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Publicações por CESE


The Internationalization Process of a Born Global

Moreira, AC; Ramos, M; Ferraz, LF; Martins, D;

Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage - Entrepreneurial Orientation and Opportunities for Global Economic Growth

Although companies seek to export in order to meet the growing importance of international markets, vis-à-vis domestic markets, this chapter presents a case study of a company founded by two former high school teachers who started a beverage company in 2015 and quickly reached an early internationalization. The company produces alcoholic beverages and has won international awards regarding the quality of its product, which has given it an important status and opened the door to a process of rapid internationalization. This will be used to explore the theory of entrepreneurship and how two potential entrepreneurs, with employment difficulties in teaching, began with a project that gave birth to a born global firm.


The role of exploitative and exploratory innovation in export performance: an analysis of plastics industry SMEs

Ribau, CP; Moreira, AC; Raposo, M;


Innovation capabilities are important for firms to compete in the market. However, the literature has rarely examined how exploitative and exploratory innovation influences the export performance of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs). As exploitative and exploratory innovation plays different roles in sustaining SMEs' competitive advantages, this article presents an analysis of how four specific firms' innovation capabilities (i.e. marketing, strategy, research and development and manufacturing capabilities) impact these SMEs' export performance. Moreover, this study analysed how exploitative and exploratory innovation capabilities mediate the relationship of the four firms' internal innovation capabilities and export performance. The results indicate that exploitative innovation positively influences SMEs' export performance, but exploratory innovation does not. Another interesting finding is that strategy and manufacturing capabilities are important antecedents of both exploratory and exploitative innovation. Furthermore, the results reveal that only manufacturing capabilities have a direct impact on export performance, whereas strategy and manufacturing capabilities are the antecedents that most influence exploitative innovation and export performance.


Challenges of the Internationalization Strategy of a Technology-Based International New Venture

Fernandes, LC; Pereira, C; Simões, D; Moreira, AC;

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Internationalization - Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage

The present study seeks to analyze the behavior of a technological start-up regarding its entry modes in foreign markets. It is based on the case study of a company in the field of 3D printing and takes into account the analysis of topics such as the internationalization of start-ups and modes of entry in foreign markets, considering several theories of internationalization. As the company analyzed is a start-up, the research is supported by the analysis of the characteristics present in the process of internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study closes with the conclusion that this SME matches the profile of an International New Venture/Born Global (INV/BG), although the company takes advantage of the network-based theory and relationship orientation to enter international markets. The most used mode of entry by the company in international markets has been exporting activities.


Critical and inhibiting success factors in interorganizational networks: A case study

Durão, V; Moreira, AC;

Multilevel Approach to Competitiveness in the Global Tourism Industry

This chapter, based on a single case study, has as its main objective to analyze a real example of creating an inter-organizational network and to perceive what was done for the selection and creation of the strategic partnerships and inter-organizational network and what factors or conditions can inhibit these partnerships from having long-term success and throughout its life cycle. For this, a qualitative study based on action research and semi-structured interviews was conducted. Results show although many companies settle in inter-organizational networks to gain competitive advantage, cases of failure are still quite high. In this case, upstream partnerships have not been based on long-term trust and commitment, which has jeopardized the continuity of the network, although there is an express desire to re-establish contacts. The partnership established downstream did not show the same commitment to continue the partnership with a total termination of the relationship.


A Discussion on Transnationality and Globalness of HEI Internationalization

Moreira, AC; Brandão, F; Longa, I; Campolargo, L; Lopes, ARC;

Higher Education and the Evolution of Management, Applied Sciences, and Engineering Curricula - Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development

The internationalization of higher education institutions (HEIs) involve a set of activities aimed at providing an educational experience in an environment that integrates a global perspective. The internationalization of HEIs incorporates a diverse set of academic and extracurricular activities with emphasis on the development and innovation of curricula, academic/student/faculty exchange programs, technological assistance, intercultural training, international student recruitment, and joint research initiatives. Despite the several studies on the internationalization of HEIs, no single study addresses issues like local responsiveness and global integration. As such, the authors discuss how the internationalization of HEIs has evolved and how Bartlett and Ghoshal's strategies fit in the internationalization path of HEIs.


De-Internationalization of SMEs

Moreira, AC; Freitas da Silva, PM; Mota, J; Gadim, HO;

Handbook of Research on Corporate Restructuring and Globalization - Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Existing literature has devoted high attention to the topic of internationalization. A common assumption is that companies progressively commit to international operations; however, with the increase of competition in international markets, there may be a backwards perspective towards international operations. In this chapter, the topic of de-internationalization is examined, and a case study of a Portuguese SME that de-internationalized conducted. The featured case highlights the drivers and the main challenges of internationalization, as well as the factors and the difficulties in a de-internationalization process. The chapter findings highlight the need to expand the existing research on the topics of de-internationalization and re-internationalization.

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