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Publicações por CESE


Knowledge-based collaboration in Construction Industry

Sorli, M; Mendikoa, I; Pérez, J; Soares, A; Urosevic, L; Stokic, D; Moreira, J; Corvacho, H;

2006 IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ICE 2006

The present paper focuses on the topic of Communities & Networks but it also covers some issues on Collaborative Enterprises, Collaborative Processes & Workspaces, and Business to Business Networks. It is based mainly on the Collective project Know Construct (COLL-CT-2004-500276) starting in March 2005. The project aims to develop a common internet-based platform for SMEs from the construction sector to provide an effective combination of two general functionalities: an innovative decision making support system regarding the products characteristics, applications and other consultancy services for SMEs' customers applying the 'web enabled dialogue', and a system for SMEs to support an advanced form of co-operation through the creation of Knowledge Communities of SMEs in Construction Industry. The system supports the integration, management and reuse of the area specific knowledge via a common knowledge base. The system is intended to be used within the Associations to collect and exchange the business area specific knowledge among the members (SMEs) in a form of essential expertise, reachable anywhere, at any time. © 2006 IEEE.


Developing enterprise sponsored virtual communities: The case of a SME's knowledge community

Soares, AL; Simoes, D; Silva, M; Madureira, R;


This paper presents a case in the development of a knowledge community support system in the context of an industrial association group in the construction sector. This system is a result of the Know-Construct project which aims at providing association sponsored SME communities of the construction sector with a sophisticated information management platform and community building tools for knowledge sharing. The paper begins by characterizing the so-called construction industry knowledge community. The Know-Construct system concept and the its general architecture are described, focusing on the semantic resources, in particular the ontologies structure. The final part of the paper depicts the approach to the actual introduction of the system in the community. An action-research approach was planned to obtain research results regarding the social acceptance of semantic resources such as the ontologies and technical classifications used in system.


Dissecting inter-organizational Business Process Modeling: A linguistic and conceptual approach

Martins, CT; Soares, AL;

Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks

The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the of Business Process Modelling field focusing on the definition of the Inter-Organizational Business Processes from both a high-level modelling perspective and a technological one. We used a conceptual maps' approach in order to clarify all the fundamental concepts that surround these two fields. We will present the two conceptual maps we have achieved through the help of a web-based tool for corpus linguistics and knowledge engineering named Corpografo and using the IHMC Cmaps Toolsfor the design of the Conceptual maps.


The Socio-Technical Design Of A SME Knowledge Community In The Construction Industry

Simões, D; Soares, AL;

Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks - IFIP International Federation for Information Processing



Integrating Semantic Resources to Support SME Knowledge Communities

Moreira Silva, M; Lucas Soares, AA; Simoes, D;

Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006

The development of ontologies to unify and to put into context the different concepts and terms of the traditional and locally colored construction industry domains is a necessary step to avoid misinterpretations and inefficient communication. The KNOW-CONSTRUCT project, as an approach to this task, decided to re-use existing ontologies, classification systems, and other semantic resources to develop a system for the integration, management, and reuse of the area specific knowledge via a common knowledge base to consolidate and provide access to integrated knowledge, making community emergent knowledge a significant added value. The Know-Construct project' intends to improve the effectiveness of the Construction Industry (CI) SME's (Small and Medium Enterprise) by improving and extending the relationship with their customers through an innovative support regarding information and knowledge about products, processes and associated issues. © 2006 Copyright


Integrating semantic resources to support SME knowledge communities

Silva, MM; Soares, AL; Simoes, D;

IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)

The development of ontologies to unify and to put into context the different concepts and terms of the sometimes rather traditional and locally coloured construction industry domains is a necessary step to avoid misinterpretations and inefficient communication. The KNOW-CONSTRUCT project, as an approach to this task, decided to re-use, as far as possible, existing ontologies, classification systems and other semantic resources in order to develop a system for the integration, management and reuse of the area specific knowledge via a common knowledge base in order to consolidate and provide access to integrated knowledge, making community emergent knowledge a significant added value. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.

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