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Publicações por CESE


Mobility in the Era of Digitalization: Thinking Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Barreto, L; Amaral, A; Baltazar, S;

Studies in Computational Intelligence

The planning and design of sustainable and smart cities—cities of the future—should properly address the challenges that arise by the every day growth of the urban population. Mobility is an important issue considering social inclusion and the sustainable development of such cities. Thus, future mobility will have an increased importance when having to plan and design the cities of tomorrow. A key component of any future mobility and its metabolism is what is known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), representing emerging opportunities from any type or mode of transportation in future cities. Through an empirical and explorative research methodology, this chapter presents the main issues and characteristics that any future MaaS should consider. Concluding, some features and trends are presented that should be considered in the development of future MaaS systems, allowing a more convenient provision of sustainable, versatile and attractive mobility services. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Challenges and Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Gonçalves, L; Silva, JP; Baltazar, S; Barreto, L; Amaral, A;

Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Urban and Rural Environments - Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability

This introductory chapter provides a synopsis of the underlying factors that enable the existence of the mobility as a service (MaaS) concept and its role regarding the improvement of the performance of transportation systems. Therefore, several considerations are made to contextualize MaaS in modern societies explaining not only its main functions and advantages but also the challenges facing its widespread implementation.


The Future of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Baltazar, S; Amaral, A; Barreto, L; Silva, JP; Gonçalves, L;

Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Urban and Rural Environments - Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability

The environmental concerns together with social inclusion issues and the need to promote economic equity in the society have profound implications regarding the sustainable mobility concept. This allied to a technological (r)evolution leads to the path of the internet of mobility (IoM). On the other hand, we are witnessing the prosperity of mobility associated with services, mobility as a service (MaaS), which also aims at the integration of different transport modes. Linking together IoM and MaaS, the internet of mobility as a service (IoMaaS) concept is introduced, which can learn from the end user experiences and behaviors, enabling the reduction of ease of use and sustainable mobility, while supporting a much-needed cultural shift regarding mobility habits.


COTRANS model of knowledge transfer based on the design thinking method in inter-organizational relationships

Dziadkiewicz, A; Duarte, NJR; Niezurawska-Zajac, J; Niezurawski, L;

Journal of Positive Management



The Impact of Brand Relationships on Corporate Brand Identity and Reputation-An Integrative Model

Barros, T; Rodrigues, P; Duarte, N; Shao, XF; Martins, FV; Barandas Karl, H; Yue, XG;


The current literature focuses on the cocreation of brands in dynamic contexts, but the impact of the relationships among brands on branding is poorly documented. To address this gap a concept is proposed concerning the relationships between brands and a model is developed, showing the influence of the latter on the identity and reputation of brands. Therefore, the goal of this study is to develop a brand relationships concept and to build a framework relating it with corporate brand identity and reputation, in a higher consumer involvement context like higher education. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used for this purpose. In line with this, interviews, cooperatively developed by higher education lecturers and brand managers, were carried out with focus groups of higher education students, and questionnaires conducted, with 216 complete surveys obtained. Data are analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. Results demonstrate that the concept of brand relationships comprises three dimensions: trust, commitment, and motivation. The structural model reveals robustness regarding the selected fit indicators, demonstrating that the relationships between brands influence brand identity and reputation. This suggests that managers must choose and promote brand relationships that gel with the identity and reputation of the primary brand they manage, to develop an integrated balanced product range.


Does Employee Quality Affect Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from China

Sun, SL; Li, TT; Ma, H; Li, RYM; Gouliamos, K; Zheng, JM; Han, Y; Manta, O; Comite, U; Barros, T; Duarte, N; Yue, XG;


This paper investigated the impact of employee quality on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on data from China A-share-listed companies for the years 2012-2016 and using ordinary least squares, our empirical results show that the educational level of the workforce, as a proxy for employee quality, is positively associated with CSR, which suggests that higher education can promote CSR implementation. Additional analyses found that this positive relationship is more pronounced in non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises in regions with lower marketisation processes, and firms with lower proportions of independent directors. This study extends the literature on human capital at the level of firms' entire workforce and CSR by elaborating the positive effect of employee quality on CSR in the context of an emerging economy (China). The results suggest that it is necessary to consider the educational level of employees when analysing CSR, which is of strategic significance for corporate sustainable development.

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