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Publicações por CESE


Desafios, barreiras e aprendizagens com a remanufatura

Medeiros, FSB; Simonetto, EdO; Castro, HCGAd;

Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa

Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar os desafios, as barreiras e as aprendizagens com a atividade de remanufatura. Por meio de uma busca realizada na internet foram encontradas empresas de diferentes regiões do país que operam no setor. Desse modo, como procedimento de coleta, foi adotado o estudo de casos múltiplos e, como técnica de coleta, foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada, uma vez que a intenção era obter dos entrevistados o relato sobre o seu dia a dia e o seu ambiente de negócio na remanufatura. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade é carente de incentivos por parte do poder público. Outro ponto que prejudica é o custo da logística reversa. Há, ainda, a falta de locais apropriados na fase de descarte dos materiais, cujas condições de reaproveitamento no processo não são mais viáveis. Destarte, o estudo permitiu conhecer um pouco mais da remanufatura por meio do que as empresas contatadas vivenciam no mercado.


Raw material depletion and scenario assessment in European Union - A circular economy approach

Martins, FF; Castro, H;


Nowadays the production systems are linear and the consumption patterns are essentially based on products with a short life cycle, which contribute to increase the demand for raw materials and environmental impacts. The Circular Economy (CE) is playing a major role among scholars and practitioners. Many aspects are now defining this new trending paradigm such as the roles of product development, transformation and remanufacturing/recycling, and/or management of waste, ensuring the economic and environmental benefits. The increasing demand causes instability of the prices and markets, and there is also the risk of supply rupture. This is very unsustainable and puts at risk countries' development. In this work we analyze and assess some EU critical raw material (CRM), considering existing global reserves and production. Correlation between several parameters was also analyzed. Under this assumption one scenario was considered to assess the depletion of two CRM. China is the main supplier in 15 out of 25 CRM considered in this analysis and its average percentage is 65%. Phosphate rock presents the highest value and antimony the lowest for depletion indicator. It was possible to conclude that no significant correlation was found between depletion, self-sufficiency and economic importance indicators. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Analysing Meta-Organizations with Embedded Brokering Services Performance Modelled as a Call-Centre for Supporting Dynamic Reconfigurability of Networked and Virtual Organizations

Putnik, GD; Rodrigues, D; Alves, C; Avila, P; Castro, H; Cruz Cunha, MM;


Various companies choose to outsource the delivery of part of their services, so as not to deviate from its core business and improve the service level. This approach leads to a new type of organizations, so-called networked and virtual enterprises, where possibly a great number of companies work together without having direct contact but through a broker, as an intermediary, that streamlines the relationships between them. To enable high level efficiency, as well as some other functional requirements, the meta-organizations and brokering services are conceived as environments and services for networked and virtual enterprises operation and dynamic reconfigurations, representing a model of organizations-of-organizations, as an implementation of one of the Industry 4.0 models and ecosystem for networked and virtual enterprises dynamic reconfiguration. In this paper, the meta-organizations with embedded brokering services, modelled as call centres, are analyzed. Various simulations are presented, based on Erlangs formulas for some of design and performance measures parameters evaluation, such as service level, average waiting time, agent occupancy and service traffic intensity.


Analysis of Nonlinear Wave Parameters on Ofir Sandy Beach (NW Portugal)

Abreu, T; Silva, PA; Baptista, P; Pais Barbosa, J; Fernandez Fernandez, S; Ferreira, C; Matos, J;


The characterization of wave transformation processes in the nearshore is of paramount importance when it comes to assessing storm and flooding impacts, sediment transportation and deposition, harbors safety or design of coastal protective structures. This study analyzes nonlinear wave parameters on Ofir sandy beach. This beach is located along the northwest Portuguese coast which is a highly energetic coast exposed to waves generated far away in the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the existence of rocky outcrops in the nearshore and intertidal zones at the study site, reducing the wave energy that reaches the beach, the study site exhibits pronounced erosive processes. Field observations of six near-bottom pressure records collected at the intertidal zone help to characterize the evolution of wave nonlinearities which are directly associated with sediment transport mechanisms. Data results show that there is an interrelation between the characteristics of the waves and the local morphology. It is also possible to ascertain, more clearly, the level of asymmetry present in the waves propagated at different depths, contributing to a better understanding of the local morpho-hydrodynamics.


Performance indicators to support firm-level decision-making in the wine industry: a systematic literature review

Mota, J; Moreira, A; Costa, R; Serrao, S; Pais Magalhaes, V; Costa, C;


Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the main firm-level performance indicators and group them in dimensions that support decision-making in the wine industry. Design/methodology/approach To achieve this goal, an SLR approach was conducted in the Scopus database from 2009 to 2019. From a set of 607 articles, only 25 studies related to firm-level performance indicators were considered and, following an inductive thematic analysis and an interpretative synthesis, separated into different specific foci that include social, economic and environmental dimensions. Findings There is a limited number of papers identifying indicators regarding the firm-level performance of wine firms, and even fewer studies including indicators on an integrated approach to measure the different dimensions of firm performance. This paper documents that economic and environmental indicators cover 78.2% of all SLR indicators analyzed. As this group of indicators is limited to a set of sub-dimensions, this paper found that several groups of indicators are misrepresented, such as product portfolio or certifications related to marketing activities and indicators covering purchasing and supply chain activities, which play a crucial role in the competitiveness of the wine industry. Practical implications For practitioners, it discloses the most pertinent indicators they need to improve to craft their business strategies. This framework is of added value for policymakers to customize their support programs for specific producers to develop their competitive strategies. It could be deployed in teaching programs as a tool to address the importance of aligning different types of indicators to achieve firm-level performance in the wine industry. Originality/value This study contributes to the literature identifying a framework of analysis that includes indicators of four dimensions, namely, economic, social, territorial and environmental. This framework aims to relate performance measures to corporate strategy as a management control tool. The framework intends to improve the fit between firms' activities and their competitive context and to be flexibly adapted to various products/firms in the wine industry.


Sustainable innovation: Challenges in the tourism industry

Araújo, CS; Moreira, AC;

Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society

Tourism is an industry, very focused on economic growth, with significant negative environmental and social impacts. Consequently, the tourism industry faces major challenges related to sustainability. Sustainable innovation is a tool that contributes not only to increased business competitiveness but can also play an important role in mitigating the negative impacts that such growth can generate. Recognizing the opportunity that this innovation can have in the tourism industry, this chapter analyzes the state of the art and systematizes the knowledge and evolution of the academic debate about this relationship between sustainable innovation and tourism from 1992 to 2018. This chapter indicates that sustainable tourism is focused on seven major areas of research and predominantly analyzed through quantitative methods. It is still an embryonic topic with scarce research done in several areas, such as the monitoring of its impacts, the effects felt by the communities of tourist destinations, and the impacts that sustainable innovation may have on other tourism subsectors. © 2020, IGI Global.

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