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Publicações por CESE


Trade and FDI Between the Czech Republic and Portugal

Novotná, L; Martins, I; Moreira, A;

Foreign Direct Investments

With the collapse of communism, some former communist States of Eastern Europe managed to muddle through their way to a market economy and entered the European Union. This brought about the acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) among the European economies and accelerated the globalization process. Although there is plenty of research on FDI and trade among countries, the aim of this chapter is to analyze how trade between Portugal and the Czech Republic have evolved over form 2000 until 2015. The chapter seeks to complement previous studies on FDI and trade as Portugal and the Czech Republic are part of the European Union, but have had different historical, cultural, and economic paths. The main conclusion of the chapter is that trade between both countries has grown significantly. The main reason affecting trade between both countries is the economic unrest Portugal has been through since 2008.


Portugal’s changing defense industry: Is the triple helix model of knowledge society replacing state leadership model?

Simões, PC; Moreira, AC; Dias, CM;

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity

The defense industry has unique features involving national sovereignty. Despite the characteristics that led to the separation of the military and civil spheres, since the 1990s, the number of dual-use projects has been growing. Taking into account that Portugal is a small European country, this paper analyzes the relationships within the defense industry in order to determine how university–industry–government relationships (the Triple Helix) function in this specific industry. The analysis of 145 projects of the Portuguese Ministry of Defense led to the following conclusions: first, academia was represented in more than 90% of the projects, and 40% of those projects have a dual-use application; second, there is a predominance of knowledge production, dissemination and application, for which the university’s institutional sphere is essential and third, the Triple Helix system evolves into a network of relationships that involve projects with both civil and military applications. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


Enhancing design thinking approaches to innovation through gamification

Patricio, R; Moreira, AC; Zurlo, F;


Purpose The paper aims to explore the relationship between gamification and design thinking approach to innovation in the context of the early stage of innovation process (ESoIP). Design thinking is conceptually appropriate to support innovative, complex and uncertain business environments. Still, its practices have demonstrated some difficulties in managing the ESoIP, such as lack of structure and clarity around goals. This paper argues that gamification can enhance and complement design thinking in the management of firms' ESoIP. Design/methodology/approach Given the need to achieve a deeper understanding of the linkages between gamification and design thinking, the paper follows an exploratory theory building approach for this complex reality of innovation. The case study research method was conducted in three firms (Trivalor, Novartis and Microsoft) that applied a gamification approach to the ESoIP. Findings The results demonstrate that gamification has the power to enhance and complement design thinking practices by getting tasks more organized and improving coordination and employees' engagement in the innovation process. Practical implications The paper provides critical managerial contributions on how firms can use gamification to improve design thinking approaches to ESoIP. Its consequences are also crucial to innovation, R&D, and product/service development managers interested in using gamification to support the ideation and concept development of new solutions complementing traditional design thinking approaches. Originality/value Merging the gamification and design thinking approaches is novel, particularly on firms' ESoIP. The paper provides a comprehensive discussion of design thinking shortcomings and the role that gamification can play in overcoming them.


A Soft Context-Aware Traffic Management System for Smart Cities

Carneiro, D; Amaral, A; Carvalho, M;




Portuguese Project Management Profile—An Overview

Andrade Dias, A; Amaral, A;

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering - Project Management and Engineering Research



Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) as a key driver towards improved mobility

Baltazar, S; Barreto, L; Amaral, A; Mendes Pereira, TS;

2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC 2020, Cardiff, United Kingdom, June 15-17, 2020

Enterprises are facing new challenges. The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Systems that supported their operations are also changing. Enterprises are also becoming more socially responsible. The mobility topic is an actual and unavoidable theme regarding social responsibility, which needs to be developed in a three-bottom line approach throughout social, environmental and economic' dimensions - in order to achieve a sustainable mobility. Necessarily, enterprises need to quickly adapt to the growing and rapid changes in the socio-economic and technological environment, thus embracing Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) - essential components of any enterprise system. Allied to a sustainability interoperability and with the Next Generation EIS (NGEIS) guidance, the future sustainable enterprise mobility can be defined. Other critical topic that Enterprises need to properly address and ensure is the data from their stakeholders to support the definition of strategic decision making and achieve rapid and efficient solutions fully aligned with the market context and their clients' expectation. It is also recognized the importance of the continuous technological evolvement, nevertheless these new technological solutions require private and confidential information of their users. Consequently, enterprises must be concerned with the implementation of adequate technological security mechanisms, that can ensure enterprise data and users' data protection. It is analysed/discussed how its EIS innovative features, together with other systems, could contribute to promote sustainable mobility in enterprises ecosystem and it is also enlightened a Portuguese company case. © 2020 IEEE.

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