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Publicações por CESE


Using simulated annealing algorithm for optimization of quay cranes and automated guided vehicles scheduling

Homayouni, SM; Tang, SH; Ismail, N; Ariffin, MKA;

International Journal of Physical Sciences

Sea port container terminals play an important role in the national and regional economy. The integrated scheduling of handling equipment has been recently investigated in literature to improve the performance of the container terminals. In this paper, an integrated scheduling of quay cranes and automated guided vehicles is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming model. This model minimizes the makespan of all the loading and unloading tasks for a set of cranes in a scheduling problem. Based on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, a scheduling method is proposed to solve the problem in a relatively short period of time. Comparison of the respective results of the mathematical model and the SA algorithm evidently shows acceptable performance of the proposed SA algorithm in finding good solutions for practical scheduling problems. Moreover, the effects of three cooling processes and two sets of control parameters on the best solution of the SA are investigated. © 2011 Academic Journals.


Using greedy clustering method to solve capacitated location-routing problem

Ali, N; Rashed, S; Ali, SZ; Seyed, MH;

African Journal of Business Management



The role of intelligent agents in customer knowledge management

Tang, SH; Homayouni, SM; Alaei, H;


Customers are known as a brilliant source of knowledge for the companies, because they gain knowledge and expertise while selecting and using products or services. Customer knowledge management is a new stage of relationship management between organizations and the customers. Most of the models in the literature are focused on human resources to set up a framework to exchange knowledge with the customers. In this paper, the applicability of agent-based systems to the customer knowledge management was investigated. As a feasibility study, characteristics of the agents and their role in knowledge management systems were reviewed in advance. Then, the requirements of customer knowledge management systems were described. Finally, using an introductory model, the applicability of the intelligent agents in customer knowledge management systems were shown and discussed.


Process Mining Manifesto

der Aalst, WMPv; Adriansyah, A; de Medeiros, AKA; Arcieri, F; Baier, T; Blickle, T; Chandra Bose, RPJ; den Brand, Pv; Brandtjen, R; Buijs, JCAM; Burattin, A; Carmona, J; Castellanos, M; Claes, J; Cook, J; Costantini, N; Curbera, F; Damiani, E; Leoni, Md; Delias, P; van Dongen, BF; Dumas, M; Dustdar, S; Fahland, D; Ferreira, DR; Gaaloul, W; Geffen, Fv; Goel, S; Günther, CW; Guzzo, A; Harmon, P; ter Hofstede, AHM; Hoogland, J; Ingvaldsen, JE; Kato, K; Kuhn, R; Kumar, A; Rosa, ML; Maggi, FM; Malerba, D; Mans, RS; Manuel, A; McCreesh, M; Mello, P; Mendling, J; Montali, M; Motahari Nezhad, HR; Muehlen, Mz; Gama, JM; Pontieri, L; Ribeiro, J; Rozinat, A; Pérez, HS; Pérez, RS; Sepúlveda, M; Sinur, J; Soffer, P; Song, M; Sperduti, A; Stilo, G; Stoel, C; Swenson, KD; Talamo, M; Tan, W; Turner, C; Vanthienen, J; Varvaressos, G; Verbeek, E; Verdonk, M; Vigo, R; Wang, J; Weber, B; Weidlich, M; Weijters, T; Wen, L; Westergaard, M; Wynn, MT;

Business Process Management Workshops - BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Part I

Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in today's information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus, providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. This manifesto is created by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and aims to promote the topic of process mining. Moreover, by defining a set of guiding principles and listing important challenges, this manifesto hopes to serve as a guide for software developers, scientists, consultants, business managers, and end-users. The goal is to increase the maturity of process mining as a new tool to improve the (re)design, control, and support of operational business processes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


Flexible heuristics miner (FHM)

Weijters, AJMM; Ribeiro, JTS;

IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining

One of the aims of process mining is to retrieve a process model from a given event log. However, current techniques have problems when mining processes that contain nontrivial constructs, processes that are low structured and/or dealing with the presence of noise in the event logs. To overcome these problems, a new process representation language is presented in combination with an accompanying process mining algorithm. The most significant property of the new representation language is in the way the semantics of splits and joins are represented; by using so-called split/join frequency tables. This results in easy to understand process models even in the case of non-trivial constructs, low structured domains and the presence of noise. This paper explains the new process representation language and how the mining algorithm works. The algorithm is implemented as a plug-in in the ProM framework. An illustrative example with noise and a real life log of a complex and low structured process are used to explicate the presented approach. © 2011 IEEE.


Event cube: Another perspective on business processes

Ribeiro, JTS; Weijters, AJMM;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

In this paper the so-called Event Cube is introduced, a multidimensional data structure that can hold information about all business dimensions. Like the data cubes of online analytic processing (OLAP) systems, the Event Cube can be used to improve the business analysis quality by providing immediate results under different levels of abstraction. An exploratory analysis of the application of process mining on multidimensional process data is the focus of this paper. The feasibility and potential of this approach is demonstrated through some practical examples. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.

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