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Publicações por CESE


Dynamic VRP in pharmaceutical distribution-a case study

De Magalhaes, JM; De Sousa, JP;

Central European Journal of Operations Research

In recent years, the pharmaceutical sector has gone through deep changes, partially due to the ageing of the population and to the increasing of costs in health care services. With margins that are getting lower and lower, the drug distribution problem to pharmacies has become much more important, particularly in large metropolitan areas. As pharmacies demand shorter delivery times, vehicle routing and scheduling problems become harder for distributors. It is recognized that the traditional system based on fixed routes does not fulfil the expectations of pharmacies and may, in some cases, be quite inefficient for distributiors. In this work, a case study has been carried out and a change of the traditional approach is proposed, by adopting a system of variable routes that are dynamically designed, based on orders that are constantly arriving along the day. A dynamic algorithm is therefore proposed, meant to be run several times a day. It has four phases: first, a clustering of the orders is performed; second, potential routes are constructed; third, a route is selected for operation; and finally, that route is subject to an improvement process. The selection of the next route to be launched may be postponed in order to take advantage of subsequent information. The algorithm has been tested in the case study, by simulating one week of operation, and by comparing the results with the plan produced by the traditional way. © Springer-Verlag 2006.


Solving Irregular Strip Packing problems by hybridising simulated annealing and linear programming

Gomes, AM; Oliveira, JF;


In this paper a hybrid algorithm to solve Irregular Strip Packing problems is presented. The metaheuristic simulated annealing is used to guide the search over the solution space while linear programming models are solved to generate neighbourhoods during the search process. These linear programming models, which are used to locally optimise the layouts, derive from the application of compaction and separation algorithms. Computational tests were run using instances that are commonly used as benchmarks in the literature. The best results published so far have been improved by this new hybrid packing algorithm.


A structured methodology for Business Network design

Copani, G; Bosani, R; Tosatti, LM; Azevedo, A;

2006 IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ICE 2006

In the new manufacturing environment, a single enterprise does not often own all resources and skills to offer competitive solutions. Therefore, such enterprises become part of enterprise networks of independent core competencies in order to produce marketable products. Thus, Business Networking is an innovative business paradigm that can help companies to remain competitive in the market. Nevertheless, its practical implementation is very complicated because of the several dimensions that it involves, and, especially in network start up phase, because it is often left to the case and not managed with adequate methodologies and tools. The present paper proposes a structured methodology for long term business network design that is based on a network descriptive model and that should be applied by a 'network architect'. The proposed methodology has been developed and applied in the frame of KoBaS project funded through European Commission Program. © 2006 IEEE.


Business networks in small textile enterprises: The case of Nova Friburgo-Brasil

Azevedo, A; Faria, L;

Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems

Business Networking is an innovative business paradigm that can help companies to remain competitive in the market. Nevertheless, its practical implementation is very complicated because of the several dimensions that it involves. There are several cases of business network cooperation; however, each one has its particular characteristics that determine its success. This paper addresses the domain of collaborative networks, established by SME in textile industry, in the scope of an academic research project based on a case study research methodology and centered on a large industrial pole in Brasil.


Business networking: The technological infrastructure support

Chituc, CM; Azevedo, AL;

Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions

The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies, the changing client's demands, and market conditions impelled enterprises to adapt their way of undertaking business, from traditional practices to e-business, and to participate in new forms of collaboration, such as networked organizations. In this context, standards, frameworks, technologies, and infrastructures supporting collaborative business, in a networked environment, become key factors in achieving environments with a desired high level of collaboration and inter- and intra-organization business processes alignment. The aim of this chapter is to underline the main issues, trends, and opportunities related to business integration from a technological perspective, analyzing and discussing the most relevant (existing and still under development) business integration reference models, frameworks, standards, technologies, and supporting infrastructures, and to briefly present relevant research projects in the area of business networking. A special emphasis is made on frameworks such as ebXML and RosettaNet, and the importance of papiNet, BPLE4WS, and freebXML is underlined. Challenges regarding self-forming networked organizations are also advanced. © 2007, Idea Group Inc.


Strategic production networks: The approach of small textile industry

Faria, L; Azevedo, A;

Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks

In general, the aim of selling up collaborative networks is the reduction of uncertainty and the increase of competitiveness. One of the main goals is the exploitation of this collaboration networks guaranteeing the legal independence of partners on the basis of common and aligned strategic aims. Nevertheless, its practical implementation is not straight forward because of all the several dimensions it involves. This paper addresses some relevant issues in the domain of collaborative networks, in the scope of a research project based on a case study centered on a large industrial pole in Brazil and mainly established by SME.

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