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Publicações por CESE


Ontology Development in Collaborative Networks as a Process of Social Construction of Meaning

Pereira, C; Soares, AL;

On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops - Lecture Notes in Computer Science



Using concept maps for ontology development: A case in the work organization domain

Soares, A; Sousa, C;


Ontologies are a technological key factor regarding the knowledge management domain. This paper presents a graphical-based knowledge representation approach using concept maps towards creating a formal work organization ontology, which was translated into a Content Management System in order to manage the work design information. Some aspects related with the advantages of visual approaches for collaborative development of ontologies are discussed.


Ontology Development in Collaborative Networks as a Process of Social Construction of Meaning

Pereira, C; Soares, AL;


This paper proposes a new method to support the collaborative construction of semantic artifacts in an inter-organizational context. It aims at being applied, in particular, in the early phases of ontology development. We share the view that that the development of semantic artifacts in collaborative networks of organizations should be based on a continuous construction of meaning, rather than pursuing the delivery of highly formalized accounts of domains. For that, our research is directed to the application of cognitive semantics results, specifically by developing and extending the Conceptual Blending Theory to cope with the socio-cognitive aspects of inter-organizational ontology development. Besides the Outline of the method, we analyze the main problems and gaps in current ontology development methods regarding collaboration and negotiation in early development phases.


Foz do Arelho Outfall Plume Predictive Study

Ramos, P; Carvalho, S;

OCEANS 2008, VOLS 1-4

A seawater quality monitoring program for Foz do Arelho outfall has already started in May 2006 to evaluate the background seawater quality around the vicinity of the sea outfall and to follow the impacts of wastewater discharge in the area. Seven monitoring campaigns were already performed between 2006-2007 in which CTD and ADCP measurements were obtained in the vicinity of the wastewater discharge. Predictions of the plume behavior for several times of the year were obtained using a near field model with the monitoring data as input. The plume behavior was mostly influenced by density stratification. During stratified conditions the plume was trapped with dilutions always above 270 to 1. During unstratified conditions the plume was surfacing with dilutions above always 375 to 1. It is concluded that the outfall is behaving as expected.


Knowledge exchange with customers using intelligent agents

Homayouni, SM; Hong, TS;

38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008

Customers gain their own experiences and knowledge through using products or services. This knowledge is recognized as one of the most important competitive resources for the companies in recent years. However the models were introduced in the literature for customer knowledge management (CKM) focused on the human based interaction with customers to exchange the knowledge. The aim of this paper is to propose the applicability of agents in knowledge exchange between customers and companies. Autonomy, reactivity and pro activity of agents aid CKM to response the customers as quickly as possible and to customize their services for individuals. The abilities of agents cover the requirements of CKM models. An introductory model is proposed to show the abilities of agents in CKM system. A comparison between agents' abilities and CKM is provided as final goal of this paper. Copyright © (2008) by Computers & Industrial Engineering.


Optimization of supervisory fuzzy controller with genetic algorithm for multi-part-Type production systems

Homayouni, SM; Hong, TS; Ismail, N;

38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008

In recent years optimization of fuzzy controllers has been widely considered by researchers, especially using genetic algorithms. Genetic supervisory fuzzy (GSF) control architecture for multi-part-Type production line is proposed in this paper. GSF control architecture composed of two layer controller. In first layer heuristic distributed fuzzy (HDF) controllers has been used to control each machine separately, while GSF controllers has been used in second layer. GSF controllers tune the decisions made by HDF controllers, based on overall conditions of production system. Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to adapt the membership functions of fuzzy supervisory controllers, to improve the performance of such controllers. The overall objective is to control the production rate in a way that satisfies the demand for final products while keeping minimum work-in-process (WIP) and backlog within the production system. GA is used to minimize costs of WIP and backlog. The results show that in most of the cases GSF outperform the conventional supervisory controllers. Copyright© (2008) by Computers & Industrial Engineering.

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