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Publicações por CESE


Ontology engineering in virtual breeding environments

Simoes, D; Ferreira, H; Soares, AL;

Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks

This paper proposes a new method for managing the use of ontologies in the context of a Virtual Breeding Environment. This research work focus is on the dissolution phase of a Virtual Enterprise or Collaborative Network, where ontology segmentation technique are user to enrich the VBE's ontology libray. Firstly, an overview of the process of ontology composition and decomposition is given and the ontology library system adopted described. Then, the ontologies' ranking and classification method is described, explaining a set of metrics inspired in social network approaches. Finally, the results of preliminary tests are discussed.


Improving the quality of collaboration requirements for information management through social networks analysis

Pereira, CS; Soares, AL;


The right choice of the method of organizational analysis to use is a key factor ill the process of requirements analysis and specification of an information system. Although a high number of approaches of organizational analysis exist, the choice of the most appropriate option for each concrete case will influence the quality of the results obtained in the analysis of requirements and consequent specification. This paper presents a new way for organizational analysis to improve the quality of the requirements of systems that support information management and where collaboration is an important aspect. This is achieved through the application of the social network analysis approach, applied to refine, classify and prioritize the requirements for collaboration and information management in an organization. The paper begins by analysing shortly content management systems and wiki systems as IT platforms for collaboration and information management. After having described the method, a practical case of application of SNetCol method to an R&D institution is presented. The paper finishes by presenting the results of the evaluation of the two particular technological options considered for satisfying the specified requirements are described.


Understanding users' response to ontology based systems in the context of an enterprise sponsored virtual community

Pereira, C; Silva, M; Fernandes, J; Soares, AL;

Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks

This paper aims at presenting the preliminary results of a research work that seeks to understand the users' response to semantic based technologies, in the context of enterprise sponsored virtual communities. The research follows a qualitative methodology based on an action research approach. It particularly focuses on the socio-cognitive processes that underlie users' learning and acquisition methods when training and interacting with a new knowledge management approach bayed on semantically enabled technologies in a collaborative, and sometimes virtual, learning/working environment. The outcomes of this research are expected to provide an assessment framework for a deeper level understanding of the cognition process in what concerns the evolution of individuals knowledge, opinions, beliefs, and thoughts about ontology based systems.


Mapping and initial dilution estimation of an ocean outfall plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle

Ramos, PA; Neves, MV; Pereira, FL;


A monitoring mission to study the shape and estimate initial dilution of the S. Jacinto outfall plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) was performed on July 30, 2002. In order to reduce the uncertainty about plume location and to concentrate the vehicle mission only in the hydrodynamic mixing zone, outputs of a near-field prediction model, based on effective real-time in situ measurements of current speed and direction and density stratification, were opportunistically used to specify in real time the mission transects. The surface characteristics of the outfall plume were found to be influenced strongly by the relatively weak stratification and low current velocities. Dilution was estimated using a tempera tu re-salinity (TS-) diagram with initial mixing lines between wastewater and ambient waters. Effluent dilutions were at least 30:1 in this study. In order to efficiently map the plume dispersion we applied the least-squares collocation method technique. Our results demonstrate that AUVs can provide high-quality measurements of physical properties of effluent plumes in a quite effective manner and valuable considerations about the initial mixing processes under real oceanic conditions can be further investigated.


Performance evaluation of genetic distributed fuzzy controllers for multi-part-type production line

Homayouni, SM; Tang, SH; Ismail, N;

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Genetic distributed fuzzy (GDF) controllers are proposed for multi-part-type production line. These production systems can produce more than one part type. For these systems, "production rate" and "priority of production" for each part type is determined by production controllers. The GDF controllers have already been applied to single-part-type production systems. The methodology is illustrated and evaluated using a two-part-type production line. For these controllers, genetic algorithm (GA) is used to tune the membership functions (MFs) of GDF. The objective function of the GDF controllers minimizes the surplus level in production line. The results show that GDF controllers can improve the performance of production systems. GDF controllers show their abilities in reducing the backlog level. In production systems in which the backlog has a high penalty or is not allowed, the implementation of GDF controllers is advisable. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


Travel time analysys of SP-AS/RS with an alternative configuration for the input/output station

Vasili, M; Hong, TS; Homayouni, SM; Ismail, N; Samin, R;

37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2007

In the previous paper of this series [Vasili et al., 2006. Comparison of different dwell point policies for SP-AS/RS. Int J of Eng and Tech, 3(1):91-106], two reliable travel time models for SP-AS/RS under return to middle and return to start, dwell point policies were developed and presented based on the continuous rack approximation approach. In this paper, the authors present an alternative configuration for the input/output (I/O) station in SPAS/ RS, in order to reduce average handling time of this system. A travel time model is developed for this new configuration and the accuracy of the model is validated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results of new model and previous models are compared and the best policy is introduced. The results show that in a range of shapes (when shape factor is less than or equal to 2), new configuration of SP-AS/RS is more preferable.

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