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Publicações por CESE


Maturidade Digital Na Indústria Transformadora Do Tâmega E Sousa

Duarte, N; Pereira, C;


É sabido que a digitalização será o grande desígnio das empresas e a condição essencial para a sua competitividade nos próximos anos. Sabe-se também que, embora a atual pandemia COVID-19 tenha acelerado a necessidade de digitalização em diferentes áreas do negócio, sendo o seu maior impacto notado ao nível das plataformas de e-commerce, a falta de uma visão digital, para as diferentes áreas, poderá deixar as empresas sem competências para atuar de forma competitiva num mercado já global. Assim, neste artigo, adotando uma metodologia Design Science, é proposta uma solução para a obtenção de uma radiografia do nível de Maturidade Digital da indústria transformadora na região do Tâmega e Sousa - Digital Industry Survey. Procura-se desta forma criar conhecimento sobre a realidade desta indústria, que permita apoiar as empresas nos desafios colocados pelo paradigma da Indústria 4.0.


Industry 4.0: Individual Perceptions About Its Nine Technologies

Diniz, F; Duarte, N; Amaral, A; Pereira, C;

Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation

Industry 4.0 is a trendy concept that everyone is talking about. However there are several concepts and technologies attached to Industry 4.0. The concept is considered as the most recent industrial revolution and takes us to the domains of automation, digitalization and information, among others. The concept is trendy, but sometimes firms and employees are not able to follow new trends. This paper summarizes a research on the concepts of industry 4.0 and the 9 technologies commonly associated to Industry 4.0 umbrella. Most of the literature recognizes it as something that can bring several benefits to firms. However, it is also pointed out, that the adoption of these technologies relies in several factors. In this paper the focus is the human factors. A group of 260 persons participated in a questionnaire where were asked about their perceptions on industry 4.0 and its technologies. The main objective was to find different responses to Industry 4.0 technologies, according to age, education level, gender or field of studies. In general, all the individuals present a similar approach. Main differences were found on Big Data, Augmented Reality and Simulation technologies. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.



Duarte, N; Pereira, C; Carneiro, D;


Digitalization is undoubtedly a major challenge for companies in the coming years. Applying a Design Science methodology this paper aims to describe the process for the development of a solution for obtaining an overview of the Digital Maturity in the manufacturing industry of the region of Tamega e Sousa (an industrial region located in the north of Portugal). The evaluation process consisted of a sample of 53 companies that allowed to get a first picture of the region. Summing up, it is possible to say that a digital strategy is in the companies' plans with a focus on processes digitalization. In general, an overall digital strategy for the companies is in line with the marketing and human resources, in a middle position, with a few companies taking the lead, the majority following, and some others still now awakening to this reality.


Recommendation Tool for Use of Immersive Learning Environments

Morgado, L; Torres, M; Beck, D; Torres, F; Almeida, A; Simões, A; Ramalho, F; Coelho, A;

8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 30 - June 4, 2022

In the field of immersive learning, instructors often find it challenging to match their pedagogical approaches and content knowledge with specific technologies. Unfortunately, this usually results in either a lack of technology use or inappropriate use of some technologies. Teachers and trainers wishing to use immersive learning environments face a diversity of technological and pedagogical alternatives. To scaffold educators in their planning of immersive learning educational activities, we devised a recommendation tool, which maps educational context variables to the dimensions of immersion and uses educators' contexts to identify the closest educational uses. Sample educational activities for those uses are then presented, for various types of educational methodologies. Educators can use these samples to plan their educational activities in line with their current resources or to innovate by pursuing entirely different approaches.


Tracking Method for Aircraft on Ground (AOG) Service and the Challenges for E-commerce

Monteiro, C; de Oliveira, LC; Garcia, JE;


With the increasing use of air transport (cargo and passengers), the evolution of safety standards to an increasingly demanding level, markets have seen the development of business structures and strategies in the sector. Since 2009, revenues in the sector have been increasing, but it is necessary to optimize the operations that compose it. One of the critical areas is the management of maintenance schedules and consequently the stock management. In addition, the increase in e-commerce has led to cargoes having increasingly diverse specificity, value, and levels of urgency of delivery. The requirement for reliable and timely service is considered to be the main requirement and is matched by the price requirement. The high cost of stopping a plane outweighs the cost of transporting the required part, overriding the requirements of time and reliability, particularly in Aircraft on Ground (AOG) shipments. It has found that one of the problems is the small size of a large percentage of the components being transported. This feature encourages losses during transport and is blamed on various intermediaries in the supply chain. The need to track and trace product in real time is therefore crucial, particularly with the current demands of e-commerce customers. In this sense, the opportunity arose to the development of a package for the transport of small items allowing their traceability and monitoring. Through a questionnaire addressed to elements that intervene directly in the management of AOG shipments, 100% of respondents affirm that the use of an easy-to-identify box would avoid delays or losses and 91.7% of respondents affirm that a GPS device would improve the level of service.


Using EPP Boxes in a Dark Store: A New Approach to Simplify Food Retail E-Commerce Deliveries

Pintado, E; de Oliveira, LC; Garcia, JE;


Background: E-commerce has emerged as a good response to the pandemic of COVID-19. However, the costs of providing a service, which includes a driver and a vehicle, in a regular vehicle that can transport goods that need positive cold (0 & DEG; to 5 & DEG;C) are very high. Objectives: This paper aims to investigate how a big Portuguese retailer company can reduce its dependence on refrigerated vehicles, simplifying operations and reducing the costs of transporting positive and negative cold food. Methods/Approach: This research was carried out in a food retailer Portuguese company, more precisely in a Dark Store dedicated to the online channel. The study was developed based on the AS-IS/TO-BE process analysis methodology, starting with the analysis of the current situation, giving rise to the so-called AS-IS model. Results: It was possible to reduce costs associated with transporting positive cold goods. As a result, there are 30% fewer costs associated with order transportation. With an additional 10% in space optimization with the gain of space within the galley of each vehicle. Conclusions: The costs of transporting positive and negative cold foods were decreased, and substituting vehicles with room temperature transport reduced the need for refrigerated vehicles.

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