-3) and C6H6 must not exceed 1.4-3.3 mu g m(-3). However, at 100 m away from roadway, 81.8% of NO2 receptors exceed the annual limit value of human health protection (40 mu g m(-3)) and at the roadside this value goes up to 95.5%. These findings suggest that the safe distance to an urban motorway roadside should be more at least 100 m. This distance should be further studied before being used as a reference to develop articulated urban mobility and planning policies.

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